Last Child

A thin figure sped through the night while the person behind him was shouting from behind, "Kid with the surname Chen! Don't go!"

Chen Zhe said very proudly, "Back off! Don't come near me!"The man from Mo's gang then murmured softly under his breath, "Just like his father..."

This soft murmur was still heard by Chen Zhe, who was endowed with extraordinary abilities. "Breath of Silence."Chen Zhe reached out and touched Mo Gangster's head, causing him to temporarily fall unconscious.

Several hours later, Gangster Mo woke up leisurely. He realized that he was in the woods, just as he was about to flee, Chen Zhe appeared in his eyes "Who did you say was like my father?"Chen Zhe looked at the people of the Mo Gang in confusion.

Mo Gang's people looked at him in horror and stammered, "No ... no one ... I'm talking nonsense."

Of course Chen Zhe didn't believe him, he stepped closer to the other party, "Tell the truth! Otherwise don't blame me for not being polite!"

The man from Mo Gang swallowed his saliva and trembled, "Your father also used this trick against us back then ... I just didn't think that you would actually ... do it as well."

Chen Zhe was shocked for a moment in his heart when he heard this. He had always thought that his psychic ability was unique, but he had never thought that it was related to his father. He decided to go back and investigate his father's past to figure out what was going on.

Chen Zhe turned around and left, his mind in a whirlwind of thoughts.

After returning home, he began to look around for clues about his father.

In the old folder, he found some hidden information, which recorded that his father had once fallen into the "glittering world".

The content is related to psychic powers, and the nuclear war a hundred years ago seems to be quite suspicious.

Ten minutes later...

Chen Zhe reluctantly said, "I'd better find my father first! Put the Liberation Foundation on hold for now!"

Lin Qifeng slowly opened his eyes. "You're finally awake, Prana Style."There was a hint of composure in Bai Mo's voice. Lin Qifeng lightly touched the wound, and a stinging sensation still came from it. "I didn't expect you to be able to take that blow from me."The corner of Bai Mo's mouth rose slightly.

"You're not bad either."Lin Qifeng covered his chest, his expression somewhat pained.

This battle had given them a deeper understanding of each other's strength.

"But why did you save me?"Lin Qifeng asked suspiciously.

Bai Mo was silent for a moment and slowly said, "I have my reasons, but I can't tell you yet."

Lin Qifeng frowned, but didn't pursue the question any further.

"Anyway, thank you."Lin Qifeng said.

"No need to thank you, we're kind of even."Bai Mo still had a smelly face.

At this time, a sound of footsteps came from outside the door, and the two were instantly alert.

"This scent ... seems to be déjà vu ...," Bai Mo secretly pondered.

The door was suddenly split open by a black lightning bolt, as if it was going to tear the entire world apart. The visitor was none other than the emissary of the Liberation Foundation. Lin Qifeng and Bai Mo glanced at each other as they both felt a strong pressure. The emissary looked at them indifferently, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"You two, you've ruined my plan."The messenger's voice was like cold ice.

Lin Qifeng gritted his teeth and stood up, "What exactly do you want?"

The messenger smiled, "I want to free this world, for the future."

After saying that, a ball of black lightning appeared in the messenger's hand and lunged towards Lin Qifeng and Bai Mo. Lin Qifeng waved his long black whip in an attempt to ward off the lightning's attack, while Bai Mo used his Xuan Shadow Blade Technique to fight fiercely against the flames.

"Shadow Style Heavenly Slash-Wave."Waves surged around Bai Mo's body, following the rhythm of the waves, each blade swung out was more powerful than the previous one, so he killed all the way to the messenger. Lin Qifeng similarly followed, softly shouting under his breath, "Heavy Whip Style - Six Consecutive."Six long black whips like six black dragons, carrying unrivaled might, killed the messenger.

"Dark Thunder." dozens of thunder circles easily defused the two's attacks.

The messenger laughed and muttered under his breath, "It's true, the people in the real world think they can challenge the "gods"..."

"Flashing Thunder." Numerous lightning blades of various lengths attacked the two men at lightning speed, with a strong sense of paralysis. The two were hit one after another.

"Damn it! I will fight you to the death!"Lin Qifeng said with a grim expression, but his body was no longer in control, making it difficult for him to move. Bai Mo analyzed stoically, "The paralysis won't last, when the paralysis ends, approach him."The two then killed again.

However, the messenger was too powerful, and the lightning gradually suppressed them. Just at the critical moment ...

"Opposite-Reverse Shadow!" a voice came from above, and Chen Zhe accelerated his body and kicked the messenger away. "This kind of thing! I definitely have to go along for the ride!"Chen Zhe said with a grin.

"This is ..." the messenger revealed a surprised look.

Lin Qifeng struck with all his might, and the long black whip hit the messenger hard, sending him flying out.

The messenger stabilized himself and looked at Lin Qifeng's three, "You ... will be purified by us!"After saying that, the messenger disappeared as a black smoke.

Lin Qifeng and Bai Mo breathed a sigh of relief, they knew that the battle was not over ... Chen Zhe was not too happy, "Why did you run away again? I've only just gotten here!"

At this time, Chen Zhe noticed Lin Qifeng on the side and opened his mouth to ask, "And you are?"Lin Qifeng replied with a calm face, "Surname Lin, first name Qifeng."Chen Zhe responded, "Chen Zhe, nice to meet you."

Bai Mo opened his mouth to ask what Chen Zhe was looking for him for.

"I want to inquire about my father, do you know anyone who knows my father?"Chen Zhe asked with some annoyance. Without waiting for Bai Mo to answer, Lin Qifeng interjected, "I know someone who might know news about your father."

"Who?"Chen Zhe asked eagerly.

"The man he calls Lin Hai, he is my father, perhaps my father and your father are also from the same era. However, he has an eccentric personality and isn't very good to deal with."Lin Qifeng reminded.

"It doesn't matter, as long as I can find news about my father, I'm not afraid of any difficulties."Chen Zhe said firmly.

"Alright, I can take you to him. However, you have to be careful, he is not an ordinary person."Lin Qifeng warned.

Chen Zhe nodded, his heart filled with anticipation. He called Bai Mo and prepared to meet Lin Hai. The three of them embarked on a journey to find Lin Hai. Along the way, Chen Zhe told Lin Qifeng and Bai Mo something about his father. Lin Qifeng and Bai Mo listened quietly, and they became interested in Chen Zhe's father.

After a few days of trekking, they finally arrived at the place where Lin Hai was. It was a remote valley surrounded by green mountains. Lin Hai was waiting for them by the fishing edge.

"You guys are here."Lin Hai said without looking back.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Hai. I'm Chen Zhe, I want to ask you something about my father."Chen Zhe said respectfully.

Lin Hai turned his head and looked Chen Zhe up and down, "Who is your father?"

"I don't know my father's exact name either, I only know that he also possesses special psychic abilities."Chen Zhe answered truthfully.

Lin Hai pondered for a moment, "It seems like I did hear of a person who possessed similar supernormal abilities, but it's been too long and I need some time to recall."

Chen Zhe looked at Lin Hai hopefully, "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Lin Hai."

Lin Hai nodded, "You guys stay here first, I'll tell you when I remember something."

Chen Zhe asked Lin Qifeng, "Mr. Lin Hai doesn't seem to remember you."

Lin Qifeng said somewhat helplessly, "Hey, he suffers from Alzheimer's."