For World

At this moment, a young boy walked steadily. "I am Yu Qiang, entrusted by Mr. Lin Hai to hand over this map to you."Yu Qiang took out a map on which a hidden site was marked.

Chen Zhe couldn't help but open his mouth in curiosity and asked, "What kind of shitty place is this? Birds don't even want to shit here!"

Yu Qiang did not care about what Chen Zhe said, and continued to explain, "About forty years after the nuclear war, radicals from many fields formed the Liberation Foundation, and its goals are still unclear. But what is clear is that because of the existence of this organization, the young people of the new era possessed psychic abilities. This place is the former site of the first group of psychics"

"That is to say? My father was one of the first batch of xenos?"Chen Zhe asked with some shock.

"Yes."Yu Qiang replied dryly.

Before Chen Zhe could continue to ask questions, a scent was captured by Bai Mo, who pondered in his heart, "This scent... is it a woman? And a man?"

At this moment a black lightning bolt struck down violently, and after the crowd hurriedly dodged it, they realized that it was the same messenger, and he was carrying a girl in his hand. "We meet again, gentlemen!", the messenger said expressionlessly.

"Swift Shadow.", Bai Mo saved the bruised and battered girl from the messenger's hands with a windy speed. And Lin Qifeng and Chen Zhe were already standing by, ready to fight.

"Heavy Whip - Line!"Lin Qifeng swung his long black whip, forming an encircling circle and attacking the messenger like a dragon coming out of the sea. "Dark Thunder Roar - Octuple Thunder. "The eight lightning bolts were dissolved by the messenger as much as they could be, and then he swung the lightning bolts in his hand, engaging Lin Qifeng in a fierce battle.

"Silent Light!"A beam of cold light shot straight at the Messenger's head like an arrow, and Chen Zhe took the opportunity to make the Messenger's mind go blank. This caused the Messenger's movements to slow down. Bai Mo immediately utilized his supernatural ability, and between the flashes of blade light, five blade marks went straight for the messenger's vitals.

However, the messenger was strong and easily resisted Bai Mo's attacks. He laughed coldly and his figure flashed ...

"Dark Thunder Roar - Thunderous Discontent!"

Hundreds of thunderbolts appeared everywhere like a blizzard.

"Counterflow..."Before Chen Zhe could exert his powers, the wounds forcibly interrupted his powers, and without exception, wounds of varying degrees appeared on everyone's bodies.

"This is also too fast ..." Huge blood marks appeared on Lin Qifeng's body, and then he fell down heavily.

At this moment, a voice rang out, "It's been thirty years, you've finally appeared."Lin Hai descended from the sky and gazed at the somewhat shocked messenger. "Lin Hai, you old man is still alive?"The messenger said with a sneer on his face. Lin Hai's eyes were firm, "Today is the day you die."

He waved his black long whip, "Boundless Sky." dozens of long whips attacked, intertwining with the messenger's black lightning, and for a moment, the sky and earth changed colors.

Both sides were at a standstill, and the messenger suddenly revealed a wry smile, "You think I'm the only one?"

Before the words fell, a group of mysterious people appeared in the surroundings, their aura was exceptionally powerful. Lin Hai's heart sank as the situation instantly became grim.

"Dammit! It's the Foundation Cultists!"Lin Hai cursed in his heart. Just then, Chen Zhe and the others struggled to stand up, their bodies were covered in wounds, Lin Qifeng said, "I'm not the idle one... "Let's go together!"Chen Zhe shouted somewhat reluctantly.

Bai Mo and Lin Qifeng glanced at each other and nodded, and they cast out their supernatural abilities and engaged in a fierce battle with the Foundationists.

Lin Hai, on the other hand, continued to confront the Emissary, and the two of them were on par with each other, making it difficult to distinguish between them. On the battlefield, various rays of light crisscrossed the battlefield, and the clashing sounds of supernatural abilities were endless.

"White Light Flow - Flash!"Chen Zhe softly shouted and unleashed his supernatural ability, dozens of white lights shot at the religious like arrows, causing their movements to become sluggish. "Shadow Blade. "Bai Mo composed himself and transported his energy, waves rippled around his body, and each blade was enhanced with the rhythm of the waves, complementing Chen Zhe's supernatural ability, cutting down a large number of followers like an autumn wind sweeping away leaves.

However, the Foundation followers were outnumbered and gradually gained the upper hand.

Just in the nick of time, "Swift Meteor", a large number of metal pieces pierced through the bodies of the followers in a matter of moments, and the person who came was none other than - Yu Qiang."I won't sit back and watch Master suffer."

"Haha, you guys are quite good at hiding!"Chen Zhe said with a smile.

And the duel between Lin Hai and the messenger continued as their battle entered a white-hot stage. In the end, Lin Hai found the Messenger's crack. "Untouchable!" a whip directly injured the messenger seriously.

"Damn it..." the messenger turned into a wisp of black smoke and dissipated into the sky. The battle, finally came to an end, and the aged Lin Hai could hardly support himself and collapsed. "Dad, child is unfilial..." sobbed Lin Qifeng.

Lin Hai gazed at the several teenagers and said with his last ounce of strength... "Yu Qiang, Bai Mo, Chen Zhe and Lin Qifeng... we failed to eradicate the Foundation in the old times, I hope that your generation can eliminate the Foundation and return the world to a clean and peaceful world free of alien powers..."

"Yes!"The crowd responded in unison. With a smile on his face, Lin Hai bid farewell to the world.

Several hours passed before the rescued girl woke up leisurely, and by the bedside stood a cold-faced Bai Mo. "You're finally awake."Bai Mo spoke without a ripple, and without even glancing at her, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"Please take me with you to leave! If I travel alone! The Foundation will definitely not let me go!"The girl's face was filled with despair as she said to Bai Mo.

The air seemed to freeze, and the silence lasted for several minutes before Bai Mo finally spoke, "Don't cause me any trouble."After saying that, he turned around and left.

The girl was still frozen in place, unable to believe that the high and cold Bai Mo had agreed so quickly.

"Quickly get on the horse, don't be dumbfounded."Bai Mo said to the girl expressionlessly.

"Ohhh! Ok!"The girl replied with her hands full.

On the way, Bai Mo asked the girl, "What's your name?"

"Uh...Bai Yoon."Bai Yoon responded stoically.

"Bai Mo."Bai mo likewise solemnly gave his name.

"I would like to ask where the others went?"Bai Yoon asked solemnly.

"They've left early, I'm staying here to wait for you to awaken."Bai mo responded.

"So you were supposed to take me away?"Bai Yoon continued to ask.

"That's right."Bai Mo replied. Just like that, the rest of the time continued to be Bat Yoon's incessant questions, and Bai Mo patiently answered them without getting tired of it...

On the other side, Chen Zhe and the others arrived at an abandoned town.

"What kind of rotting odor is this ...?"Chen Zhe frowned and said with a grave expression on his face.

"It feels like this place was abandoned from the war a hundred years ago, and it might contain radiation."Yu Qiang analyzed.

"What! Radiation! Get out of here!"Chen Zhe said in panic.

Lin Qifeng said with a speechless face, "You're an alien, you can be immune to all this radiation."

"Oh...oh well."Chen Zhe said with some embarrassment.