
The three of them continued to travel towards the inside, surrounded by dead silence, but the level of radiation was gradually increasing. "Qifeng, I think something is wrong."Chen Zhe said as he covered his nose.

"But judging by the ruins, that's the destination, so bear with it for a bit longer."Lin Qifeng said in a deep voice. In a flash, a silhouette emerged. "Woah shit! It's a ghost!"Chen Zhe said horrified. "Quiet, I'll go and probe the situation."Yu Qiang walked over to probe.

The figures inside walked out, a group of people, men and women, young and old. Lin Qifeng whispered to Chen Zhe, "Look at their costumes, they don't look like modern people, more like people from decades ago."

At this time, an old man walked out of the crowd and arched his hand at Lin Qifeng and the others, "A few guests have traveled a long way to come here, so I hope you'll bear with me."

Lin Qifeng said, "Elder, we unintentionally intruded into this place, please forgive us if we have offended. May I ask what this place is? And who are you guys?"

The old man smiled faintly and said, "This is Auxiliary Shot Town, and we are all survivors who suffered the effects of nuclear radiation back then. For many years, we have been living here, isolated from the world."

Chen Zhe was surprised, "Are you not affected by radiation? Could it be that you're also Altered Beings?"

The old man sighed and said, "The genes in our bodies have mutated, and although we are not Alterans, we can withstand a certain level of radiation. But this ability also has a price, we can't leave this land, and our lifespans are short, currently no one has lived past thirty-five years old."

Lin Qifeng nodded thoughtfully, as if he had thought of something.

"Lin Qifeng stared sharply at the old man and asked, "So, old sir, do you know any secrets about the supernormal abilities? For example, why do the new generation of young people possess supernormal abilities? Also, why does the foundation hunt down and kill the xenos?"

The old man shook his head, "We are not sure about the origin of this psychic ability. As for the Foundation, as far as I know, the Foundation seems to be a re-established organization, and the old site of the first batch of xenos had access to this information."

Lin Qifeng interjected, "Old sir, don't you have any xenos here?"The old man was silent for a moment before saying, "Ours had Alterans, but they didn't make it because of the auxiliary shooting. In the depths of the town, there is a gene pool of them that may be able to help you. There might be danger as well."

Lin Qifeng's eyes lit up, "Thanks for the guidance, old sir. We'll go and look for that institute right now."After saying that, he led Chen Zhe and Yu Qiang and walked towards the depths of the town. The old man looked at their departing backs and silently prayed in his heart that they would be safe.

"A new generation of young people has arrived, and their strength is unprecedented..." the old man said in a deep voice.

"Eradicating the Foundation is a top priority!"

"Stop and set up camp. The sky is already dark."As Bai Mo spoke, the sky darkened. The two sat down next to the camp. "Bai Yoon, you are a special alien, right?"Bai Mo captured his breath, and Bai Yoon's breath was weaker than that of an ordinary alien. "Hmm.... yes, although I'm not a shifter, my physical qualities are stronger than normal people."

The dusky sunset shone obliquely on the wasteland camp, and the sparse light reflected on Bai Mo and Bai Yoon's faces through the tattered tent cloth. The two sat by the campfire, with scattered camp supplies scattered around them. Bai Mo quietly polished a black longsword, its body glinting with an eerie luster in the firelight.

Bai Yoon chewed on his dried food while curiously watching Bai Mo's movements, and asked again, "Brother, just how good is your sword skill? Can you give me a demonstration?"

Bai Mo glanced at him coldly and continued to focus on the sword in his hand, "Haven't you already seen it?"

"But I still think it's amazing."Bai Yoon had an excited look on his face, as if he had never seen enough.

Bai Mo shook his head helplessly and sighed softly, "Swordsmanship is just a tool, what's important is how it's utilized."

Just as the two of them were chatting, a sudden rush of footsteps and rustling scuffling sounds came from the distance. Bai Mo's expression instantly became alert as he quickly stood up and gripped his longsword tightly in his hand. Bai Yoon also immediately put down the dry food in his hands and took a defensive stance.

"There are enemies."Bai Mo warned in a low voice, his gaze sharply scanning the surroundings.

"I don't know what it is ...," Bai Yoon gulped nervously, fine beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

In an instant, several black shadows sprang out from the ruins on the outskirts of the camp and quickly approached the two.

"Extreme Speed Sudden Shadow Slash."

Bai Mo's eyes turned cold, his feet lashed out, instantly leaping up, his longsword traced a graceful arc, the sword body splitting into countless black shadow blades in the air, shooting towards the black shadows.

Bai Yoon was also not willing to show weakness, his body instantly glowed with a light halo, his muscles swelled, and his strength increased significantly. He made a fierce dash and met one of the enemies straight on, his fist slamming into the other like a hammer.

"Eat my fist!"

Bai Mo secretly sighed in his heart, "The strength of this girl's ability is admirable."

"Shadow Sky Slash - Stars. "Bai Mo once again launched his blade.

A sharp metallic clash erupted as the shadow blade clashed with the enemy. Bai Mo's figure swiftly weaved through the battlefield, each sword strike was precise and accurate, and the enemy was powerless to fight back. Bai Yoon, on the other hand, utilized his strong physical qualities to engage in close combat with the enemy, punching and kicking them back.

Soon, the enemies fell one after another, and the camp returned to a brief period of calm. Bai Mo retrieved his longsword and coldly gazed at the enemies that fell to the ground with a slight frown, "These people came too suddenly, I'm afraid that they have a bigger plot."

Bai Yoon wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked under his breath, "what do we do next?"

Bai Mo pondered for a moment and said with firm eyes, "We must leave here immediately and go find more of Chen Zhe and the others. These are the Foundation's congregants, and must not fight alone."

Bai Yoon nodded, clenched his fists and looked at Bai Mo. The backs of the two looked particularly resolute in the afterglow of the setting sun, and they knew that what awaited them ahead were even tougher challenges and unknown dangers. But as long as they were of one mind, they wouldn't be afraid of any difficulties.

The next morning, Bai Mo and Bai Yoon traveled through the wasteland, far away from the camp where they had encountered the enemy before. They traveled along a narrow and barren path, sometimes avoiding obstacles piled up by ruins, sometimes crossing rivers that were barren due to abandoned vegetation. The world had been revolutionized by destruction and mutation, and survival had become a constant challenge.

Bai Mo was silent, as always, focusing on the route ahead and the surroundings, knowing that every inch of this place could hide unknown dangers. Bai Yoon, on the other hand, looked around somewhat uneasily, occasionally glancing at Bai Mo, as if waiting for an appropriate moment to speak.

Finally, after they had been traveling for several hours, Bai Yoon couldn't help but break the silence, " Bai Mo."

Bai Mo raised his eyebrows, signaling her to continue.

"I've never asked you, we've been dodging battles and dangers all this way, but what is our goal?"Bai Yoon's voice carried a hint of doubt and exploration.

Bai Mo stopped and gave her a deep look. In this destroyed world, no one knew what would happen on the road.

"Our goal is to destroy the Foundation," Bai Mo's voice echoed in the stillness of the night.

A flash of surprise and alarm flashed through Bai Yoon's eyes, "Are you sure you can eradicate the Foundation?"

Bai Mo nodded, "My companion once told me that the Foundation is the root cause of this ruin, causing a large number of newborns to either die or become psychics. We must find it, not only for ourselves, but for all those who still struggle in this world."

Bai Yoon fell silent, her eyes becoming more determined in the night. She knew that the journey would be long and dangerous, but she was willing to accompany Bai Mo, no matter how difficult the road ahead was.

"Bai Mo, thank you for always being by my side."Bai Yoon said softly.

Bai Mo just responded coldly, "We are one, Bai Yoon. No matter what happens, I will protect you."

The two resumed their journey, the road ahead was still long, but they had a clear direction and goal. In this wasteland, their story would continue, and their wills would continue to be tested.