
"I really must thank those greedy terrorists. They didn't follow my orders and kill you outright. I thought you, the goose that lays golden eggs, were no longer of any use."

"I never expected you'd surprise me, Tony. You've laid the biggest golden egg of your life."

As Obadiah spoke, he pulled out a magnetic extractor from his pocket, about the same size as the arc reactor in Tony's chest.

"You truly are a genius, Tony. This thing will change the entire world!"

Obadiah pressed a button, and the arc reactor was slowly extracted.

"Absolutely beautiful. It's a work of art, a perfect masterpiece! Do you know? I specifically created a suit of armor more powerful than your new toy for this piece of art."

Obadiah admired the arc reactor in his hand, casting a contemptuous glance at Tony.

"You haven't grown at all since you were 21. Did you really believe I would hand over the company to you?" Obadiah slapped Tony across the face.

"Trying to buy my shares at 50% above market price? Trying to oust me from my empire? Enjoy your last few minutes of life, Tony!"

"You won't be lonely for long. Pepper will soon join you. She's a wonderful woman, isn't she?" Obadiah laughed heartily as he left.

Tony lay paralyzed on the sofa, straining his neck to move, but he couldn't even speak.

The clock on the wall ticked 193 times before Tony finally gained control over his body.

"JARVIS, call Blake. Tell him to get to Stark Industries immediately. Pepper is in danger!"

After instructing JARVIS, Tony stumbled towards the basement, frantically dialing Pepper's phone.

For some reason, Pepper wasn't answering.

Tumbling down the long stairs, he finally reached his workbench, but couldn't reach the repackaged first-generation mini arc reactor Pepper had prepared.

"Ah!" Tony let out a hoarse scream.

Without the arc reactor, he could feel the shrapnel clogging his blood vessels, making breathing difficult.

"Hopefully, Blake can reach the company in time to save Pepper. He should be able to manage!"

As Tony's consciousness began to fade, the clumsy, often ridiculed robotic arm seemed to sense its owner's plight.

It slowly moved over, extending its arm, and swept the arc reactor off the table.

The glass cover shattered upon impact.

Summoning all his remaining strength, Tony grabbed the arc reactor and shoved it into his chest.

"Oh! Good boy!" Taking a deep breath, he didn't forget to praise the robotic arm.

Finally feeling a sense of relief, he experienced the joy of narrowly escaping death.

"JARVIS, did you reach Blake?"

"Sorry, sir. Mr. Blake hasn't answered his phone."

"No time left. Pepper!"

Understanding Pepper's importance, the revived Tony quickly donned his suit, instructing JARVIS to keep dialing Pepper's phone.

Luckily, as he flew towards the company, Pepper answered.


Pepper had just finished work and noticed the numerous missed calls from Tony Stark on her silenced phone on the sofa.

"Pepper, thank God you called back. If you're still at the company, leave immediately! Obadiah took my arc reactor and secretly built a suit of armor."

"Oh, my God! Are you okay, Tony? I mean, without the reactor, what are you going to do?"

Like Tony, Pepper's first concern was his safety.

"I'm fine, thanks to the arc reactor you gave me. I'm fine. I'm heading to the company now. You need to leave, right now!"


Relieved to know Tony was safe, Pepper rushed towards the elevator.

But just as she reached the company's entrance, the asphalt and concrete on the ground began to churn.

A steel giant over three meters tall broke through the ground, emerging from an underground secret research base.

"Oh my God!" Pepper stepped back in shock, staring at the Iron Monger.

"Pepper! It's great that you're here. I'll send you to hell and Tony will accompany you soon!"

Obadiah, controlling the Iron Monger, raised its steel right arm.

If Blake were here, he would marvel at the twists of fate. Despite his presence altering many events, even causing the birth of the Iron Man armor two months earlier than originally, some scenes still unfolded just as they did in the original movie. It seemed as if they had been preordained.

This moment was no different. Just as Pepper was about to be shredded by the Gatling gun on the Iron Monger's right arm, Tony, in his suit, descended from the sky.


With a burst of speed, Tony collided with the Iron Monger's head, smashing through a wall, and they both tumbled onto the bustling street outside.

The two steel figures, one large and one small, crashed through the cargo compartment of a large truck, rolling into the middle of the road.

The sudden appearance of these hulking figures blocked a lane of traffic. Nearby vehicles swerved frantically to avoid them, causing numerous collisions.

Further back, some drivers, unaware of what was happening ahead, blared their horns impatiently. Another car swerved sharply to avoid the Iron Monger and Iron Man, only for the car behind it to be less fortunate. Speeding along, the driver suddenly saw the enormous steel giant and instinctively slammed on the brakes, stopping just inches from the Iron Monger.

Before the driver could breathe a sigh of relief, Obadiah, controlling the Iron Monger, got up from the ground. Seeing the SUV in front of him, he picked it up, using it as a weapon, while the driver screamed inside.

"Concentrate all energy to the chest!"

Tony, seeing people in the car, quickly gave the command. The reactor on his chest flared brightly, and a powerful laser beam shot out, knocking the Iron Monger back several times.

Tony extended both hands, and the Mark 2 suit safely caught the falling vehicle.


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