Battle 2

After setting the car down to let the driver escape Tony saw Obadiah pick up a speeding motorcycle, not caring if the unfortunate rider would be thrown to their death.

The motorcycle struck Tony, sending him crashing into a bus in the adjacent lane. Before Tony could get up, the Iron Monger performed a heavy jump, landing squarely on the Mark 2. Obadiah stomped on the suit twice more for good measure.

"Do you feel the difference in our power, Tony? God, I love this armor!"

While speaking, Obadiah grabbed Tony and hurled him into a nearby bus, almost splitting it in two like fragile tin. Fortunately, the bus had stopped when the fight started, and the passengers had already fled. Otherwise, who knows how many people would have been killed.

Tony knew the crowded area would cause collateral damage if the battle continued. After getting up, he used all available energy for propulsion, and jets of flame shot from the suit's hands and feet, propelling the Mark 2 skyward.

"Tony, it seems you've upgraded your suit, but I've made significant improvements to mine as well!"

With Obadiah's words, twin jets of smoke-emitting fire burst from the Iron Monger's feet, slowly lifting it into the air.

Though the Iron Monger couldn't match the Mark 2's speed, its reactor was new, while Tony's was old and nearly depleted.

As they ascended higher, the Iron Monger slowly closed the gap.

"Energy at 12%!"

"Energy at 9%!"

Jarvis's voice kept warning Tony.

"Stop talking and just display it on the screen!"

Tony focused on his altitude, calculating whether he could freeze the Iron Monger to make it crash while ensuring his safe return.


The sound of metal striking metal rang out. Tony's ascent slowed as the Iron Monger grabbed his ankle.

"Damn it!"

Tony cursed as Obadiah pulled him in and grasped the suit's neck with both massive hands, like an adult holding a baby.

The good news was that the Iron Monger was beginning to ice over, while they continued to ascend.

"See, Tony, I'm stronger and more powerful. This is the optimal use of the arc reactor!"

"Oh? And how did you solve the icing problem?"

Since Obadiah lifted the Mark 2 for the final ascent, Tony had conserved enough energy for a rough landing. He asked the question with confidence.

"Icing problem? What icing problem?"

Obadiah hadn't realized what Tony meant, but the frosty Iron Monger was already failing, with its reactor dimming.

"You should really check that out!"

Tony tapped the Iron Monger's helmet lightly. Powerless, the Iron Monger released its grip and plummeted toward the ground.

Tony sighed in relief. His energy level wasn't sufficient for a controlled flight back to the ground.

He had to rely on free fall, occasionally using the thrusters to slow his descent. After a rough descent and crashing through the rooftop railing, he landed safely on the rooftop of the Stark Industries building, tumbling across the surface. His left arm's armor rolled away to an unknown spot before he finally came to a stop.

"Thank God!" he muttered, immediately contacting Pepper.

"Pepper, are you okay?"

"Tony, I'm fine. How are you?"

Pepper had watched the Iron Monger and Tony ascend, worried about Tony's safety due to the stark difference in size between the suits.

"I'm fine, just out of power. I need to get out of this suit! Oh!~~~"

Before he could finish speaking, the Iron Monger had reached the rooftop, punching Tony and sending him flying. Unfortunately for Obadiah, Tony didn't die from the fall. Like before, the suit restored itself mid-air, and the Iron Monger flew back at him.

Tony steadied himself in the air, instinctively raising his left hand to fire a repulsor blast, only to remember his left arm's armor was missing. In a panic, he used the remaining energy to jump to the height of the Iron Monger's head and delivered a punch.


But that was all he could do. Without sufficient power, the Mark 2's attacks were laughable against the Iron Monger's thick armor. Obadiah grabbed Tony's suit by the waist, intending to crush both Tony and the suit.

Tony, being Iron Man, wasn't just about the suit. In this desperate moment, he used his right hand to rip out some external wiring from the Iron Monger. This highlighted one of the Iron Monger's flaws: while its heavy, pure alloy construction provided immense defense, it limited the weapon system to external mounts.

Unlike the movie, Tony couldn't damage the Iron Monger's sensor systems in time. Obadiah, recovering, grabbed Tony by the neck and flung him away. Now entirely out of energy, Tony lay on the ground, breathing heavily. The Iron Monger performed another heavy jump, landing in front of Tony.

"It's over, Tony!"

With bullets ineffective against Tony's armor, Obadiah opted for a direct punch. The massive metal fist swung down.


A small, human-sized fist appeared, blocking the Iron Monger's punch. The force of the clash created a shockwave that rippled outward.

"I think you should help me furnish my new house. What do you think, Tony?"

Blake casually withdrew his fist, turning to smile at Tony on the ground.


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