Chapter 94 Sixth Layer of Qi Refinement Stage! Repaying Drips of Kindness, Whirlpool of Soul Gathering!

"Uncle Yunhai, it's me, Qin Wang."

Qin Wang looked at Li Yunhai, walked forward, grasped his hand, and infused a surge of spiritual energy, causing his brow to slightly furrow.

He discovered that there was a chilling internal energy within Li Yunhai's body, the true culprit behind his weakened state!

With Qin Wang's current strength at the fifth layer of Qi Refinement, expelling this chilling internal energy was effortless.

In no time,

Li Yunhai's spirit recovered significantly.

"Wang-zi, it's really you!?"

Feeling much better, Li Yunhai sat up, looked at Qin Wang, and hurriedly said, "You must leave quickly, General Zhenmo is searching for you everywhere! Hurry! There's no time to lose!"

"Huh? General Zhenmo?"

Upon hearing Li Yunhai's words, Qin Wang was puzzled.

"It's Zheng Lingyun, Zheng Kecheng's son. He has become General Zhenmo under Prince Jin's command. Half a month ago, he came to Qingniu Town, accusing you of killing members of the Chen family, heinous crimes. He came to my house looking for you, promising a heavy reward if he sees you!"

"Wang-zi, go, the farther the better, don't come back!"

Worry etched on Li Yunhai's face.

"Zheng Lingyun?"

"Uncle Yunhai, it seems the chilling internal energy in your body was caused by Zheng Lingyun's sneak attack!"

Qin Wang looked at Li Yunhai and said in a deep voice.

"Ah? Zheng Lingyun attacked me?"

Li Yunhai was greatly shocked, murmuring, "He patted my shoulder that day, and three days later, I fell ill."

"Don't worry, Uncle Yunhai. I will deal with Zheng Lingyun thoroughly."

"I came back this time to see you. Now that your injuries have healed, take the time to dig under the firewood pile in my house's kitchen. Those things are for you. I will always remember your kindness when you gave me rough rice and fish!"

"The things are for you alone to know. Otherwise, it may attract covetous eyes and bring disaster upon you. I'm leaving."

After saying this, Qin Wang flashed away and disappeared without a trace.

"Wang-zi! Take care!"

Li Yunhai chased to the door, but Qin Wang's figure was nowhere to be seen.

"Ah? This is silver? So much!"

Turning back suddenly, Li Yunhai saw a heap of shining silver ingots on the bed, along with two books, startling him.

In his entire life, he had never seen so much silver!

"Oh my god, please protect Wang-zi from General Zhenmo's pursuit!"

Li Yunhai muttered to himself as he looked out the window, deeply worried. At that moment, footsteps approached outside, and Li Yunhai's expression changed. He quickly pulled up the blanket and covered the silver.

The events involving Qin Wang were something he wished to keep to himself.

Bai Doctor's Courtyard.


With no patients today, Bai Mingliang was playing with the loyal dog Wangcai in the courtyard.

"Grandpa Bai!"

Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded from inside the house. Bai Mingliang followed the sound and saw a tall, handsome young man standing at the doorway.

"Are you Xiao Qin?"

"When did you come back?"

Seeing Qin Wang, Bai Mingliang stood up suddenly, his eyes filled with joy as he approached, grabbing Qin Wang's hands and murmuring, "It's been so long since I've seen you. You've grown strong, and your pulse is steady, good, good!"

"I'm very happy you came to see me, but be careful, Zheng Kecheng's son is looking for you everywhere! Be cautious!"

Bai Mingliang's expression turned worried, speaking softly, then he went to close the door leading to the front hall.

"Grandpa Bai, I came back this time to see you. By the way, where's Sister Fenghuan?"

Qin Wang scanned around and asked.

Knowing Bai Fenghuan's personality, she would definitely be the first one to rush out to see him.

"Fenghuan's father, Lingfeng, returned and took her to find her mother. I, this old bone, can't leave Qingniu Town and can only stay here alone."

Bai Mingliang laughed heartily, full of vigor.

Qin Wang noticed that Bai Doctor looked even more robust and spirited than before he left.


"I see!"

Nodding, Qin Wang didn't ask further, chatting with Bai Doctor for a while before leaving. Following the trail of Thousand Miles Soul-chasing Incense, he headed towards Zhao Xuanzhen.

Half a month later.

Da Cang Country, Yizhou.

Tianshui County.

Late at night, in an inn room, Qin Wang sat cross-legged on the bed, palms open. The two pieces of spirit stones in his hands turned into ashes.

"I've finally reached the sixth layer of the Qi Refinement Stage!"

Qin Wang looked at the display, a hint of joy in his eyes.

[Realm: Sixth Layer of Qi Refinement Stage (1/6000)]

"With the sixth layer of Qi Refinement Stage, I have a greater chance of dealing with Zhao Xuanzhen!"

Qin Wang was in a very good mood.

After leaving Bai Doctor's Hundred Herbs Hall, he proceeded directly to kill Zheng Lingyun and then chased after Zhao Xuanzhen.

[1: You tracked Zhao Xuanzhen for a thousand miles, obtaining information that Zhao Xuanzhen is a member of the Slayer Alliance. He and more than fifty other members of the Slayer Alliance are heading to Qingyun Immortal City.]

[2: You tracked Zhao Xuanzhen for a thousand miles, obtaining information that Zhao Xuanzhen will go to Tianyong City in Yuzhou, Da Cang Country, to scout ahead for Tang Jianzhong.]

[3: You recently used the Soul Gathering Bowl, successfully refining the second layer prohibition, obtaining information that it consumes spiritual consciousness and can be used to cast a Soul Gathering Vortex. When a Qi Refinement Stage Nine cultivator is caught in the vortex, they will lose consciousness for a moment. The lower the cultivation, the longer the loss of consciousness.]

[4: You touched the black broken sword and obtained information that its previous owner, Master Chuan Ying, was a Foundation Establishment Realmsman of the 'Hidden Sword Lineage' of the Taiyi Sword Sect.]

[5: Your destination this time is Qingyun Immortal City, obtaining information that Qingyun Immortal City is a large fairy city formed by four Golden Core families.]

[6: Your destination this time is Qingyun Immortal City, obtaining information that there is a fragment related to the mysterious fragment you wear.]

[7: You escaped from Xiaodanshan Town, avoiding being torn apart by five third-order beasts, obtaining information that Purple Clouds Realmsman has fled to Qingyun Immortal City and is hiding under an alias.]

[8: You escaped from Xiaodanshan Town, obtaining information that Elder Zhao Yulong of Xiaodanshan Town has been taken back to the Spirit Medicine Sect by Zhang Panpan who came to pick up disciples. Zhao Yulong's family Zhao Haifeng and Dao Companion Mo Yunyan are on their way to Qingyun Immortal City.]

[9: You escaped from Xiaodanshan Town, obtaining information that Li Qiyue and Yan Honghao, whom you had a brief encounter with, are on their way to Qingyun Immortal City.]

[10: You escaped from Xiaodanshan Town, avoiding being torn apart by five beasts, obtaining information that Xiaodanshan Town has been occupied by the awakened arm of a demonic powerhouse, becoming a domain of demons.]

"Zhao Xuanzhen has gone ahead to scout for the Slayer Alliance?"

"I finally caught him leaving the Slayer Alliance!"

Seeing the second information, Qin Wang thought that opportunity had come.

As far as Qin Wang knew.

Zhao Xuanzhen was at the sixth layer of the Qi Refinement Stage. If he followed Tang Jianzhong, it wouldn't be easy to act. If he were alone, it would be a different matter.

"A Soul Gathering Vortex can be cast using the second layer prohibition of the Soul Gathering Bowl?"

Qin Wang looked at the third piece of information, revealing a look of surprise.

Soul Gathering Vortex: It consumes spiritual consciousness. Using the Soul Gathering Bowl, a vortex can be cast that causes a Qi Refinement Stage Nine cultivator to lose consciousness for a moment. The lower the cultivation, the longer the loss of consciousness.

"Purple Clouds Realmsman also fled to Qingyun Immortal City?"

Qin Wang looked at the seventh piece of information, squinting.

This old guy sealed the Great Array and almost killed him. If he didn't kill him, he wouldn't be able to swallow this breath!

"Xiaodanshan Town has been taken over by that demonic arm?"

"Completely becoming a domain of demons?"

Qin Wang saw the tenth piece of information, shocked in his heart.

Fortunately, he escaped. If he had been a little later, he would probably be dead!

Qingniu Town.

"Wang-zi, Uncle Hai gave you a little rough rice and a fish, but you gave Uncle Hai a lifetime's worth of silver."

Li Yunhai stood in the kitchen of Qin Wang's house, looking at the pile of silver underground with a grateful look.

Qingyun Immortal City is a huge immortal city located between the three countries of Da Cang, Da Wei and Da Chu.

This immortal city.

Gathered immortal gate masters, casual cultivators, and families from the three major countries and surrounding dynasties.

Yuzhou, Tianyong City, is located on the border of Dacang Country, close to Qingyun Fairy City.

Three months later.

Qin Wang stood in Room 3 of the Golden Dragon Inn in the east of Tianyong City.

Room 18 is the inn where Zhao Xuanzhen stayed.

As far as Qin Wang knows, Zhao Xuanzhen came to inquire about the news of the Fairy City on the orders of Tang Jianzhong, and other members of the Demon Slayer Alliance are on their way.