Chapter 95 Seventh Layer of Qi Refinement Stage, Slaying Zhao Xuanzhen! Spirit Sword Technique, Meeting Gaoyuan

Qingyun Immortal City.

It's a huge county city hidden in the Mang Yong Mountains.

The minimum requirement for entry is the Martial Dao Innate Realm.

Without this realm, one has no qualification to enter.

"Now that I've reached the seventh layer of Qi Refinement Stage with a proficiency of over a thousand, killing Zhao Xuanzhen should be stable."

Three months had passed. Qin Wang had trailed Zhao Xuanzhen all this time, absorbing spiritual stones along the way, and successfully broke through to the seventh layer of Qi Refinement Stage.

[Realm: Seventh Layer of Qi Refinement Stage (1239/7000)]

Qin Wang used the Locking Spiritual Concealment Method to hide his cultivation at the appearance of the fourth layer of Qi Refinement Stage.

Golden Dragon Inn.

Room 3.

"Damn little bastard, he actually followed me all the way from Xiaodan Mountain! Damn it!"

"Just at the fourth layer of Qi Refinement Stage, he dares to track me. Could it be that Gaoyuan and the others are nearby?"

A middle-aged man of medium build in gray clothes looked out the window, his expression darkening.

At this moment, Zhao Xuanzhen was filled with immense anger. He had received orders from Alliance Leader Tang Jianzhong to come to Tianyong City cautiously to gather information, but unexpectedly saw someone familiar.

Back in Xiaodan Mountain, the young man who followed Gaoyuan.

What he didn't expect was that this young man had reached the fourth layer of Qi Refinement Stage.

He was now at the sixth layer of Qi Refinement Stage, approaching the seventh layer, naturally not fearing a young man at the fourth layer of Qi Refinement Stage.

What he feared was Gaoyuan and his team of demon hunters!

"I can't stay here. I need to leave first!"

After a moment's thought, Zhao Xuanzhen's gaze became resolute.

When he forced Gaoyuan to hand over 40 spiritual stones back then, it might be the reason Gaoyuan held a grudge against him.

Although he didn't find Gaoyuan's trace, if Gaoyuan was nearby, it would be disastrous.

"You little bastard, once the other members of the Demon Slayer Alliance arrive, if I don't kill you, my surname isn't Zhao!"

Zhao Xuanzhen quickly packed up and cautiously left.

Three hours later.

Zhao Xuanzhen concealed himself and arrived at the east of Tianyong City, in a large courtyard. He rented this place to wait for the arrival of the members of the Demon Slayer Alliance, and when they came, they would proceed to Qingyun Immortal City together.

"He didn't follow. It's safe."

Carefully surveying the surroundings, Zhao Xuanzhen closed the courtyard gate and entered the house. He prepared to send a message to the Alliance Leader.

"You... How are you here?"

Suddenly, Zhao Xuanzhen looked at a young figure in the hall, startled. He waved his hand and drew a sword from his storage bag, ready to strike at any moment.

At the same time, he took three steps back, vigilant and looking around.

At this moment, Zhao Xuanzhen was filled with shock.

He was already cautious enough, yet he was still tracked down by this young man into the house.

He wasn't afraid of the young man before him; he was afraid of Gaoyuan!

"Zhao Xuanzhen, you snatched 40 spiritual stones from me. I'm here to take them back."

Qin Wang looked at Zhao Xuanzhen, calmly speaking.

As he spoke.

The black Soul Gathering Bowl in his hand emitted a black light, and a faint vortex appeared.


Zhao Xuanzhen looked at the faint black vortex and suddenly felt his consciousness blur, as if his thoughts had momentarily stagnated.

Suddenly, Zhao Xuanzhen felt a sharp pain in his chest. When he came to his senses, he slowly lowered his head and saw a long sword pierced through his chest, almost to the hilt!


"I... can't accept this!"

Zhao Xuanzhen pointed at the young man in front of him, his eyes filled with disbelief and unwillingness, before collapsing to the ground!

He, a cultivator approaching the seventh layer of Qi Refinement Stage, was ambushed and killed by a cultivator at the fourth layer of Qi Refinement Stage. This death was too unjust!

The next moment.

Zhao Xuanzhen felt his consciousness enter the black Soul Gathering Bowl.

"The Soul Gathering Vortex lives up to its name! How satisfying!"

Qin Wang looked at Zhao Xuanzhen who had fallen to the ground, satisfaction filling his eyes.

This Soul Gathering Vortex was truly a sharp weapon.

Zhao Xuanzhen, nearing the completion of the sixth layer of Qi Refinement Stage, had his consciousness momentarily stagnated by a vortex that appeared in the Soul Gathering Bowl, and was pierced through the chest by Qin Wang with a single blow!

Qin Wang then used the Fire Spirit Sword to cut off Zhao Xuanzhen's head, confirming his death. Only then did he approach, removed the storage bag from his waist, and after searching his body, finding nothing, he put the body into the storage bag, erased any traces, and left.

Half an hour later.

Twenty miles outside Tianyong City, in a secluded forest.

"This Zhao Xuanzhen, who knows how many people he has intercepted!"

"He's actually so wealthy!"

Qin Wang sat cross-legged, looking at the storage bag in his hand, his eyes filled with delight.

With Zhao Xuanzhen dead.

The spiritual imprint on his storage bag dissipated.

Qin Wang easily infiltrated it with his spiritual consciousness and planted an imprint, making it his third storage bag.

In Zhao Xuanzhen's storage bag were 400 spiritual stones, 7 bottles of Spirit Nourishing Pills, 6 bottles of Qi Supplementing Pills, various low-grade spiritual herbs, and piles of materials from demon beasts.

Qin Wang searched for a while and found a pale yellow jade slip, as well as a heavy piece of iron fragment the size of a bowl.

"The Spirit Sword Technique?"

Qin Wang immersed his spiritual consciousness into the pale yellow jade slip and immediately discovered a nearly thousand-word sword technique named the Spirit Sword Technique.

This technique originated from the Taiyi Sword Sect and was the matching spiritual technique for the black broken sword. With this technique combined with spiritual consciousness, during the Foundation Establishment Stage, one could control the Spirit Sword to kill enemies and fly with the sword.

Although the sword was broken, if he cultivated the Spirit Sword Technique and absorbed enough spiritual qi, he could still unleash sword energy to slay cultivators at the Ninth Layer of Qi Refinement Stage.

"This harvest is not bad!"

"Mastering this Spirit Sword Technique adds another ace up my sleeve!"

Qin Wang looked at the pale yellow jade slip in his hand, then took out the black broken sword, anticipation in his eyes.

With his current cultivation at the seventh layer of Qi Refinement Stage, if he could unleash sword energy with this broken sword, a single strike could kill a cultivator at the Ninth Layer of Qi Refinement Stage, making it a great defensive weapon.

Coupled with the Soul Gathering Vortex, he had no fear of single-handedly dealing with opponents in the Qi Refinement Stage.

"This piece of iron fragment really came with twists and turns!"

Qin Wang took out the iron fragment mentioned in the information, expressing endless emotion.

According to the information.

This iron fragment had a mysterious origin and was of great help to him.

Qin Wang searched with his spiritual consciousness for a long time but couldn't discern anything.

There were only some unfamiliar symbols on it, resembling some form of writing.

"The items are in hand. I'll ponder them later. For now, I must catch up with Gaoyuan and enter the Immortal City together."

Taking a deep breath, Qin Wang had no choice but to give up, quietly saying to himself.

Tianxing City, adjacent to Tianyong City.

Tiansheng Inn.

"Wenjing, tomorrow we will head to Qingyun Immortal City. Dad has inquired; entry requires registration and an annual payment of twelve spiritual stones."

"It's similar to Xiaodan Mountain, but the cultivation opportunities here are far beyond Xiaodan Mountain!"

"A larger Immortal City represents the ability to go farther and higher in the future!"

Gaoyuan stood on the second-floor corridor, looking at the distant city covered in spiritual mist, his eyes filled with anticipation.

"Well, it's a pity that Xiaojin couldn't keep up."

Gaoyuan's eyes flashed as he spoke.

"Ah, at that time, we were too focused on escaping for our lives. I didn't expect him to get separated from us."

Gaoyuan sighed.

Qin Tiedan was indeed a good young man, very polite.

"Huh? Gaoshu!"

Just then, a handsome young man in blue clothes on the street outside the inn waved towards Gaoyuan.


"It's really you! What a coincidence!"

Gaoyuan looked down at the young man in blue clothes on the long street, his eyes suddenly brightening. This young man had thick eyebrows and big, spirited eyes. Who else could it be but Qin Wang?