Chapter 101: Eighth Level of Qi Refining! Purple Mist Master's Divine Sense Imprint! Can't Trick Me to Death!

A month later.


In the small courtyard, number 168, Deng Xianyuan.

[Qin Wang]

[Lifespan: 19/132]

[Realm: Eighth Level of Qi Refining (2/8000)]

[Sword Technique: Sword of Another World, Upper Volume (Mastered) (1456/4000) Condense sword energy with mana, cut off life force, extremely sharp, one strike to kill, diligence compensates for inadequacy!]

"I've finally reached the eighth level of Qi Refining!"

Qin Wang sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at his panel with extreme satisfaction. Not only had his cultivation advanced to the eighth level, but also the Sword of Another World, Upper Volume, had been cultivated to mastery!

"I need to get more spirit stones!"

Qin Wang pondered deeply.

The spirit stones and elixirs obtained from Zhao Haifeng, Mo Yunyun, Zhao Xianzhen, and others had been nearly consumed. Absorbing spirit stones to increase proficiency in cultivation, techniques, and spells greatly increased the demand for spirit stones.

To achieve higher cultivation and perfect his spells, he must obtain more spirit stones.

As usual, Qin Wang used the Spirit Concealment Technique to lock his cultivation at the fourth level of Qi Refining, hiding his true level to avoid attention.

"The Demon Slayer Alliance is monitoring my servant Zhao Hunya. I can't sit idle!"

"I must take the initiative!"

Qin Wang looked out the window, silently calculating.

According to the information from Zhao Hunya, recently, cultivators from the Demon Slayer Alliance had been hiding nearby, monitoring him.

Qin Wang knew that Zhao Haifeng and Mo Yunyun, Zhang Yunyong, and Ye Jianhong had left the city, but only Zhao Haifeng had returned. This couldn't escape the attention of the Demon Slayer Alliance. Under the leadership of their leader Tang Jianzhong, they were known for their vengefulness.

They wouldn't let 'Zhao Haifeng' go.

But Zhao Haifeng was already dead. Now, his body was controlled by a soul seed created by Qin Wang, known as 'Zhao Hunya,' who would be a valuable assistant in the future and couldn't be harmed by the Demon Slayer Alliance.

Qin Wang locked his door and went to Zhao Hunya's residence at 478 Deng Xianyuan.

He didn't go in but instead saw a fourth-level Qi Refining cultivator next door at number 477. Qin Wang knew that this person was a member of the Demon Slayer Alliance and had been there for over twenty days.

"It's time to set a trap."

Qin Wang muttered to himself, then turned and left.

The Demon Slayer Alliance hadn't acted yet because Qingyun City had patrolling guards, making it difficult to take action. They were waiting for Zhao Hunya to leave the city to kill him.

In the east city, Lingdan Pavilion.

Qin Wang bought some solid foundation pills in the elixir section on the first floor and then bought materials to make monster-attracting incense and reverse blood frenzy incense in the materials section.

"Brother Zhen, what's wrong?!"

Suddenly, Qin Wang heard a woman's voice beside him. He turned and saw a couple standing three feet away. The man was dressed in fine clothes, clean-shaven, and about thirty years old, exuding the pressure of a Foundation Establishment cultivator!

He was clearly a Foundation Establishment cultivator!

The woman, who was plain-looking but well-endowed and about twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old, wore a pink dress and was at the ninth level of Qi Refining. She was holding the man's arm and looked at Qin Wang curiously.

"Sister Ping, it's nothing. Let's go buy the elixirs you need."

The Foundation Establishment man withdrew his gaze from Qin Wang and turned away with the plain-looking woman.


The woman, called Sister Ping, pressed her ample chest against the man's arm and turned to leave.

"Why did that Foundation Establishment cultivator look at me?"

Qin Wang didn't dare look at the Foundation Establishment cultivator and quickly finished buying his needed elixirs and materials before leaving Lingdan Pavilion.

Back in his courtyard at number 168, Qin Wang still felt uneasy.

He remembered clearly that the Foundation Establishment cultivator in Lingdan Pavilion had been scrutinizing him, as if something about him had attracted the man's attention.

"Never mind. I'll go out and kill some monsters tomorrow to earn spirit stones and also trap the Demon Slayer Alliance."

Qin Wang suppressed his unease and planned.

Currently, earning spirit stones to increase his cultivation was the top priority.

Early morning.

[Daily Intelligence Refresh!]

[Today's Intelligence!]

[1: Your servant Zhao Hunya, formerly Zhao Haifeng, has obtained information. Due to the disappearance of Demon Slayer Alliance leaders Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyong, deputy leader Shi Tianqing has dispatched leader Ren Tianchi, tracing it back to Zhao Haifeng, who is now your servant Zhao Hunya. The Demon Slayer Alliance's principle is to avenge every member. Shi Tianqing has decided to kill Zhao Hunya as soon as he leaves the city.]

[2: You went to Lingdan Pavilion near East City and obtained information. Due to the improper conduct of the Sitong family head, Sitong Zhen, the family's discipline has deteriorated, especially with severe embezzlement. Over the years, Lingdan Pavilion manager Sitong Chenggang has embezzled 4000 spirit stones through falsified accounts.]

[3: ...]

[4: ...]

[5: You encountered Lingdan Pavilion manager Sitong Chenggang yesterday and obtained information. Over the years, Sitong Chenggang has accumulated considerable wealth.]

[6: You encountered disguised Purple Mist Master Mu Zhen in Lingdan Pavilion yesterday and obtained information. Mu Zhen betrayed the Lingyao Sect and, fearing their pursuit, has been hiding with the Jiang family. Still uneasy, he noticed your skill in concealing cultivation and planted a divine sense imprint on you, planning to follow and kill you when you leave the city.]

[7: You met Jiang family's third daughter Jiang Ping yesterday and obtained information. Although Jiang Ping is plain-looking, she has a natural seductive constitution with high desires. Her three previous husbands were all drained to death by her.]

[8: You met Jiang family's third daughter Jiang Ping yesterday and obtained information. Because of her plain looks and her deadly nature to previous husbands, she was attracted to Purple Mist Master Mu Zhen, who, fearing the Lingyao Sect, agreed to marry into the Jiang family.]

[9: You practiced the Sword of Another World yesterday and obtained information. The Sword of Another World was created by the third-generation Dao child of the Wu family sword domain.]

[10: You practiced the Sword of Another World yesterday and obtained information. Wu family sword prodigy Wu Su's primordial spirit will completely dissipate in a hundred years.]

"So that Foundation Establishment cultivator was Purple Mist Master?"

"He planted a divine sense imprint on me?"

Qin Wang frowned deeply and felt a tightness in his chest after reading the sixth piece of information.

He hadn't expected to encounter his old enemy, Purple Mist Master, in Lingdan Pavilion and be marked by his divine sense imprint!

This old bastard had almost killed him before, and now he was targeting him again. He must die!

"A divine sense imprint..."

Qin Wang searched his body with his divine sense but couldn't find it. He was anxious, knowing that while Mu Zhen was also avoiding the Lingyao Sect and wouldn't dare act in Qingyun City, the divine sense imprint on him was troubling.

"Wait, maybe Wu Su can help me find it!"

Qin Wang suddenly remembered Wu Su's primordial spirit in the soul-locking jade.

With this in mind, Qin Wang took out the soul-locking jade and sent his divine sense into it.

"Do you have something you can't solve?"

Seeing Qin Wang's divine sense, Wu Su's soul slowly opened her eyes and asked.

"Yes, a Foundation Establishment cultivator noticed I was hiding my cultivation and planted a divine sense imprint on me. Can you help me find it?"

Qin Wang looked at Wu Su with anticipation.

Wu Su was a sword prodigy from the Wu family sword domain. Even though only her primordial spirit remained, she should be able to handle a small Foundation Establishment divine sense imprint.

"The imprint... I knew it as soon as you came in."

"Simple, I can remove it for you now."

Wu Su looked at Qin Wang and nodded.

This was a minor task, but it would consume her primordial spirit's strength. She was already weak and needed to conserve her energy.

"No, can you remove the imprint and transfer it to a small animal?"

Qin Wang's eyes flashed with coldness.

This Purple Mist Master dared to target him, so he must die!

"You do have a lot of tricks."

Wu Su's soul shadow smiled, surprised by Qin Wang's cleverness. Although young and with modest cultivation, he had many ideas—ideal for a cultivator.

Unlike herself, who had focused too much on cultivation and was ultimately betrayed by a jealous friend, losing her physical body.

"Thank you, Miss Wu!"

Qin Wang's eyes brightened, happy to hear it could be done.

Soon, he would make Purple Mist Master suffer!

"Alright, withdraw your divine sense, hold the soul-locking jade in your left hand, and a blank jade slip in your right hand."

Wu Su's primordial spirit said slowly.