Chapter 102: Mu Zhen's Thoughts! Digging a Pit! The Wan Hua Sect Ascends!


Qin Wang understood immediately and withdrew his divine sense from the Soul Lock Jade. He then took out a blank jade slip from his storage bag, which he had obtained from Mo Yunyan's storage bag.

He held the Soul Lock Jade in his left hand and the blank jade slip in his right.

In an instant.

Qin Wang felt a tickle on his shoulder, and the blank jade slip in his hand flashed gray. Then a voice sounded in his mind, "Qin Wang, I have separated the divine sense imprint of that Foundation Establishment cultivator into the blank jade slip. Remember to help me find Soul Nourishing Wood; I only have a hundred years left."

"Miss Wu, don't worry, I will do my best to find it."

Qin Wang spoke to the Soul Lock Jade, then put it away.

"At dawn, I will head to the Manyong Mountains to kill beasts and earn spirit stones."

Qin Wang sat cross-legged and began to cultivate.

With the jade slip containing Zixia Zhenren's divine sense imprint by his side.

He didn't dare sleep.

In Qingyun Immortal City.

In the north city.

At night, under the clear moonlight.

"This bitch... she actually wants to drain my cultivation."

"No wonder her previous husbands all died!"

"If it weren't for fearing the pursuit of the Lingyao Sect and needing the protection of your Jiang family, how could I have chosen you, this ugly woman, as a Dao partner!"

Mu Zhen glanced at the snoring Jiang Ping beside him, his eyes showing a trace of gloom.

He had fled Xiaodan Mountain and come to Qingyun Immortal City, where he was spotted by Jiang Ping, who extended an olive branch. To save his life, he had to hide in Jiang Ping's family.

Even though Jiang Ping was ugly and fat, he endured it.

After all, survival was the priority.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ping had a natural bewitching body and was actually absorbing his cultivation through intercourse. If his cultivation weren't higher than Jiang Ping's, he wouldn't have been able to withstand it. Even so, some of his cultivation was still drained.

"That kid's concealment technique today was truly marvelous; it couldn't be detected by someone at the Qi Refining stage!"

"I'll get it from him when he leaves the city!"

Mu Zhen knew that hiding in the Jiang family wasn't a long-term solution with Jiang Ping around. He needed to find a more reliable concealment method.

The concealment technique of that Qi Refining stage eighth-level cultivator in the Lingdan Pavilion today had to be obtained.

Even though.

He wasn't sure if the concealment technique applied to the Foundation Establishment stage, but it was worth a shot anyway!

In the Great Cang Nation.

Wan Hua Sect.

Hidden within a sea of flowers covering the mountains.

Inside a large hall.

A stunning woman dressed in white sat cross-legged, looking at a similarly dressed slender girl in front of her. Her eyes showed satisfaction as she murmured, "Xue Mei, very good. I need to go to the Upper Sect; you will come with me to broaden your horizons."

"At your command, Master!"

Qin Xuemei responded respectfully with a clasped fist.

"Xue Mei, do you have something on your mind?"

Mu Qianxue looked at her disciple Qin Xuemei, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Master, you see through me. I have a younger brother who said he was going to Xiaodan Mountain when we parted. But recently, I heard that Xiaodan Mountain has been overrun by beasts and turned into a demonic domain."

Qin Xuemei's beautiful eyes were full of deep worry.

"Xue Mei, I went to Xiaodan Mountain and saw that it had become a forbidden demonic domain. The demonic aura there is so intense that even I dare not approach it. My trip to the Upper Sect this time is because of this matter. Also, I learned that on the day the formation of Xiaodan Mountain was broken by five third-tier demonic beasts, half of the cultivators escaped. Your brother's fate should not end there."

Mu Qianxue sighed and comforted her, "I will give instructions for Wan Hua Sect disciples to keep an eye out for your brother. He should be safe!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Qin Xuemei knelt before Mu Qianxue, showing respectful gratitude.

"Mm, get up. Prepare yourself to accompany me to the Upper Sect."

Mu Qianxue stood up.

As the sky brightened, the cultivators of Qingyun Immortal City formed groups of three or five and headed out of the city towards the Manyong Mountains.

Those with higher cultivation went deeper to hunt beasts.

Those with lower cultivation stayed on the outskirts to gather herbs.

Qin Wang left the city with the crowd, followed about ten feet behind by his Qi Refining stage sixth-level servant, Zhao Hunyi.

"This time, I need to earn more spirit stones and refine a few more soul seeds. It would be best to capture the body of a Qi Refining stage seventh-level cultivator."

Qin Wang carefully observed the surroundings but couldn't identify any members of the Demon Slayer Alliance.

So he 'followed' Zhao Hunyi, maintaining a distance of about ten feet as they headed into the Manyong Mountains.

An hour later.

Outside the east gate of Qingyun Immortal City, a thirty-year-old man in a green robe stood on a moss-covered stone about ten feet wide, looking southwest with a look of anticipation.


Mu Zhen narrowed his eyes and flew forward at low altitude on his sword.

At this time.

Twenty miles outside the east gate of Qingyun Immortal City, among the rocks.

Four Qi Refining stage five or six cultivators, holding magical artifacts, sat on a brown stone mountain. They were Ren Tianchi and three others from the Demon Slayer Alliance.

They had come under the orders of Alliance Leader Tang Jianzhong to kill Zhao Haifeng and avenge alliance members Ye Jianhong and Zhang Yunyou.

"That old bastard Zhao Haifeng keeps running deeper into the mountains. Isn't he afraid of dying?"

Ren Tianchi, a thin man with a sinister look, held his magic sword and looked at Zhao Haifeng's disappearing figure in the distance, puzzled.

Going further in would lead to the territory of late second-tier demonic beasts, comparable to Qi Refining stage seven or eight cultivators. He worried that they might not kill Zhao Haifeng but instead fall prey to the beasts!

"Yeah, Leader Ren!"

"We should wait for him to come out here."

A twenty-seven or twenty-eight-year-old Demon Slayer Alliance member agreed.

"Alright, this is the only way back to the city. We'll wait here."

Ren Tianchi nodded.

Qin Wang and Zhao Hunyi, one after the other, avoided demonic beasts and arrived at the foothills of a mountain forty miles southwest in the Manyong Mountains.

This was the territory of a third-tier Swordtooth Tiger.

The mountains were high and dense with ancient trees, occasionally revealing one or two first- or second-tier, ten-foot-long Swordtooth Tigers.

The Swordtooth Tiger had brown-black stripes and two exposed fangs, exuding a fierce aura. When angered, its eyes turned blood-red.

Qin Wang found a safe spot under a ten-foot-tall rock and buried the white jade slip containing Mu Zhen's divine sense imprint. Then, he set up a trap, tying a trigger to the white jade slip.

If anyone picked up the jade slip, it would pull the string, ignite a fire starter, and set off ten portions of Demon Bewitching Incense and five portions of Blood Rage Demon Incense!

"Zixia Zhenren, this is the territory of a third-tier Swordtooth Tiger. Let's see if you can survive this time!"

Qin Wang finished setting up, covered the traces, and quickly left.

He didn't dare stay long; if he ran into the pursuing Mu Zhen, it would be over.

Qin Wang rushed back.

Before long.

He found a three-foot-deep cave in a cliff twenty miles away from where he buried the jade slip. He hid inside and began to cultivate.

He wanted to see if Zixia Zhenren would perish when the beast tide was attracted.

If Zixia Zhenren could be killed, that would be fantastic!

If Zixia Zhenren died.

He could think of a way to divert the beasts and retrieve Zixia Zhenren's storage bag. A Foundation Establishment cultivator's storage bag was something to look forward to!

Mu Zhen tracked his divine sense imprint all the way to the foothills of the mountains forty miles away. He looked at the distant forest with anticipation, "It's here!"

He sensed that his divine sense imprint was in the forest three miles ahead.

Mu Zhen, holding his magic sword, flashed forward to a ten-foot-wide rock but saw no one, frowning, "Why is no one here?"

Mu Zhen closed his eyes to sense and discovered that his divine sense imprint planted yesterday was actually inside the rock!


Mu Zhen cautiously unleashed a sword beam, and the ten-foot-long purple beam flew out, splitting the rock in half, revealing a faint white jade slip!

Despite the sword strike, the jade slip remained undamaged, a testament to the precise control of a Foundation Establishment cultivator's divine sense.

"My imprint is in this jade slip?"

"Such a slippery little thing, daring to pull a golden cicada shell move on me!"

Mu Zhen picked up the jade slip, extremely annoyed, frowning deeply, "No, how could a mere Qi Refining stage eighth-level cultivator manage to separate my divine sense imprint? He shouldn't have detected it."