Chapter 103: The Miserable Mu Zhen! Zhao Hunyi's Achievement, the Beast Tide!

At this moment.

Mu Zhen discovered that there was a string tied to the jade slip. When he pulled it, sparks suddenly ignited under a large rock half a foot away!

Instantly, a large fireball about ten feet in diameter ignited, exploding with sparks flying everywhere!


Seeing this, Mu Zhen quickly held his breath, retreated several feet, and gripped his spirit sword, ready to strike at any moment, his face dark and grim. "That wretched thing, a mere eighth-level Qi Refining cultivator, dared to scheme against me!"

"If I catch you, I'll skin you alive!"

At this moment.

Mu Zhen's heart was burning with anger.

He held his breath, searching with his divine sense around the fireball for the youth from the previous day but found nothing.

"Roar! Roar~~~Roar!"


At this moment, the ground shook and a series of beastly roars surged!

Following that.

Countless Swordtooth Tigers with brown and black stripes appeared around him, all with blood-red eyes, ferociously pouncing on him!

"What's happening?"

"Swordtooth Tigers in a blood frenzy?"

Mu Zhen squinted his eyes, looking at the nearly hundred second-tier Swordtooth Tigers pouncing towards him. With a horizontal slash of his spirit sword, a ten-foot sword aura swept out, slicing the approaching Swordtooth Tigers in half, blood and flesh flying!

At the same time.

He flew up into the sky on his sword, but the sky was filled with countless second-tier demonic crows, demonic vultures, and Wind-splitting Eagles.

All these demonic birds, comparable to cultivators in the late stages of Qi Refining, had blood-red eyes and frantically charged down.

Covering the sky and blocking the sun!

"Slash slash slash!"

Mu Zhen swept his sword horizontally, instantly killing five or six second-tier demonic crows, demonic vultures, and Wind-splitting Eagles, but the demonic birds were too many, wave after wave, fearless in death.

Because Mu Zhen's body was also tainted with the scent of the Demon Bewitching Incense, the fierce demonic birds swarmed towards him, spitting wind blades, fireballs, and light blades.

As a Foundation Establishment cultivator, Mu Zhen naturally wasn't afraid of these second-tier demonic birds, but their sheer number prevented him from escaping into the sky.

At this moment.

A loud tiger roar sounded, and a large wind blade shot towards Mu Zhen, whistling sharply!

Extremely fierce!

"A third-tier Swordtooth Tiger!"

Mu Zhen's expression changed drastically; he hadn't expected a third-tier Swordtooth Tiger to be drawn here!

Mu Zhen swung a wind blade to intercept the Swordtooth Tiger's wind blade and tried to escape by sword, but the beast tide surrounded him. Facing a third-tier demonic beast, he dared not be careless.

However, the sky was blocked by countless demonic birds. Although he killed over a dozen second-tier demonic crows, the delay allowed the third-tier Swordtooth Tiger to entangle him again.

"Get out of my way!"

Mu Zhen roared, dodging the third-tier Swordtooth Tiger's attack, his magic surging as he executed the desperate move 'Ziyang One Qi Slash' from the Ziyang Technique!

A large purple sword aura shot out, causing the demonic birds in front of him to explode and forcing the third-tier Swordtooth Tiger to dodge. An opening appeared before Mu Zhen!

Mu Zhen dashed through the gap, finally breaking out of the demonic bird encirclement!



At this moment, two powerful auras approached!

Unexpectedly, two more third-tier demonic vultures!

"Damn it! How could there be two more third-tier demonic birds!?"

Seeing these two demonic birds, Mu Zhen felt his scalp tingle. He knew he couldn't get bogged down any longer; he had to escape now!

He immediately formed seals with both hands, shooting two flame talismans at one of the third-tier vultures while flying away on his sword!


The flame talismans were dodged by the vultures!

Another vulture's claws, like lightning, grabbed at Mu Zhen. He launched wind blades to intercept, but in that brief moment, the other vulture's claws grabbed his right arm!


Mu Zhen felt excruciating pain in his right arm, his body faltering!

At that moment, he felt pecking pain in his eyes, intense pain making his vision blur with blood. Unable to see, he relied on his divine sense to guide him, flying out of the demonic bird's encirclement, but a ground wind blade whistled up, striking Mu Zhen's backside!

A leg fell from the sky, torn apart and devoured by the beasts below.

Then, another bird's claw slashed Mu Zhen's abdomen, tearing out a section of his intestines!


Mu Zhen screamed in pain, blood spraying, his body swaying as he flew away.

At the same time.

Forty miles deep in the Manyong Mountains.

"My God! Why is there another beast tide!"

"So many third-tier demonic beasts have been drawn! Let's go!"

"What happened? An earthquake?"


Cultivators who were killing beasts and gathering herbs around the jade slip fled in all directions!

"My God! Such a terrifying beast tide! Luckily we didn't go deeper, or we'd have been torn apart by these demonic beasts!"

Twenty miles outside Qingyun Immortal City's east gate, among the rocks, Ren Tianchi watched the beast tide deep in the Manyong Mountains, a trace of fear in his eyes.

"Yes, Brother Ren!"

"You're wise!"

Three Demon Slayer Alliance members behind him were also terrified.

"Zhao Haifeng is probably doomed!"

Ren Tianchi murmured, looking at the beastly roars coming from deep in the Manyong Mountains.

At this moment.

Deep in the Manyong Mountains.

Demonic beasts roared and birds shrieked. An area of ten miles was flattened, rivers of blood flowing, bodies of birds and beasts everywhere. Countless cultivators fled the center of the beast tide.

Twenty miles from where Qin Wang buried the jade slip.

"My God!"

"The combined power of ten portions of Demon Bewitching Incense and five portions of Blood Rage Demon Incense is incredible!"

Peeking from a cliff crevice, Qin Wang was astonished by the beast roars from afar. "I wonder how Zixia Zhenren is doing? Is he dead?"

"Hey? Is that... Zixia Zhenren?"

Suddenly, Qin Wang looked at the sky, shocked. A cultivator in green robes was fleeing towards Qingyun Immortal City on a flying sword, covered in blood, with only one hand and one leg, like a stray dog.

That green robe, that figure, and the direction from where he flew up, if not Zixia Zhenren from yesterday, then who?


Zixia Zhenren flew not far before losing control, plummeting into a valley five miles away.

"That old thing, seriously injured?"

Qin Wang's heart raced as he looked at the valley five miles away!

Clearly, Zixia Zhenren was too injured to control his flying sword and had fallen.

"Zhao Hunyi, go check it out!"

"See if he's dead, take the storage bag if he is. If he's alive, assess the situation; if needed, just stab him a few times!"

Qin Wang, thinking this, immediately called his soul servant Zhao Hunyi and handed him a sword with a blue blade, soaked for half a month in a mixture of poison from demonic flood dragons, demonic spiders, demonic scorpions, and demonic centipedes.

Regardless of its effectiveness on Zixia Zhenren, he decided to use it first.

"Yes, Master!"

Zhao Hunyi respectfully bowed to Qin Wang, took the sword, and headed towards Zixia Zhenren's crash site.

"Damn brat, ahhh!"

Five miles away, in a valley, Mu Zhen lay in the weeds, vomiting blood, his voice filled with grief and indignation. "My eyes are gone, my hand and leg are each severed... Haha... I didn't expect, after finally establishing my foundation, to end up like this!"

"All because of that wretched brat... I hate him!"

At this moment.

Mu Zhen's eye sockets were empty, his right arm severed at the shoulder, his left leg cut at the root, with clean cuts, his abdomen a gaping wound with exposed organs, blood continuously flowing. He pressed his left hand tightly to his abdomen.

Though he could still use his divine sense to 'see' the surroundings.

His injuries were too severe; he had lost too much blood, and his magic power was sluggish, making flying impossible.

Without help, he was doomed to die.

"Senior... are... are you alright?"

"Do you need help from this junior?"

At this moment, a respectful voice sounded. Mu Zhen's divine sense scanned, seeing a nearly fifty-year-old Qi Refining sixth-level cultivator standing three meters away, bowing respectfully.

"Cough cough cough"

Mu Zhen saw Zhao Hunyi, his divine sense sweeping over him a few times, he said in a deep voice. "This Immortal encountered powerful third-grade demon beasts attacking, though severely injured, still retains some strength, come over and bandage this Immortal's wounds, you won't be treated unfairly afterwards!"

After speaking, Mu Zhen used his divine sense to control the flying sword to rise, hovering in mid-air, flying for a while, then suddenly stabbing into the ground beside him.

Mu Zhen knew clearly in his heart.

His hands and feet were broken now, internal organs displaced, abdominal organs exposed, he could only use a small amount of magical power, unable to fly on his sword, he must first bandage well, slowly recover before anything else.

He was also worried that the sixth level Qi Refining cultivator before him might kick him while he was down.

He referred to himself as 'This Immortal', just to point out that he was at Foundation Establishment, to make the sixth level Qi Refining cultivator before him have some scruples, help him bandage his wounds. Although he could control the sword with divine sense to hover overhead, it couldn't last long.

At most he could manage one strike.

So he stabbed it beside him, for intimidation.

"To be able to serve Senior is this junior's blessing, afterwards just a pointer or two from Senior would be deeply appreciated!"

Zhao Hunyi walked forward, respectfully saying. "This junior will bandage Senior first!"


Mu Zhen 'mm'ed, his divine sense examining Zhao Hunyi, his eyes showing a regretful look.

In his current state, the best method would be to seize a body with good aptitude to cultivate again, but the cultivator before him was only at the sixth level of Qi Refining at forty or fifty years old, seizing it wouldn't be of much use, he planned to recuperate his body well first before deciding.

"Senior, your thigh is bleeding a lot, this junior will stop the bleeding for your thigh first."

Zhao Hun Yi walked forward, taking out medicine for wounds from his storage bag, preparing to sprinkle it on Mu Zhen's thigh wound, Mu Zhen suddenly said, "Use mine."

After Mu Zhen spoke, two bottles of wound medicine appeared in front of Zhao Hun Yi.

"Yes! Senior!"

Zhao Hunyi picked up a white porcelain bottle, pulled out the red cloth stopper, poured out some medicinal powder, applied it to Mu Zhen's thigh, and then wrapped it with white cloth. Then, he applied medicine to his abdomen. Just then, Mu Zhen suddenly trembled all over, his face twisted as he said, "Bastard, you poisoned me!?"

The next moment.

The spirit sword stabbed to the side flew up, stabbing towards Zhao Hunyi!

In this critical moment, Zhao Hunyi's hand suddenly turned into a claw, inserting into Mu Zhen's wound, grabbing his heart, and pulling out!


A fresh red heart was plucked out and crushed!



Mu Zhen screamed miserably, his body trembling, his single foot stretching out, shaking a few times.

At the same time.

Mu Zhen only felt an extremely strong crisis approaching, his throat hurt, his body's strength dissipated, his consciousness gradually blurring!

He also felt that he was floating up, sucked into a vortex!

The flying sword he had just stabbed out fell powerlessly after piercing one inch into Zhao Hun Yi's back!