Chapter 122: Auction, Chiman Shield Fragment Acquired! Encounter with an Old Acquaintance!

The next day.

Wanbao Building.

At the entrance of the first floor was a vast square, bustling with late-stage Qi Refining sect cultivators and rogue cultivators.

"Fellow Daoist, to attend our Wanbao Building auction, you need to pay 30 spirit stones. After the auction, you can redeem 15 spirit stones with your entry token," a slender female cultivator, about twenty-five or twenty-six years old, enthusiastically explained as Qin Wang approached.

"Refunding 15 spirit stones means the entry fee is 15," Qin Wang thought, frowning. Wanbao Building was indeed exploiting the situation.

"Fellow Daoist, we have Foundation Establishment Pills in this auction!" the female cultivator quickly added to entice him when she saw his frown.

"I can't afford a Foundation Establishment Pill," Qin Wang shook his head.

"You must be joking, Fellow Daoist. Even if you don't need a Foundation Establishment Pill, there are plenty of other treasures that will satisfy you. Spending ten or so spirit stones just to have a look is worthwhile!" Shu Yan, the female cultivator, urged eagerly.

Knowing she could earn a commission for each auction entry ticket she issued, Shu Yan was determined not to let this potential customer slip away.

"Alright, I'll go in and take a look," Qin Wang nodded, handing over 30 spirit stones and receiving a round wooden auction entry token from Shu Yan. One side of the token was engraved with '539', and the other side had a symbol.

After clarifying the auction rules and schedule, he turned to leave.

"Hmm? Li Li Daoist?" Qin Wang suddenly saw a familiar figure—it was Li Qiye, who had joined the Lingyao Sect!

At that moment, Li Qiye was respectfully following two beautiful, slender women, both emitting the spiritual pressure of the Foundation Establishment stage.

"Daoist Qin! You also came to Wanling Market? What a coincidence!" Li Qiye's face lit up with surprise and joy when he saw Qin Wang.

"Yes, we are truly fated," Qin Wang remarked, amazed at the coincidence of meeting in this large market far from Qingyun Immortal City.

The two Foundation Establishment female cultivators turned their attention to Qin Wang.

"Junior Qin Tiedan greets the seniors!" Qin Wang quickly bowed respectfully as they acknowledged him with a nod.

"Daoist Qin, I have matters to attend to. Visit me at the Lingyao Sect if you have time!" Li Qiye hurriedly said before catching up with the two female cultivators.

"Alright! I will definitely visit when I have the chance!" Qin Wang nodded.

Time passed.

Five days later.

The Wanbao Building, a three-story structure with a vast, bowl-shaped auction hall, had a three-zhang-high and three-zhang-wide wooden platform at its center. The surrounding seats rose in tiers.

The auction hall was packed.

Qin Wang sat in a regular seat in the fifth row on the east side. Each seat was separated by half a zhang, and all the cultivators wore identical bronze masks.

"Fellow Daoists, I am Lin Luan of Wanbao Building, and I will be hosting this auction!" A seductive female cultivator, around thirty years old and dressed in a purple fairy dress, gracefully floated onto the wooden platform, bowing to the surrounding cultivators.

"The first auction item is a top-grade magical weapon, the Fire Cloud Sword, starting at 200 spirit stones, with a minimum increment of 30 spirit stones. The auction starts now!" Lin Luan announced, and a fiery red sword appeared on the display stand, emitting a fierce, scorching aura.

This initial low starting price was a common tactic to excite the bidders, serving as an introduction before the major items were presented.

"230 spirit stones!"

"260 spirit stones!"

"290 spirit stones!"

After a round of intense bidding, a sturdy cultivator won the sword for 790 spirit stones.

Qin Wang, with his Broken Sword and the Lingjian Ziyang Sword of Zixia Zhenren, had no interest in the Fire Cloud Sword.

Subsequent auction items included the Ghost Shield, Ice Xuan Spear, Cloud Treading Boots, a Foundation Establishment stage technique called Flame Sun Technique, and a Foundation Establishment spell called Blazing Explosion, each pushing the auction to new climaxes.

"The next item is a fragment of a mysterious magical treasure. After examination by our Wanbao Building's artifact masters, it is confirmed to be a piece of a powerful treasure. Starting at 600 spirit stones, with a minimum increment of 100 spirit stones," Lin Luan introduced, placing a bowl-sized iron fragment on the platform.

"A fragment of a mysterious treasure? Not very useful for entering Wanling Blessed Land..."

"I'd like to bid, but I'm saving for something better later on."

The auction hall fell silent after the starting price was announced.

"700 spirit stones," a gray-robed cultivator in the fifth row—Qin Wang—broke the silence.

His bid drew attention, and others wanted to see who would spend so much on a seemingly useless fragment.

"700 spirit stones, any other bids?" Lin Luan called out.

"700 once!"

"700 twice!"

"1000 spirit stones!" A lazy voice interrupted from the first row—a slender Qi Refining stage ten cultivator, accompanied by a graceful female cultivator of the same stage.

"1100 spirit stones," Qin Wang, determined to acquire this fragment, raised his bid again.

"1500 spirit stones!" The other cultivator, seemingly angered, increased the bid without hesitation.

"1600 spirit stones," Qin Wang persisted, frowning.

"2000 spirit stones!" The cultivator's eyes flashed with cold killing intent as he stared at Qin Wang.

"Does he recognize this fragment of the Chiman Shield?" Qin Wang wondered, noticing the other cultivator's determination. Realizing he might need 3000 spirit stones to win, he hesitated. But the fragment was crucial for his defense in the Wanling Blessed Land, so he couldn't give up.

"2100," Qin Wang bid again, setting his limit.

"You can have it," the cultivator said grudgingly.

"2100 once!"

"2100 twice!"

"2100, sold!" Lin Luan announced, and a graceful female cultivator in a pink fairy dress approached Qin Wang. "Congratulations, Daoist, please follow me to complete the transaction!"
