Chapter 123: The Red Barbarian Shield Enhanced! Intelligence Updates, Strange Bone

Qin Wang glanced at the male cultivator who had just bid against him and then followed the pink-robed female cultivator down a corridor.

After a short walk, Qin Wang and the female cultivator arrived at an elegant private room.

Inside, another young woman in a pink robe awaited them, holding a delicate box. Seeing Qin Wang enter, she respectfully opened the box and displayed its contents to him. "Senior, this is your auction item. Please inspect it."

To Qin Wang's surprise, the young woman was the same one who had given him the auction entry token five days ago. Perhaps because he was wearing a mask, she did not recognize him.

Qin Wang picked up the iron fragment from the box. It felt cold and heavy to the touch, filling him with excitement and anticipation. With four fragments, the defensive power of the Red Barbarian Shield would be significantly enhanced, greatly improving his chances of survival in the Myriad Spirit Land.

"Here are 2,100 spirit stones," Qin Wang said, waving his hand to produce the prepared stones from his storage pouch. He also handed over his auction entry token to redeem the 15 spirit stones.

Although there were more valuable items like the Foundation Establishment Pill up for auction later, Qin Wang had achieved his goal and did not wish to stay longer. He neither had enough spirit stones nor intended to buy anything else.

"Thank you for your patronage, Senior. According to our rules, successful bidders are exempt from the entry fee," said the pink-robed young woman, her eyes twinkling. "Please keep the entry token. Our next auction will be held after the Myriad Spirit Land opens. We hope you'll visit us again with your harvest. We promise to offer you a very satisfactory price."

"Thank you for your kind words," Qin Wang replied with a smile, unexpectedly pleased by her flattery. He pocketed the token and 30 spirit stones before turning to leave.

With the Red Barbarian Shield fragment in hand, it was wise to leave immediately.

"Mei Daoyou, you're back?" called a friendly voice as Qin Wang returned to his rented shanty. It was Ye Qian, the female half of the middle-aged cultivator couple living next door. Her partner was Lin Shengbing, at the tenth level of Qi Refinement, while she was at the ninth.

"Yes," Qin Wang replied, preparing to enter his room. He was currently using the alias Mei Changxin in the Myriad Spirit Market.

"Mei Daoyou, did you manage to get a formation talisman?" Ye Qian asked warmly.

"Not yet. I'll try again later. If I can't find one, I'll just do without," Qin Wang responded, brushing off the topic. He did have a formation talisman, but he didn't want to discuss it with her.

"I have a friend who has an extra formation talisman. If you'd like, we can take you to him tomorrow. He'll give you a good price since we're acquaintances," Ye Qian suggested, her eyes gleaming.

"Thank you for the offer, Ye Daoyou. I have a friend who might have one, so I promised to check with him first. If it doesn't work out, I'll come to you," Qin Wang lied smoothly, making an excuse to avoid the situation.

"Alright, it's a deal then," Ye Qian said, seeming momentarily surprised but accepting his response. She chatted a bit more before returning to her own room.

In the basement of the shanty, protected by soundproofing arrays, Qin Wang sat on a cushion and took out the four iron fragments.

As soon as the four fragments appeared, they seemed to be drawn together by an invisible force. Qin Wang grasped the interconnected fragments and activated them using his qi and blood, according to a secret technique. The fragments emitted a red glow, forming a one-zhang-high (about 3.3 meters), shield-shaped barrier of crimson amber floating before him.

"Indeed, with four fragments, the Red Barbarian Shield's color is much deeper than it was with just three," Qin Wang observed, holding the substantial shield. It felt more powerful and resilient. He tested it with his sword, which produced a resonant 'clang.'

Moreover, the shield dissipated when he withdrew his qi and blood.

"With this shield, I'll be much safer," Qin Wang thought, putting the fragments away. He took out some pills and continued his cultivation.

Early the next morning, a system notification appeared.

Daily Intelligence Update!

Today's Intelligence:

1) You obtained a Red Barbarian Shield fragment at the Wanbao Tower auction yesterday. The shield is a relic of the Nine Territories' Barbarian Tribe, shattered into eighteen pieces. Reassembling the fragments will yield substantial rewards.

2) You competed with Murong Chenggao of the Murong family for the Red Barbarian Shield fragment. He has three fragments and suspects you possess some as well. He intends to track you down after securing a Foundation Establishment Pill.

3) Your neighbors, Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing, are actually bandits. They plan to lure you to Tianhu Mountain outside the market tomorrow to kill you and steal your spirit stones.

4) Ten Foundation Establishment Pills were auctioned at Wanbao Tower yesterday. The buyers included Seventh Prince Yan Wushuang, Longjing Trading Company's Young Master Chen Lan, and Tianyao Trading Company's Young Master Yu Liangcai.

5) Seventh Princess Consort Ji Yian'er of the Grand Yan Immortal Dynasty is also searching for mysterious fragments that enhance spiritual sense.

6) Ye Qian and Lin Shengbing have been bandits for ten years, working with a gang of ten. They have killed 256 cultivators, reaping significant gains.

7) Li Qiye, now a disciple of the Spirit Medicine Immortal Sect, accompanied his master Wan Miao and her friend Zhang Panpan to the Myriad Spirit Market in search of refining materials.

8) At the auction, the crippled female cultivator Mei Xing, whom you briefly encountered, acquired a Sky Thunder Sect explosive item. Last night, the male cultivator sitting beside her was captured by a Foundation Establishment female cultivator from the Hehuan Sect to be used as a furnace, a grim fate.

9) You encountered Qingyao Shangren's love interest, Zhang Panpan, at the auction. She holds an ancient parchment similar to the one in your possession.

10) A loose cultivator at the Myriad Spirit Market will sell a dirty, pale bone tomorrow. This bone is extraordinary in origin.