59. NET {18}:- Mermaid Queen Arrives At The Elf Kingdom.

While Evelyn and Elena were busy all day long, Mia had been the only one watching the fights happening in the coliseum, but since Orion had no one else to fight against today, she got bored and fell asleep.

"So, my baby has qualified for the finals, right?"

"Yes," Elena replied while placing Mia on the bed and tucking her into the bed.

"Ufufufu, I knew he could do it. So, who will he be up against?"

"The Duke's daughter "

"Hmm, Luna Cyprus, right?" Evelyn pondered deeply. She knew Luna was an extremely rare and talented elf after seeing her record throughout the tournament and seeing as how Luna had qualified for the finals, Evelyn knew that this final would definitely be unlike any other.

Not wanting to think too much about the tournament, Evelyn decided to take a bath before calling it a night.

Elena also did the same thing, and she slept together with Mia and Evelyn in Evelyn's bedroom.