80. Picnic 2.

"It's simple. There are two sets of pieces, the defenders and attackers, with the king being in the square in the middle," Ariel arranged the game pieces for Orion and Mia to see. "Attackers start at the edge of the board and we take turns moving one piece at a time. A game piece can move horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. Any questions?"

"Yes, what's the goal of the attackers?" Orion asked.

"To capture the king."

"So, the game ends once one of the attackers captures the king?" Mia asked.

"Yes, but the game also ends when the king escapes the board."

Ariel explained a couple more things about the game and after a while, they began to play.

A few hours later, Ariel, Orion, and Mia decided to bring the game to a pause because all three of them had won three times.

They rested a bit before Evelyn made a suggestion.

"How about we have a swim?"