Chapter 2: The Library Incident


Such thickness, and beautiful texture! Being imprisoned in the hands of the unworthy, its value as well as resplendent glory had been shunned away but once again, it rested in his hands. The smell of musty old, crinkly pages. 

He had yet to even open the book but he could already feel the dopamine rushing inside him at the very thought of being able to experience it once again. It had been far too long since he had felt the urge to pick a book once again. 

Thousands of books are sedimented on various shelves in the world every year but very few earn the right to do so. In this world full of banalness and shoddiness, it was rare to come in contact with objects of true beauty. 

So he wanted to treasure every such moment, the source of his delight rather than simply discard it as a mere occurrence. He arched his back into a reading position and immersed himself in the only source of pleasure he could have in this morbid sanctuary. 

As he advanced further, he only felt more euphoric as reading the twists in the story. He felt both joy and sadness as he neared the end of the book

The incessant vibration of pendulum striking to and fro, the librarian engaging in frivolous conversation with her possible fiance over the phone, the chattering among pretend-readers -he remained unmindful of it all until his hands tugged the last page reluctantly as he heaved a deep sigh.

"Such an unexpected ending for a character and yet, nothing else can be deemed as more fitting." A content smile bedecked his face. A striking realization dawned upon him as he stood up, with the book in a close embrace. 

There were only fifteen minutes until the curfew. Even if he run, his chances of making it to the dormitory were slim because he would have to check the book on the proper shelf.

Since the librarian was too busy on the phone, it seemed unlikely that he would be able to check the book on the proper shelf. His eyes hurriedly scanned the room, leading his gaze toward a certain individual. 

In times like these, there was a need to resort to desperate measures. Without wasting a second, he pulled a chair beside the guy drawing his attention.

"Pardon me for the intrusion. Would you be kind enough to hold these off for me? You see, I am in my first year and If I don't manage to make it before my curfew, it could create some serious trouble for me." Max spoke in one breath, gazing at the latter's eyes sharply. 

"Oh! Serious trouble say!" The latter, a young guy in his late sixteens, raised his eyes curiously. Their eyes green as the old moss lying at the brink of the sea, half shrouded by his long blonde hair stared at Max piercingly. "Not to be insensitive enough to refute my dear junior 's request, but what is this 'serious trouble' that you could get into ?"

"I would gain unnecessary attention. People talk like fleas" He replied honestly, without showing any sign of desperation as one might have expected to see etched on his face.

"You appear to be holding your conversation well with me. So what is the need to pursue a policy of social abdication?" He asked, resting his chin while interlocking his fingers together.

"Just because I can do something, doesn't mean I have to or want to. " Max shrugged his shoulders at which a certain gleam entered the latter's eyes. "But anyway, are you going to help me or not? I don't have the time to point out every fallacy in your argument right now, Student Council President."

"I would love to ask how you figured out my position but I will refrain for now. " A hidden smile plastered his face before he introduced himself. "My given name is Agnes Carthage but feel free to call me however you like. No need for honorifics. "

"I take that as a yes then, President Carthage." Max smiled shoving the book on the latter's desk. Before Agnes could even think about anything else to possibly probe him about, he had disappeared like a streak of lightning.

'What a guy! He asked me for a favor, didn't even tell me his name, sparked my interest, and vanished. Looks like this year will be an interesting one indeed.' Agnes chuckled inside his head, keenly aware that he must retain an image of the embodiment of perfection on the outside. That was a duty and burden self-casted by the man known as Carthage ever since he had first learned to think for himself.


Meanwhile at Dormitory

"Looks like everyone is here. Huh! Wait..why is one bed empty? " The warden grunted, clearly displeased at the fact. Her thin and sour face, blotted with patches of red freckles was a source of both resentment and pleasure to her. 

She resented it for it never permitted her to have a true relationship and yet found a certain joy in being able to scare and teach a lesson to those little scoundrels, that she had always so hated as part of her work. 

With a sharp cane in her hand, she walked to and fro, around the entrance of the junior dormitory, her eyes fixated on the clock, desperately wishing for the unlucky newcomer to fail the curfew.

Yet just when the last twenty seconds remained till the fruition of such a wish, a distasteful expression etched her face as a young boy with silver hair marked his entry inside the dormitory.

"You know it will always be a matter of contention whether you would have derived more pleasure if I had gotten late or have I derived more pleasure because of not being late, Miss Hegla" Max smirked, deliberately infuriating her. 

"Get in your bed already unless you want to face the real trouble," Hegla warned, tapping her cane on the floor. Without any further retort, he quickly withdrew to his bed. 

It was in a sense, uneasy for him to get into a bed and try to sleep while being watched from time to time by so many eyes since he had always been used to sleeping by himself at home. But still, it was a preferable alternative to talking to people and it wasn't big enough of a deal to unnerve him.

While the boy slept soundly, thoughts about him flowed ceaselessly through numerous first-year exchanges. The junior dormitory was meant for housing first-year to third-year students with each level demarcated year-wise sequentially i.e. ground floor for first years, the first floor for second years, and finally the second floor for third years.

 Each floor consisted of two separate dormitories for girls and boys but since some repairs were taking place this week, students had been housed in the common room with temporary arrangements.

"Just what the hell is that guy's deal? He didn't show up for dinner or study and suddenly comes seconds before curfew, getting into a tussle with old Helga. " Hilary squinted her eyes at another girl facing her bed as her legs hung down the upper bunk.

The girl in question was Kate Summer.

Even though it had only been a week, her bed couldn't have been messier, in stark contrast to the silky doe-brown hair she had gone to such pains to maintain. A necessary hassle she was willing to subject herself to, in order to fully enjoy the special privileges afforded to her both as a leader of the first years and ambassador's daughter.

"He is probably some stuck-up kid. Didn't you see how he was sleeping in the very first class? " Kate replied confidently, glancing sneakily at the silver curls that covered his face. As much as she hated to admit it, she couldn't help but be fascinated by those curls but still, the temptation to unearth their mystery wasn't worth the risk of losing her power in her social circle.

"Yeah. I suppose to expect that the trait of humility has been passed down to all in high positions would be too rosy. " Hilary sighed, brushing her wheatish blonde hair. Hundreds of slanders, enveloped the ambiance in the chasm of ceaseless chattering until the last light of the artificial candle departed from the dormitory. 

Council Office, Senior Wing, North West Block, Wonavilla

Even in an institute as grand and prosperous as Wonavilla, it would be foolishness to assume that every part of the institute was equipped with homogeneous facilities. It was a natural presumption among the people to think that the Principal's office must be the most comfortable place in the institute since supreme power was vested in the Head of the School. 

But that wasn't so. In reality, it was the Council office that was the most impressive sight for any newcomer and visitor. Located on the topmost floor of the senior block, the whole floor was specially reserved for it. 

External walls were adorned with Persian and North American paintings, and internally, spacious halls featured not only a waiting room and reception, but also separate offices for the Student Council President, Vice-President, Secretary, Accountant, and others

The President's office was located facing the west with a large window pane to keep watch over what was happening around the senior block from time to time from the office and had its desk, and television containing surveillance cameras. 

It was covered with wooden flooring and even had a lift for emergency access to the ground floor. Two gates had been provided in the office: one on the north side for visitors and one on the south side for the President to enter.

As usual, today was a busy day in the life of President Agnes Carthage, who was engrossed in scrutinizing proposals and recommendations addressed to him. Amid this, he heard a soft tapping on his door. Agnes put down the document on the desk lightly, before casually checking the wall clock : 11: 30 PM.

What could be so pertinent enough as to make one crawl to his door this late at night? Well, the only way to find out.

"Come in." He assented as he heard soft footsteps approaching his desk. The visitor appeared to be a young girl with lilac bangs that reached almost to her shoulders. Her face appeared concerned and yet somewhat confident as if he would admit her request.

"Ah...your name was Asterix if I remember rightly. So what could I help you with ?" Carthage crossed his arms with a friendly smile on his face. Asterix Lang, head-girl of the sixth year, a junior well respected by seniors as well as her peers for her honesty and dedication. This kind of visit from someone like her was unusual.

"As you may be aware, President Agnes, the annual school horse racing event is set to begin next week, along with other events, and this year, it has been opened to day scholars. There have still been no proper arrangements regarding the seating to accommodate all the additional spectators that would come along as a consequence of such policy ." She pointed out, with a sense of urgency lacing her voice.

"Ahh! Well actually about that, I was just reading a proposal regarding the organization structure for the race sent to me. I was just thinking of issuing a directive tomorrow to urge volunteering students to ensure that with the aid of my team." Agnes clarified, resting his head back on the chair.

"As expected of you, President. But I was thinking considering the current workload on your team, it would be better if a divisional hierarchy is followed for this. " Asterix explained as Agnes listened intently. "You can appoint a head for the fourth to eighth year who will supervise the work through the aid of the head of fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh year and then similarly appoint a head for the junior years who will supervise this through the aid of head of first, second and third year."

"It seems you have put a lot of thought into this idea. " Agnes rolled his eyes "Very well then, I will entertain your idea this time but." Agnes raised his finger as Asterix raised his eyebrows curiously. "There is a certain someone that I would like for you to take the aid of among the first years."

"Among the first years, you say! Except for Kate Summer, I am not familiar with anyone yet but if that person has managed to grab your attention, then it is certain that he is not just a run-of-the-mill student. " She decided to gaze at him. "So what is his name?"

"Not a clue." He laughed lightly."But don't worry, I am sure that silver hair won't go unnoticed from the very moment you see it."
