Chapter 3: Involuntary Participation

GOD'S POVWith progress, comes a new set of ideas, a way of living, and unforeseen changes in customs but that doesn't imply the complete transformation of everything ever cherished by the previous generation. Yet certain desires continue to manifest themselves in one way or another passed down from one generation to the next. Horse racing in Wonavilla was no different, having been carried on since its very inception and always used to attract lots of reporters and spectators. It was for this inexplicable reason that out of all the facilities in Wonavilla, it had gone through renovations more than 5 times by now, its accommodative capacity increasing with every installment. One could see the stark outline of the huge stadium built in the central ground just a few meters away from the main entrance gate of Wonavilla. Boasting accommodative capacity of 8,000 it provided ample space for all students to not only bring both their parents but also other members. (since on average, each year had 120-140 students )In the last decade, there has been a surge in the number of visitors due to the government's newly enacted policy, which had increased the accessibility and ease of getting travel permits for foreigners. Due to this, the number of seats which often seemed excessive to the media now appeared precarious to them who seemed eager to get any scoop for meeting their daily quotas by writing 'flashy red-herring headlines.' The realization regarding the rising worth of their seats hadn't gone unnoticed under the Wonavilla administration's nose who had started a process of bidding to increase their profit margin and thus now booking for all the visitors who weren't affiliated with the institute was subject to their paying capacity more than ever before.Either way, one fact remained constant despite the changes in the last decade: the burden of managing the seating arrangement and other facilities was still placed on the students, senior students especially. Usually, there was only a kind of impersonal interaction between the students and the administrators but during the weeks preceding such events, students often became the apple of the eye of the administrative staff.All the same, students in their final years much to their annoyance couldn't refuse to do such tasks, due to the credit system. A mechanism responsible for whether they will end up being placed in the top tier colleges or the leftovers. So as Wonavilla basked under the sun in May, from the very first week, students got to work following their appointed leaders like a little militia.......Outside Junior Wing Block (GOD'S POV OF MAX)The constant murmuring among the students annoyed him. The little whispers laced with distaste in such a crude way with the expectation that it couldn't reach his ears annoyed him.The fact that he was made to stand apart from the rest, much to his reluctance annoyed him.It was all just so loud, unnecessary, incessant, never-ending vibration and yet he couldn't do anything but merely subject his ears to it over and over again.Hadn't he made sure not to interact with anyone in his year? Hadn't he averted any opportunity of being called out to do something even remotely distinguishable? Then why....why the hell was he suddenly being made to stand out as this conceited girl as the head of the first year? Was it him? That was nothing more than a rhetorical statement. After all, who else could it have been? Agnes Carthage, so that is the price transacted for the favor. Such a monopoly!"Attention everyone! Since the horse racing event is about to begin from next week, it has been decided by Student Council to extend the opportunity of contributing to organizing it to the first years, as well. Thus, for the junior wing, appointments have already been made for the temporary heads who will oversee any concerns that you may have. " The lilac-haired girl smiled cheerfully as students looked at her , with little interest, burning under the heat."No matter what concern or queries you may have, you shall convey it to your appointed head who will then convey it to the head for the whole of the junior wing, who will be directly reporting to the Student Council President. " She tucked her flowing hair beside her ear lightly, gazing fiercely at everyone as she addressed the student body. Her voice wasn't the loudest, as expected of a strong leader but it had enough firmness and eloquence to make up for it."Don't slack off or take this lightly. Your actions will be watched closely and from each year, a select few students may also get an opportunity to work closely with the Student Council so make sure to give your allocated tasks your best. " She warned them all with her finger."You will all be divided into teams within your own year and the list of all the tasks assigned to each team will be conveyed by tomorrow. That will be all. Leaving for the Heads, the rest of you may go back to your dormitory." With that, she clapped her hands in a commanding tone. Seeing puzzled look on a few of the students, she added ."I won't be taking any questions. Please address them to your respective heads later." Without waiting any further, she gestured the heads to follow her as she turned around, picking up the pace hurriedly. If there was an option to escape his situation by pressing a button for "emergency exit", he would have pressed it the very moment he glanced at the lilac-haired girl.CENTRAL PARK "Max blurted out, 'I would like to resign,' the moment Asterix stopped beside the park gate."You don't get a choice in the matter." She cut in swiftly, crossing her arms intimidatingly ." President Carthage has himself asked for you so you will have to oblige.""Was that supposed to impress me? " Max shoved his hands in both his pockets. ""I am not interested in following any orders, even if they are from the head of the Student Council."Seeing a triumphant expression on Asterix's face, it was child's play for Max to predict her trail of thoughts and thus continued. " The rules states a simple penalty of barring a student to be considered for membership of the Council for a semester to disincentivize such behavior. Since I am in my first year, this kind of penalty is practically invisible to me . I won't need to even participate in the Council activities for any credit until my fourth year. "The hidden smirk which had plastered itself on Asterix's face was dissuaded by every word that followed from his lips until all that remained was an undignified expression of perplexity at his behavior. The heads of the second year and third year looked around, half confused and half surprised. Never before in the history of Wonavilla had they heard of defiance to a simple order, let alone from a first-year. It wasn't just the very act of defiance that derailed their train of thought but the very tone that enveloped each word.There was no contempt in Max's words. Hate, exasperation, all were far as away they could be from his feelings. It was as if all that drove the boy, was a simple urge of the feeling of being unbothered. Price as may it turn out to steep, yet he would be willing to plunge in without a second's hesitation to avert any activity if he could......Asterix was nonplussed just like the rest of them yet being a head girl, it was her duty to keep cool. Including this boy in the team was quintessential for her, the very precondition for the execution of this event as she desired. If she were to get ousted by a mere rebellious first year, then her prestige would dip massively among the students. For her to gain maximum influence over the student network, she must ensure the smooth conduction of this event. The credit system mandated it so and so did her aspirations of the sought future."I understand. You don't want to be burdened by such responsibilities in your first year. That is acceptable. I would make arrangements to have some other first-year take the leadership informally. All you have to do is simply continue being a nominal head. That is the best deal I can offer you." She relented, sighing deeply. It would only cost her time to engage in a futile argument with this kid. After having held the position of head girl for more than two years, she was well-versed in judging people's character. No matter how many times she analyzed him, he appeared simply as a corpse yet to be ablazed'He is just an allegory of a mere mortal machine self-convinced of the invisible chains around it. There are lots of people in this world who can't ever be fitted into simple conventional classifications of personality traits. 'But it doesn't really matter how unique and extraordinary a person might be if they subject themselves to imprisonment to inhibit their potential. President Agnes, you might think of him as a precious jewel yet to shine but even heaps of garbage shine once in a while. What is important is to get past the delusion of cherishing them as great and discarding them as they are meant to be" She looked at Max disgusted, as these thoughts flowed inside her head.....Max was no stranger to the emotions that flooded human brains in response to different circumstances. Since Asterix wasn't even trying to hide her disgust toward him, it wasn't hard to figure out her thoughts. He didn't care for it as such anyway."Thank you for your offer. I will gladly accept it." He forced a fake smile on his face as he shook her hand. Without waiting for the latter's response, he made his way toward his dormitory once again. A place that used to be abode of his desolation and abstinence, would be now turned into a gossip hall more than ever by this incident.But what could he even do to escape this confinement? All of a sudden, a flash of thought entered his mind, as he stood still, uprooted to the ground. Wait for a second...! It was so obvious—all he had to was find a way to escape this institute. No! No! No! That was not good enough. He would have to do better than that. He should simply contrive a situation where this school itself will be forced to expel him.Yes! That was a permanent solution to ever being enrolled in a boarding school again. The fate had given him the opportunity to execute his plan in action, and it seemed that everything was aligning in his favor. All he has to ensure that the first year does something blameworthy and being a leader, the blame would consequently fall on him. "You have my thanks, Agnes Carthage. Now I will be finally able to get out of this boring institute for good ." After a long time, a genuine smile adorned Max's face as the wind blew his hair against his face. ...........