Chapter 4: The Scent of Mystery

May 9, 2011Monday 7:30 AMGod's PovThe day which had been so long awaited by everyone in Wonavilla had finally come. Even though the race was scheduled to start at 8:00 am, visitors had already started to stream in as early as 6: 30 am. While on one hand, it promised a large crowd and potential revenue, on other hand, the gatekeeper found it difficult to control such a large crowd in a disciplined manner.Thus, even though many janitors were already overseeing the proper allocation of seats for everyone, several students had also joined to follow the guidelines issued by Asterix. Meanwhile, Max had managed to find a spot at the very outskirts of the stadium and solemnly, gazed at the spectacle before him, with little interest, resting his hands on the railing. He could feel the numbness seeping in his fingers from being coiled around the rail, which had been drenched by the heavy downpour yesterday but neither his hands nor his mind showed any willingness to move just yet."Gosh, you must be excited about the race. So who are you rooting for?" A stranger's voice founds its way into his invisible capsule. He closed his eyes for a moment as he felt the next breath settling in. Again! Another bothersome query. Why it must all be directed at him even after he especially struggled to find this secluded spot? A spot, far away from match and far away to avoid being burdened by the constant awareness of being the only unwholesome existence among the thousands of flocks of giddy faces.Without bothering to turn his head this time, he simply answered. "I am also excited as you but by something that I value far greater than race, a possibility whose happening is the condition of this race. You seek to derive pleasure on account of the money paid while I while I seek to find pleasure that was taken away from me."Huh? Do you have some loose screws in your head? " Max breathed a sigh of relief as he heard the sound of receding footsteps. As more and more leaves brushed against his cheeks and were carried away by the strong winds., he wondered if a microburst was awaiting this race. It wouldn't be ideal since he would have to delay his plan unnecessarily.Thankfully for Max, the gods had heard his wishes and after a small drizzle for a few minutes, the clouds parted making way for sunshine to shine in all its glory on everyone.Today was the preliminary race of the third year (the year in which students were allowed to participate in horse racing) which included six riders going through a demarcated track running 900 metres, making it probably the longest track in not only England but also the world. After the first 400 m, the riders had to skilfully navigate their way through a long rock tunnel of 200 m and then finally reach the starting line again. The top three horse riders will be permitted to move up to the quarter-finals.8:00 AMMr David Fontian, the second year-history teacher along with Mr Bareant Catisdog, the sports teacher had taken up the task of commentary for the race as usual. On previous occasions, both had managed to attract the crowd's attention away from the match with their crafty humour which had resulted in commotion as many people failed to see the finishing lap. So this time, the Principal had warned them both to not go beyond limits in the very first race. It remained to be seen whether the warning had a desirable impact on them both.....Max was severely disappointed when he found out that because of his position as a nominal head, he still had to sit like other heads in the centre column and front row to see the race and present a respectable loyalty and dignity to the school. Still, he had no desire to create a ruckus so without much protest and to the surprise of Asterix, he sat down in his seat transfixing his gaze on riders.Max wondered if the entitlements being awarded to him were the reason why he felt so exhausted and annoyed. Or maybe there was another reason altogether. Regardless, he decided to let his mind wander freely one last time in an activity that he truly enjoyed.His eyes, even without his intention, began to watch every movement, every lap, every gallop made by horses the very moment the red shot was fired into the air, marking the beginning of the race. Hundreds of pictures, stored in his mind, supplemented by memory, analyzed into its minute details- all worked through rapidly in his brain as the riders entered the tunnel.It was obvious that the jockey had made every move calculatedly. The red rider..all that awaits you is betrothed victory.The riders made their way out of the tunnel, galloping their horses steadily, their eyes deadset on goal with the red rider indeed leading the way. Max closed his eyes hiding his proud smirk."Here comes the possible star of today's match: Leagan Ilwanister. A boy respected both by teachers and students alike for his systematic planning. " Mr. David spoke into the microphone. 'Looks like even in sports, there indeed remains no match for-' Suddenly, he stopped himself and yelled, 'Oh! Looks like the systematic boy got owned by his horse!' Max could hear the crowd groan in sympathy. 'Even the tree branches would be flung less harshly than this Ilwanister's knee by his spiteful horse. There is a lesson for you, mindful of variables both in history and-The rest of the commentary found no place in Max's ears as he stood up from his seat in disbelief, completely ignoring the people who were complaining behind him. The world was a chaotic place, Wonavilla being no different yet Max found himself being enveloped in an isolated space, devoid of all sounds and hustle-bustle. Adrenaline rushed through his legs as his mind scrambled anxiously to arrive at a satisfactory explanation, only increasing the restlessness dwelling within him. Much to the annoyance of Asterix and the amazement of the people behind him, Max jumped out of the stadium running briskly towards the edge in his own mad pursuit.If it weren't for the medical team rushing to the fallen rider and the commentary for the winner, Max's presence would have gone unnoticed. But as it was, he was managing to slip by unnoticed. But none of such ascertainments had been made by Max the very moment he broke into a wild run, for all that drove him right now was a dim hope of finding a mystery.A temptation that was worth leading him astray from his current objective!.......A bleak ambience wreathed him as his eyes gazed at the ground. He could hear his heartbeat clearer than ever before, as he struggled to breathe. He hadn't run as swiftly as this in a long time. Yet it appeared but a mere trifle compared to the curiosity gnawing at the tether of his heart right now.Max crouched down to see the dust strewn on the edges of the tunnel wall. Bits of rock fell one by one as he examined it. With help of his pen,he decided to advance further and scooped it up on the pen cap bringing it near his nose but within seconds, Max regretted the decision and threw it away.The most terrible, disgusting stench filled his nostrils. If he had to compare it to something, then the stench of damp rotten eggs covered in burnt plastic ashes came close to it. There was a clear indication of the fact something abnormal had been mixed in the soil for he was pretty sure that the odour couldn't be simply a residue left by the horse's hoof. The red rider was on the track near the edge, where sand could have been easily mixed with any material. This suggested that the horse had lost control for a moment.  Max rose, brushing the dust which had deposited on his pants.But then it would be way too convenient for the targeted rider to have the track nearest to the edge, especially if someone is trying to fix races as it can at best take care of only one rider. He based this assumption on the fact that he couldn't smell the disgusting stench until he brought it close to his nostrils. This meant that it wasn't a simple amateurish work of pouring some chemicals into the soil.Whoever did this must have been aware of the possibility that if the smell gets to the other riders beside the victim rider, then the whole plot will be discovered by the authorities and security will increase defeating the purpose of this hatched plot. But then, how did the Fixer .. manage to mix that in such a sublime manner? The amount of expertise and artfulness needed for accomplishing such a feat.He wondered as he shoved his hands in his pockets, looking for test tubes only to realise that he was not at his home.In all his excitement to prove himself correct on the possibility that someone has fixed this race, he didn't even consider the essential requirements to accomplish that goal itself."I suppose I would have to just wait for dusk." He sighed aloud as the realization of his being in the prohibited area and its ramifications dawned upon him. It wouldn't be in his best interests to have a valid ground for expulsion right now. That was an objective endearing to him, until this discovery of this mystery. From this point on, he had an actual incentive to return to his previous state of being the investigator and one of the essential aspects of a smooth investigation was to remain secret from authorities until he had valid ground to convince them of its existence and need for their help. And right now, he had neither of those.With that in mind, he made his way towards the exit quietly by leaning against the wall until he arrived by the exit. He sneakily gazed outside and, finding no one in the vicinity, rushed towards the gate of central ground where he breathed his final sigh of contentment."Pleased with your performance, are you Max Ryder?" A familiar noisy voice greeted him. He didn't even need to look at her lilac hair to know it was Asterix. A little girl, of equivalent age as him stood beside her. 'Ahh! Another recognizable face, Kate Summer.' He thought."Since you appear to be desiring it so badly, I will make sure that no one in the entire student body talks to you. You are hereby socially banned from Wonavilla, Max Ryder. Don't get too happy. Your expulsion will be coming soon as well. So if I were you, I would start packing my bags." She flashed a triumphant smile.He broke into laughter holding his stomach, clearly not intimidated by her demeanor."What is so funny?" She glared stomping her feet on the ground dangerously."That is why you aren't me, Asterix. I wouldn't be losing my sleep over hearing empty threats from a wannabe future President." He smiled innocently as she raised her eyes flabbergasted...............................