Chapter 15 Are the Faces of Bad People All Big?

Having exhausted both her physical and mental energy during the day, Yao Qing simply fell straight into sleep at night.

That night, however, many in Yaocheng found sleep elusive.

Yao Qing was unaware of this, and even if she had known, what would it have mattered to her?

She had planned to sleep off the jet lag until the afternoon, but a phone call at around five or six in the morning woke her up.

She got out of bed incredibly irritated, unable to shake the spoiled behavior ingrained over a decade. Abruptly awoken, she glared at her phone, seething with barely suppressed rage.

"May I speak with Miss Yao Qing?"

The woman on the other end spoke with standard Mandarin, her clear enunciation calming Yao Qing's irritation slightly after being rudely awakened.

After a few seconds of silence, she slowly sat up in bed, "What's the matter?"

The person on the phone continued to speak, making Yao Qing's eyebrows knit together tightly.

Once the call ended, she carelessly got dressed, restless and ready to deal with the situation.

Standing at the door, she paused to send a message to someone.


When the Yao Family had been investigated years ago, all their assets were confiscated except for a villa located in the wealthy district.

Yao Qing hadn't returned to the country for years, and she had always thought that the Yao Family Villa was left unoccupied.

After all, she was her father's only daughter, and the sole heir to the Yao Family.

The Yao Family Villa was hers alone to occupy.

Yet she had just received a call from the community management, complaining that her home was causing disturbances every day, severely impacting the neighbors' lives, threatening to call the police if it continued.

Yao Qing really couldn't understand—how could the villa be causing disturbances when there was no one from the Yao Family left? Were ghosts residing there?

It wasn't until she arrived at the entrance of the Yao Family Villa and saw a crowd peering inside that she realized.

The inhabitants of her house were indeed a bunch of living ghosts.


Inside the villa, chaos reigned, complete with filthy odors.

Outside the villa, the walls were covered in all sorts of vulgarities and strange graffiti, tarnishing the last vestige of the once glorious and top-tier Yao Family estate.

"What's the problem, I called people over for a party in the morning, how is that any of your business? This is my family's villa, I can do whatever I want. What right do you have to stop me! A bunch of deadbeat security guards, society's lowest trash, since when do you have the right to tell me what to do?" Inside, a girl dressed in Lolita fashion. She was fairly pretty, made up beautifully, except that her vulgar behavior nearly undermined all her visual appeal.

Following her was a group of similarly dressed, flamboyant young girls, a whole bunch standing inside her family's villa.

They treated the security guards who had come to negotiate like rowdy marketplace women, speaking sarcastically about the neighboring villa owners.

The security guards never expected that a girl who looked to be about eighteen or nineteen could curse so venomously. What did she mean by 'society's lowest'? Without them, such an upscale community would have likely been targeted by thieves thousands of times!

"Young lady, you shouldn't speak like that," the security guards were still trying to be patient, but their faces had already turned red, "No one is saying you can't party, but you're dancing and singing karaoke inside the villa, throwing beer bottles out of the window. You almost hit the grandmother next door. What you're doing is illegal."

"Pah!" The girl spat in the security guard's face, "Morals? You bunch of stinking old men speaking to me about fucking morals?"

Her actions and words were truly distasteful, and those outside the villa were finding it hard to bear.

The security guard hesitated, considering whether to call the police, but the girl, swift and deft, made a grab for his cellphone first.

But as she did, her arm was unexpectedly caught mid-air by someone.