Chapter 16 Do You Think You Are Yao Qing?

The woman's voice was ethereal, cold and commanding in this winter day, each word sharp and hard like a blade, "Enough, don't overdo it."

Yao Qing's sudden appearance, with just a few brief words, brought a moment's tranquility to the scene.

Yao Qing looked at the person before her with eyes filled with indifferent coldness.

She recognized who this was at first glance.

This girl was her aunt's daughter, Yang Mengya. They weren't close; four years ago, they only met during the New Year to exchange greetings.

She had just roughly grasped the situation over there, and already feeling annoyed by her lack of sleep, the sight of her family's villa being turned into such a mess nearly unleashed a sense of humiliation within her.

She didn't know where this feeling came from, perhaps it was the anger from failing to even protect the last bit of glory.

This last bit of glory had now turned into such an unsightly mess.

If her father in prison knew about this... would he blame her?

A hint of coldness seeped from the depths of Yao Qing's eyes.

"Who the hell are you? Who the fuck are you cursing at!"

Before Yao Qing arrived, Yang Mengya had been throwing her weight around in this community for quite a while.

She felt that no one dared to provoke her, because she was from the Yao Family. Living here under Yao Qing's name, even if the Yao Family had fallen from grace, they were once one of Yaocheng's leading families.

Caught unawares by this woman's confrontation, she was instantly enraged.

Yao Qing looked at the sharp-tongued young girl before her with unyielding eyes and flung her arm out of her grasp.

"A mouthful of obscenities doesn't make you feel disgusted? Apologize to the security guard."

Yang Mengya's eyes widened as she looked at her, as if she had heard something hilarious.

Her expression, full of arrogance and scorn with a twist of her brows.

"Oh wow, who the fuck do you think you are, giving orders, what kind of cousin are you?"

She turned to glance at the girlfriends behind her, and they snickered along.

"Looking for a beating, aren't you? Look at her nose, so damn fake, it's surgically done, right?"

"One slap and it will probably go crooked."

"Dare to mess with our Miss Mengya, looking for death?"

The world inherently divides people into groups, birds of a feather flock together.

Trash to trash.

Their provocative and sarcastic words did not ripple across her composed face; her delicate and fair complexion bore a trace of coolness as she lifted her gaze sweeping over the group, finally resettling on Yang Mengya, "I'll say it again. Apologize, clean up, and then get out."

Yang Mengya heard it as if it were a great joke, "Look at this country bumpkin, trying to stand out for attention, not even considering who she's talking to…"

The security guard shook his head and sighed, knowing that the woman had good intentions, but a spoiled rich girl doesn't reason with you.

If she continued, it might bring trouble upon herself.

"Miss, thanks for your kindness, but this is Miss from the Yao Family... not someone to mess with," the security guard stepped forward, advising her in a low voice.

Overhearing the words "Miss from the Yao Family", the spitefulness on Yang Mengya's face grew thicker, mixed with a touch of smugness: "Did you hear that? Do you know who I am now? Apologize, clean up, and then get out!"

She used Yao Qing's words to mock her, her face filled with arrogance.

"Exactly, how dare you speak to Miss Yao like that, who do you think you are?"

Yang Mengya's girlfriends cooperated very well, blocking Yao Qing's path to prevent her escape.

Yao Qing glanced at the security guard, clearly signaling him not to worry.

Her tone remained calm throughout, "I gave you a chance." Out of respect for family ties, she had given her a chance.

Over the years, Yao Qing's disposition had become increasingly aloof, and she never liked dealing with teenage girls.

Listening to their foul mouths made her even less patient.