006, Can't I miss you?

At dusk, the wind was slightly cold.

The spacious dining room was full of people, yet eerily quiet.

Aside from Ye Jiuliang, everyone from the Ye Family had arrived.

The Ye Family placed great importance on rules, which could be discerned from the seating arrangement at the dinner table.

Ye Rong sat at the head, with his eldest son Ye Yan on his left, and everyone else took their seats according to seniority.

"She's putting on airs the moment she gets back, acting like she's so important." Ye Xin pursed her lips, cursing Ye Jiuliang countless times in her heart.

Ye Rong frowned slightly, but his expression softened when he saw the belated figure arrive.

"It seems everyone is quite gathered."

The crisp voice carried a touch of laziness.

As everyone followed the sound, they saw the girl's delicate countenance under the bright lights, her narrow and enchanting eyes indifferent and cold, as if veiled, inscrutable in her thoughts.

Ye Yan gave her a brief glance before shifting his gaze away.

"Sit down already," Ye Rong said sternly.

Ye Jiuliang raised her eyebrows and nonchalantly chose a chair to sit in.

Whether by coincidence or design, she ended up directly opposite to the elder Ye.

That was also the very end of the dining table.

"Jiuliang, why sit so far? Your place is here," Ye Yu said, looking at her tenderly and waving her over.

His face bore a kind smile, as if the incident with Ye Miao had never happened.

Ye Jiuliang glanced at the empty seat beside Ye Miao, her red lips curving slightly, "No trouble, I actually find this spot quite agreeable, having a certain sentimental attachment to it from childhood."

At her words, the expressions of those present varied.

Ye Jiuliang and Ye Miao were the same age, but she was a month younger than Ye Miao. When the elder Mrs. Ye and Jiuliang's parents were still alive, Jiuliang always sat at the very end of the dining table.

After the death of Jiuliang's parents, she was sent abroad to live, only returning home for the New Year once or twice.

Each visit was brief; she stayed for only two days before heading back abroad.

In Jiuliang's memory, the only time she didn't sit at the end of the table was when her father returned that one time.

The tall, aloof man was always so gentle in her presence, lifting her high, reading her bedtime stories, carefully removing bones from her fish. He was the only warmth she felt in the Ye Family.

With him there, no one dared to bully her. Sadly, that return marked the last time father and daughter saw each other.

Ye Jiuliang's gaze lowered slightly, a trace of pain flitting through its depths.

The same exquisitely carved dining table was there, but her protective daddy was gone.

Just as the atmosphere was about to become tense,

Ye Rong picked up his chopsticks, breaking the silence, "Let's eat."

A servant placed a bowl and chopsticks in front of Ye Jiuliang, then stepped aside.

"Amiao, Jiuliang will be transferring to your school the day after tomorrow. If there's anything she doesn't understand, try to help her out," Ye Rong said, sipping his drink calmly.

At his words, even Ye Yan glanced over briefly.

"She's going to the same school as me?" Ye Miao paused mid-motion, his tone edgy.

Ye Yu saw the elder's brow furrow and tugged at Ye Miao's sleeve discreetly, "Amiao."

"Grandpa, Beisen Academy values academic performance highly. Jiuliang has a weak foundation and will struggle there," said Ye Xin promptly, her statements dripping with implications that Jiuliang's grades weren't up to Beisen standards.

"Xinxin, this is your grandfather's decision. Eat your meal quietly," Ye Yan finally spoke up, his tone laced with a warning.

Ye Xin, who both respected and feared her father, immediately fell silent.

"Amiao, we're all siblings here; it's only right that we help each other out," Ye Yu said, looking at Ye Jiuliang with a smile, trying to smooth things over.

Ye Miao's face darkened, but he said nothing.

"That settles it, let's eat," said Ye Rong, leaving no room for discussion.

Seeing this, the other diners faced the feast before them with little appetite.

At that moment, a cell phone ringtone sounded.

Sensing the gazes from everyone around, Ye Jiuliang calmly took out her phone and directly answered the call in front of everyone.

Ye Rong sipped his drink, his peripheral vision subtly sweeping towards Ye Jiuliang.

Not knowing what the person on the other end of the phone said, Ye Jiuliang's lips curled into a beautiful arc.

A shallow smile, yet it carried a few degrees more warmth.

Ye Jiuliang hummed in response, "I'll come over now."

After hanging up, she stuffed her phone into her pocket and stood up.

"Are you going out so late?" Ye Rong asked.

Ye Jiuliang nodded lightly, "I'm full, you guys continue to enjoy."

With that, she turned and left.

The onlookers watched her retreating figure, each with their own thoughts.

It wasn't until the young girl's silhouette disappeared at the doorway that a hoarse voice pulled their attention back.

"Now that Jiuliang is back, I'll say this upfront; although Jiuliang has been abroad all these years, no matter what, she is a member of the Ye Family. I don't want to hear outsiders gossiping about discord within our own family, turning us into a laughingstock for others," Ye Rong said.

As he spoke, Ye Rong's gaze swept over the crowd, especially lingering a few seconds longer on Ye Miao and Ye Xin.

Ye Xin hung her head, her face filled with displeasure.

It was that damned Ye Jiuliang who was too arrogant. Why did Grandpa always have to be biased towards her?


The bustling streets were dazzle with lights.

Car going by

At the quiet entrance stood a charming figure, looking around.

The cool breeze tousled her burgundy hair.

There, the girl's eyes brightened, and she excitedly waved her hand.

"Little Liangliang, over here."

Ye Jiuliang narrowed her eyes, spotting the figure hopping on the spot, her lips slightly curled as she walked over at a leisurely pace.

"Missed me to death, come here, give me a hug," Gu Xinuo said, throwing a bear hug around Ye Jiuliang.

"If I remember correctly, we just saw each other yesterday," Ye Jiuliang glanced at the koala hanging on her body and commented.

Gu Xinuo swayed, clutching her neck, her voice sickly sweet, "I miss you even if an hour goes by without seeing you, is that not allowed?"

Ye Jiuliang was nearly shaken to nausea, "Can you speak normally, please?"

"Look, I even brought you a gift," Gu Xinuo said, standing firm and proudly presenting her offering.

Ye Jiuliang followed her gaze to see a pink little electric scooter standing all alone under the warm yellow streetlight.

This flashy pink, really was...

She raised an eyebrow, "You're not telling me this scooter is for me, are you?"

"I knew my Little Liangliang is the cleverest," Gu Xinuo said with a flattering smile, "Oh, Aqian and I made a bet, the stakes were his silver sports car."

Ye Jiuliang, "So, you lost?"

"He just got lucky, that's all," Gu Xinuo sulked momentarily, then hugged Ye Jiuliang's arm and giggled, "Little Liangliang, I know you love me the most. Isn't this little scooter cute, perfectly suited for you?"

Ye Jiuliang laughed dryly; she'd never used anything so shockingly pink before in her life.

She looked down, and Gu Xinuo blinked innocently.

Ye Jiuliang rubbed her brow, then fished out car keys from her pocket, "Take it."

"I knew you loved me the most, muah," Gu Xinuo said as she took them, puckering up for a kiss on Ye Jiuliang's face.

Ye Jiuliang stepped aside to dodge, unimpressed, "Save that routine for Aqian and Achen."

The two exchanged a smile.

Their banter over, it was time to get back to serious matters.

"How are the Ye Family treating you?" Gu Xinuo asked.