007, Master Jiu: Prying into Crown Prince Li's territory.

Ye Jiuliang had his hands in his pockets, "Not bad."

With an indifferent tone, Gu Xinuo rolled her eyes ungracefully.

"How come you're here too?" Ye Jiuliang changed the subject.

Gu Xinuo said, "Came to City S to handle some business and took the chance to take a stroll."

Hearing this, Ye Jiuliang chuckled lightly.

Crossing an entire city for a stroll was something only she could think of doing.

The bonds forged through life and death weren't just spoken words; how could she not know her purpose for coming? It was all because she was worried about her being mistreated by the Ye Family.

Looking up at the stars, Gu Xinuo suddenly felt a slender arm hook around her neck, accompanied by the girl's elegant voice.

"Thanks, my Nuonuo."

Gu Xinuo smiled and hugged her back, "I have to take a trip to Country M, and then I have to return to headquarters to put that bunch through some special training. It might be a while before we can meet again. Take care of yourself."

She initially spoke of not letting herself be wronged, but then again, thinking about it, it would be good enough if her Master Jiu didn't let others be wronged.

Ye Jiuliang hummed softly in response.

"I'm heading off now, let's keep in touch via phone." Gu Xinuo handed her the keys to the little electric scooter, then left with a spring in her step.

After watching her leave, Ye Jiuliang turned her head and looked at the flashy pink electric scooter, lightly tugging at her lips with a smile.

She swung her long legs over the scooter, sitting down firmly. Just as she was about to start it, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

After vibrating twice, she pressed to answer.

On the other end of the line, a man's respectful voice was tinged with excitement, "Master Jiu, the Heart of the Sea has been found."

"Where?" Ye Jiuliang's eyes gradually darkened.

"At an auction in Country M a couple of days ago, it was acquired by a man from China," the man explained.

Ye Jiuliang asked, "Name."

"Li Mochan." The man's voice slightly altered.

How is it him again, Ye Jiuliang frowned.

As the ruler of the Dark Hall, she certainly wasn't short on money, but if she were to compete with him for the Heart of the Sea, he surely wouldn't give in.

She had already hijacked his shipment of goods, and if she were to steal his Heart of the Sea as well, Aqian and the others would definitely come over and tie her up to bring her back to Organization K.

"I got it. Don't tell Achen or the other two about this," she cautioned in a low voice.

No matter what, she was determined to secure the Heart of the Sea.

As for owing a favor, she would find an opportunity to repay it later.

After hanging up, she started her little electric scooter and left.

Even at top speed, it felt painfully slow, like a turtle.

It really was...



Thanks to Ye Rong giving everyone a few warnings, Ye Jiuliang had a couple of peaceful days.

The bedroom had a cold color scheme, and the lighting was dim.

Suddenly, the person in the bed stirred.

The girl sat up, turning over, her thick black hair slightly disheveled.

Ye Jiuliang picked up her phone and glanced at it, it was almost nine o'clock.

In the darkness, her deep eyes shone astonishingly.

Getting out of bed, she walked to the floor-to-ceiling window. Her slender fingertips lifted a corner of the curtain, revealing a dark and gloomy sky, devoid of any starlight.

It was a good opportunity to go out and do something.

Minutes later, a black figure quietly left the Ye Family mansion.

In the dead of night, the suburban area lay in silence.

Surrounded by ancient trees, the perimeter of Mo Garden was in view.

Ye Jiuliang was sitting in a tree, her long legs bent as her fingers rapidly manipulated her portable iPad.

After a while, a gleam of sharpness crossed her cold eyes.


The defense and surveillance of Mo Garden were so dense that if she didn't destroy the inside monitoring, sneaking in without being detected was unlikely.

After all, China wasn't her territory; it was better to stay low-key.

She packed up her iPad, shouldered her bag with one hand, and leaped down.

The black figure blended almost completely with the night, deftly navigating through Mo Garden.

As the patrolling guards felt a chill breeze pass by, they focused their gaze, only to see swaying tree shadows.

"Where the hell did it go?"

In the spacious study, Ye Jiuliang crouched down, searching with extremely light movements.

She just couldn't understand why Li Mochan, a cold-blooded and fierce man, would buy a gemstone, and hide it so secretly.

Was he planning to give it to a woman?

Suddenly, a nearly undetectable sound of footsteps arose.

Ye Jiuliang frowned, looked down at her watch, and saw that the ten minutes were almost up. She had disrupted the surveillance here, and it could only last for ten minutes, if she didn't leave now it would be too late.


Wasn't Li Mochan not in China?

It seemed she had made a wasted trip tonight.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer outside the door, a flash of annoyance crossed Ye Jiuliang's eyes, and she couldn't help but curse softly.


The door opened, and the man walking in front reached for the switch on the wall.

With a "click," the lights turned on.

Wei Bei opened the door, looking respectfully at the man who walked in behind him, feeling slightly puzzled inside.

Why had his young master returned so quickly right after the old lady's birthday banquet?

Logically, he should have stayed a couple more days.

Wei Bei's questioning gaze shifted to Wei Nan, who was suppressing a smile at the corner of his mouth.

The old lady, right after her birthday celebration, was busy trying to covertly arrange a matchmaking event for the young master. His young master detested women the most; how could he possibly linger there any longer?

Sure enough, he returned overnight.

Approaching the desk, Li Mochan paused in his steps.

His gaze lowered slightly, the coldness in his eyes scanning over the items on the desk.

Suddenly, the aura around him grew colder.

"Someone has been here."

After he spoke, Wei Bei and Wei Nan could distinctly feel the temperature around them drop.

Realizing the implication of Li Mochan's words, their expressions changed, and Wei Bei immediately left the study to check the surveillance.

Wei Nan stepped forward, his expression grave, "Master, have you discovered something?"

"This book."

His three words were sparing but carried a trace of ferocity.

Nobody would touch his desk, not even Wei Bei and the others. Before he left, this book was clearly flipped to page one hundred and two, and with the windows in the study tightly shut over the past two days, how could the pages have been disturbed.

There was only one explanation, either someone had touched it, or the window had been opened.

Wei Nan, intelligent enough to work at Li Mochan's side, immediately grasped his meaning.

He turned and quickly walked over to the French windows, examining the windows carefully.

At that moment, Wei Bei returned.

His expression was grim, "Master, the surveillance has been hacked. The footage from the last ten minutes is all blacked out."

The security at Mo Garden was arranged by Wei Xi himself. To think someone could break through Wei Xi's encrypted firewall.

It seemed the intruder had come prepared, specifically choosing the time when they and the young master were not at Mo Garden to strike.

Li Mochan's eyes grew colder, and he turned and walked out.

Wei Bei and Wei Nan glanced at each other and hurriedly followed.

In the living room, the atmosphere was tense and combative.

A scent of invisible gunpowder lingered faintly in the air.

"I mean, a bunch of grown men surrounding a defenseless young guy like me, do you think that's appropriate?" Ye Jiuliang pulled over a chair to sit down, her legs casually crossed, exuding an elegant and raffish charm.

Damn it, she was so close to getting away.

An unexpected obstacle had appeared out of nowhere.

Tch, it was truly frustrating.

Wei Dong's face stiffened with anger. Hearing "his" words, he glanced at the heap of dogs lying haphazardly on the ground, a vein throbbing at his temple.

He's a defenseless young guy?

A single person had taken down the pack of dogs at Mo Garden without breaking a sweat, and that's called defenseless?

Heh, perhaps his understanding of the language was lacking.

"Hey, you guys are still patrolling and standing guard this late at night. Aren't you tired? Your young master is really lacking in compassion." The teenager spoke again, his words causing the guards' faces to shift slightly.

To dare speak ill of Master Jiu, this "young guy" must be incredibly bold.

Watching Wei Dong's face turn green, Ye Jiuliang continued, "How about this, come work for me, I'll make sure you receive far better treatment than you get here. And if any of you are single, I can even throw in a matchmaking event for you."

Her clear voice deliberately lowered, became even more enticing.