008, Master Jiu: The person who secretly loves your family's Mister Li Wu

Having lost track of Li Mochan, Wei Bei and another person hurried to the living room upon hearing some noise, just in time to catch this statement.

The corners of their lips twitched slightly in the chaotic wind.

Who exactly was so presumptuous?

"Yo, there are two new friends here," Ye Jiuliang commented, catching a glimpse of Wei Bei and his companion out of the corner of her eye, gesturing with a wave of her cold jade-like hand.


Friends, who were her friends?

Wei Bei looked down at the pack of wolves lying on the floor and exchanged a glance with Wei Nan, his expression turning serious.

"It's getting late, so we won't disturb your rest," Ye Jiuliang stood up, lifting her hand to touch the brim of her hat.

Wei Dong's face was cold as he flicked two fingers, and numerous guards dispersed in all directions, blocking all the doors and windows.


Ye Jiuliang's slender eyes narrowed, and a mischievous smile formed on her lips, "Tsk, being this violent on our first meeting, I really feel a bit reluctant to make a move."


Reluctant to make a move, what about the wolves lying on the ground?

Wei Bei stared intently at the "youth's" masked face and asked coldly, "Who exactly are you?"

The smile on Ye Jiuliang's lips grew more playful, "Someone who secretly admires your family's Li Wei, the fifth master."

Everyone in Organization K knew that Master Jiu's mouth was full of lies.

If you believed it, you'd already lost.

Wei Bei choked, his facial muscles twitching.

This "youth" must have a problem in his head.

"Is that so?"

The man's magnetic voice was chilling and startling.

Upon hearing this voice, Wei Bei's face went from cloudy to clear, and his gaze towards Ye Jiuliang filled with a hint of triumph.

Wait to be taken care of.

This mouth was really too deserving.

Ye Jiuliang followed the sound, and at the turn of the staircase, a tall figure slowly emerged from the darkness.

A bespoke, expensive black suit accentuated the man's tall and straight figure, and the light falling on his delicate features outlined his sharp contours, which were covered in a frosty demeanor.

As he approached, a dominant and chilling aura hit them head-on.

The identity of the newcomer was virtually announced.

The man in charge of the Dark Hall—Li Mochan.

Ye Jiuliang's brows tensed, and the impudent curve on her lips gradually faded away.

He had arrived unnoticed, and she hadn't been aware of it at all.

Without realizing it, she stood up straight, raised her head, and inadvertently met a pair of eyes as dark and deep as cold ponds.

Eyes locked.

Time seemed to stand still, and all was silent as the grave.

An elegant rogue facing down a strong and haughty air, inexplicably, the atmosphere between the two was evenly matched.

Ye Jiuliang surreptitiously sized up Li Mochan. This was, after all, the first time she had seen Li Mochan's face clearly.

Prior to this, she had only seen a blurry profile in a photo.

She had to admit, that countenance was indeed perfect.

Even Aqian was slightly less handsome than he.

"Have you seen enough?" the man's icy voice sounded again.

Ye Jiuliang smirked, arms crossed over her chest, "With such beauty, how could I ever see enough of you, Master Li? I've long admired you, and now that I've finally met you, I definitely need to take a few more looks."

Her brazen tone was the very essence of a thug brought to life.

The faces of Wei Bei and his companions turned slightly bizarre, their eyes filled with horror as they looked at the masked "youth" not far away.

To use the word "beautiful" to describe their master, what boldness, what utter gall.

Li Mochan's eyes, like deep, cold pools, flashed with a trace of chilliness. In a flash, the others only managed to catch a glimpse of a fleeting shadow.

The well-defined large hand struck towards her porcelain-white neck; Ye Jiuliang's eyes turned cold as she adeptly dodged with an agile posture.

She spun around, throwing a side kick with her opposite leg.

Crunchy, clean.

Li Mochan sneered, advancing rather than retreating, he lifted his knee, kicking out.

In an instant, their long legs collided in the air.

Ye Jiuliang took a step back, feeling a tingling sensation in her calf through her trousers, due to the bone contact.

Her brows furrowed slightly as a spark of fighting spirit ignited in her limpid eyes, alluring yet unwittingly so, "Quite interesting, huh?"

Though she spoke playfully, her fists were anything but.

Li Molí said nothing; Wei Dong and others dared not intervene rashly, while Wei Bei, watching the fight from the side, kept his gaze fixed on Ye Jiuliang.

Such clean and efficient movements, not outdone by any professional assassin; enduring so long against his master was indeed rare.

Li Mochan snorted coldly, avoiding a fierce punch and sidestepping to her rear, his five fingers forming a claw to seize both of Ye Jiuliang's hands and twisted them behind her back.

"Is it still interesting?"

His icy voice echoed as if from a cold cave, to which Ye Jiuliang cast a sideways glance at him, her smile defiant, "Of course."

As she spoke, she launched a backward kick with her leg.

The target below her abdomen left Wei Bei and his companions speechless.


Shameless, scoundrel.

Li Mochan's eyes darkened as he blocked her slender leg with his knee, "Nonsense."

Before the words had even finished, he moved towards her, gripping her shoulders and closing the distance.

Her slender back collided with the wall; Ye Jiuliang's eyes narrowed slightly, still speaking in that same frivolous tone.

"Li Fifth Master, would this be considered a 'wall-pin'?" She deliberately stressed the last two words, the tone playful and rising at the end.

Her light and casual voice carried, ensuring that Wei Bei and the others heard every word.

A chill rushed up from the soles of their feet to their hearts; they quickly bowed their heads, holding their breath, pretending they heard nothing.

Li Mochan's gaze was lowered, meeting the "youth's" pale eyes that contained vast starry skies, shining brightly.

At this close distance, they could clearly hear each other's heartbeats.

"Three seconds for you to let go," commanded Ye Jiuliang, leaning against the wall, the cold in her voice articulated clearly with every word.

Even now, in an inferior position, she retained her brazen demeanor as if nothing had changed.

Li Mochan remained silent, his fingers reaching for the mask on her face.

"It seems reasoning is pointless," remarked Ye Jiuliang as she flicked her wrist, a silver needle shooting out from the watch on her wrist.

The hair-thin needle gleamed coldly; Li Mochan's eyes darkened as he stepped aside, his grip on Ye Jiuliang's hand slackening a bit.

Taking advantage of the moment he dodged the needle, Ye Jiuliang kicked toward his reaching hand, executed a mid-air flip, and landed steadily.

The silver needle missed its mark, embedding itself in the wall, quivering slightly.

Wei Bei and the others, upon seeing the needle stuck in the wall, looked back at Ye Jiuliang with a changed expression.

This "youth" was a tough nut to crack.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ye Jiuliang saw Wei Dong and others covertly signaling. Her lips curved into a meaningful smile, "Coming for a visit so late at night, I wouldn't feel right coming empty-handed either."

With these words, her pale hand reached into her pocket, pinching a few green pills between her fingers, she gently crushed them, their powdered form dissipating into the air.

"Hold your breath," Wei Nan's pupils contracted, covering his nose, he yelled out urgently.

"It's too late."

Filling the air with his voice, Wen Liang watched as the guards blocking the doors and windows fell, one after another.

Even Wei Bei and his two companions felt their legs give way, devoid of strength.

Seeing this, Li Mochan's eyes sharpened, his figure ghostly as he lunged towards Ye Jiuliang, who calmly avoided him, a cold light flickering at her fingertips.

"Li Fifth Master, good night," she said.

With a flick of her fingers, the chill-emitting silver needles shot forth like arrows loosed from a bow.

Li Mochan lightly tapped with his toes, spinning to dodge the barrage of needles; when he looked back, the "youth" had vanished from the doorway.