017: The Only Sister

Late at night.

The hands on the wall clock pointed to twelve, and Lai Zhiyun had not yet gone to sleep.

Unlike Zhou Liao, who didn't stay up late, she always worked at this time of the night.

She had recently released a new song, and the reception was good across the board; several film and music production companies approached her to commission songs, offering varying amounts of money but all laying out numerous conditions.

Since she did not understand the market, Lai Zhiyun did not rashly take the work and tactfully declined each offer.

Now, she was working her guts out purely for the sake of friendship, writing songs for another good friend of hers, Lin Zhenzhen.

"Ring ring..."

The call on her phone broke the silence of the night.

"Zhiyun, are you dating someone?"

The slightly excited voice of Li Momo came from the phone.

She was also a night owl, and usually called Lai Zhiyun for a chat in the middle of the night.

"Not at all."