018: Waiting for him to knock on the door

The night grew deeper.

The idle chat between best friends continued.

There was no moon tonight, the sky pitch-black, without a trace of stars.

Stepping out of her workspace, Lai Zhiyun found a new spot and settled into the hanging chair on the balcony.

The night wind was cool and brisk; she wrapped herself in a blanket, earphones on, her voice calm and steady as she consoled, "Everyone has their own ambitions, if it's over, it's over. Stop reading hate comments online; they affect your mood."

"I can't help it. The day before yesterday, I registered a burner account and spent over an hour exchanging barbs with the haters. It was infuriating but satisfying."

"Well, as long as you're happy."

"My typing speed is fast. I infiltrated the hater group and just went on a rampage. Dozens of people couldn't win against me. It's unexpected, learning guitar for over a decade, and now it's giving me a buff in typing speed."