027: Internship Period

The next day, in the evening.

The setting sun cast a golden glow on the clouds at the edge of the sky.

Under the backdrop of the vast twilight, Lai Zhiyun stepped out of the first floor entrance, her steps light but her heart pounding a little.

Zhou Liao's car was parked not far away, and just like yesterday, he was standing by the car waiting for her.

As Lai Zhiyun approached, their eyes met, and upon making eye contact, she immediately lowered her gaze, feeling somewhat shy.

Yesterday, her meeting with Zhou Liao had been very relaxed and comfortable.

Sending a message to Zhou Liao last night, she felt especially brave.

So, in her imagination, her approach towards Zhou Liao should have been with a queenly air, but reality was...

...a bit daunting.

She felt a bit hesitant to meet his gaze.

It wasn't that she was a coward, but Zhou Liao's look at her...