028: Holding Hands

"Want to collaborate with him?"

"I want to, but he's retired, no longer singing."

Lai Zhiyun felt quite regretful.

"Let's go."

As he spoke, Zhou Liao reached out and took hold of Lai Zhiyun's left hand, leading her to walk outside.

The warmth coming from his palm was comforting, and suddenly Lai Zhiyun's mind went blank.

How... How did they end up holding hands all of a sudden?

Lai Zhiyun walked a step behind Zhou Liao, led by him.

She didn't watch where she was going, looking down at her left hand held by Zhou Liao.

His hand was bigger than hers, their palms touching, the feel dry and warm. That warmth spread to her heart and then to her face, rising up until her cheeks were a bit hot.

Zhou Liao walked ahead, looking upright and calm, but inside he was all over the place.

He had taken hold of Zhiyun's hand on impulse; in that moment, his action outpaced his mind. He started walking, holding Zhiyun's hand, but wasn't sure if she would accept this closeness.