No names

It was a beautiful day in Konoha with birds chirping, a beautiful breeze blowing, and the morning sun rising some Konoha ninjas and civilians, but it was also a day in Konoha that would birth a Shinobi of massive strength and mastery, as you will see soon...

Naruto Uzumaki was walking down a street in Konoha with his head looking at the flour; why, you might ask? Well, it was because he was getting glared at by the population of Konoha, with them hating him because of the beast he contained (The nine-tail fox).

Of course, he didn't know because a law was placed by the third Hokage that forbade anyone to speak about it, or they would get an unspeakable punishment.

(Back to Naruto)

Where was Naruto walking to? You? Say well, he was walking to an unknown training ground that no Shinobi used. It was mainly covered by trees, so it was hidden, I'm away. Away from the eyes of the Shinobi and those hateful glares. Walking into the secret training ground, naruto looked around, seeing that no one was there today either. He walked over to a side where he stood in front of a tree.

Looking back at Naruto, he looked normal, but if you saw his face, you would see tears. Today, he was frustrated, tired, and angry. Tired of the glares, frustrated that the Hokage wasn't doing the maximum he could, and angry at himself, angry at the failure, he is. All his life, he has been called a failure for being the dead last and not being able to beat his classmate, rival, and rookie of the year, Sasuke Uchiha. All that together brought out a mix of emotions in Naruto.

Which made him decide to come to his secret training ground. Looking up he went into a boxing-type stance and started punching the tree. With each punch, he started to say his true emotions about the people in Konoha, the fairness of the world, and why he had to be born in it. Thinking after all that hard work I put in, why am I so weak? Why am I so weak, repeating that In His head over and over again.

But one thing that Naruto didn't notice is that with each punch the power behind it got stronger, and the pain that he would normally feel wasn't there. He was also smiling with his body feeling extremely hot.

This feeling that Naruto would learn of later on is called Heat Mode.

[Heat mode: Heat Mode is a method to elevate one's stats and capabilities. By allowing one's self-hatred, rage, and negative emotions to take over, they can become stronger and push their body to the limit]

Which was what Naruto was unconsciously doing without even noticing it. He continued for some hours with him, punching over two trees. Waking up out of this state, Naruto felt a sharp pain in his hands. Looking at them, he saw a lot of splinters and wood. Looking up, he saw the two trees and asked himself if he was the one that did it, but not having his focus on that, he went home to bandage his hand.