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Sasuke beaten

Next day

In the academy, the students were outside for taijutsu training with Their instructor, Iruka-Sensei, and his assistant, Mizuki, and it was now Naruto's turn to step up; who's the person he's up against, you might ask? Well, Sasuke of course. This battle was set up by Mizuki because he didn't like the Kyuubi brat, as they would call Naruto behind his back.

Naruto and Sasuke stepped up in the circle and made the sign of peace. Of course, no one thought Naruto could because he was going up against the son of the head of the Uchiha clan. The clan is said to have posed the legendary Sharingan while he was just a lowly orphan; Naruto hearing was just becoming angrier and angrier, subconsciously tapping into Heat Mode, which, without Naruto knowing, had a huge smile on his face, which made everybody look at Naruto with a little fear. Iruka saw that Naruto looked either excited or crazy.

Raising his hands in the air he shouted Hajime. Saying that, he jumped back; as the signal was given, Naruto ran at Sasuke with surprising speed, catching him off guard, throwing an on knowingly to him strong punch at Sasuke's body, which luckily he was able to block but at the cost of his arm which got extremely injured.

Jumping back, Sasuke was trying to analyze Naruto's movement, but he just kept coming, throwing a barrage of punches with a crazy smile on his face. Sasuke managed to avoid most of the attacks with his interceptor style and finally found an opening Naruto threw a right jab which Sasuke ducked under rushing towards Naruto's lower abdomen he threw a punch but Naruto jumped over Sasuke's hand holding on to it and spun around it hitting a spinning back heel that landed on Sasuke face sending Sasuke flying out of the ring ending the match.

Everyone was shocked and was wondering how the no named orphan

beat the Uchiha, no one was more shocked than Mizuki, who was angry, wondering how the demon brat beat the Uchiha. Despite that Naruto wasn't finished he was still in Heat Mode and wasn't in control of his body.

(You can say he was in a rage-like state)

Running toward the knocked-out Sasuke he jumped up attempting to crush Sasuke's head but Iruka managed to drag Sasuke out of the way of the attack putting him down he walked towards Naruto shouting at him 'The fight is over you can calm down" But Naruto couldn't hear him he was unconscious which no one knew.

Naruto then ran towards Iruka, who didn't want to do this but had no choice. He put his guard up, waiting to see what Naruto would do. But to his surprise, Naruto, when reaching close to Iruka, kicked up some dirt, blocking Iruka's eyesight for just a second, which was enough for Naruto to jump and land an axe kick on Iruka's head, smashing his head on the dirt.

Naruto jumped back and tried to continue, but a dog-masked Anbu blitzed behind him, chopping his neck and putting him to sleep.