How it started

If there's one person Evan Lockwood could swear he loathed with every fiber of his being, it would be Kai Wentworth—the notorious prankster whose relentless antics turned Evan's life at Crestwood Academy into a never-ending circus.

It all began innocently enough during their freshman year, a time when Evan was filled with hope and dreams for a bright future at Crestwood.

But Kai, with his mischievous streak and knack for trouble, seemed to have marked Evan as his personal target from day one.

Kai's pranks were legendary. It started with innocent textbook swaps that left Evan studying French instead of History, followed by classroom disruptions involving fake spiders and whoopee cushions.

Evan would often retaliate with scathing remarks and attempted counter-pranks, but more often than not, Kai's irreverent charm and devil-may-care attitude left him at a loss.

Their feud escalated when fate—or perhaps the school's twisted sense of humor—placed them both on the same soccer team. Now, their battles weren't just about pranks; they spilled over onto the field, where each match became a clash of wills as much as a test of skill.

As sophomore year dawned, Evan found himself questioning why Kai seemed so fixated on making his life miserable.

One heated argument in the locker room erupted into a showdown of words:

"Why do you always have to mess with me?" Evan demanded, his frustration boiling over.Kai, leaning against a locker with that infuriating grin plastered on his face, chuckled softly.

"Aw, Evan, you're too serious. Lighten up a bit. Besides, you're cute when you're angry."

Evan rolled his eyes, knowing he'd never get a straight answer from Kai.

It was like talking to a brick wall, except this wall had a knack for setting off fireworks wherever Evan went.

Today had been a blessed morning for Evan Lockwood. He hadn't seen the troublemaker, Kai Wentworth, all day. As much as Evan relished the peace, he couldn't help but worry if Kai was sick, especially since he hadn't shown up for their shared classes during the first and third periods.

It was now lunch break, and Evan, having packed his books into his locker, closed it with a sense of relief. He headed towards the cafeteria, anticipating a rare, uneventful lunch without Kai's antics. He smiled to himself, enjoying the thought of a beautiful, prank-free day.

As he walked down the bustling hallway, he observed students chatting animatedly about their weekends, favorite shows, and the latest gossip spreading like wildfire. The lively atmosphere added to his good mood.

Just as he was about to reach the cafeteria, Evan's heart sank as he spotted Kai with his two friends, the self-proclaimed "Handsome Trio." Evan rolled his eyes, hoping to slip past unnoticed, but luck was not on his side.

"Well, well, if it isn't my favorite person," Kai called out, a playful grin lighting up his face. He strolled over with his friends flanking him, all wearing identical smirks.

Evan sighed inwardly but kept his cool. "What do you want, Kai?"

Kai's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Just wanted to check on you, Evan. Haven't seen you all morning. Miss me?"

Evan couldn't help but roll his eyes again. "Not really. Actually, I was having a pretty great day until now."

Kai laughed, the sound light and teasing. "Aw, come on, Evan. You know you can't live without me brightening up your day."

Evan crossed his arms, trying to ignore the amused looks from Kai's friends. "If by 'brightening' you mean making my life more complicated, then sure."

Kai leaned in slightly, his smile never fading. "You wound me, Evan. But seriously, what's lunch without a little excitement?"

Evan sighed again, knowing that his peaceful lunch was now out of the question. "Alright, what's the prank this time, Kai? Or are you just here to torment me with your presence?"

Kai chuckled. "Oh, Evan, you'll just have to wait and see. I promise it'll be memorable."

Evan shook his head, resigned to whatever mischief Kai had planned. "Fine, just try not to get us both in trouble, okay?"

Kai winked. "No promises, but I'll try to behave. For you."

Evan couldn't help but smile a little, despite himself. "You're impossible, Kai."

"And yet, you can't escape me," Kai shot back with a laugh as he passed by Evan, his two friends trailing behind him.

Evan sighed in relief as he watched Kai and his friends disappear down the hallway. He turned and entered the cafeteria, finally feeling a sense of peace. Grabbing a tray, he joined the buffet line, savoring the variety of dishes laid out before him.

He chose the roasted chicken, a generous helping of mashed potatoes, and some grilled vegetables. He added a piece of garlic bread and a small bowl of Caesar salad, deciding to save room for dessert later. With his tray full, he scanned the room for his friends.

"Hey, Evan! Over here!" called out Liam, one of his closest friends, waving from a table near the window.

Evan smiled and made his way over, sliding into the seat next to Liam. "Hey, guys," he greeted, nodding at the rest of his friends—Jordan, Mia, and Sarah.

"Looks like you finally escaped the Kai menace," Mia teased, giving him a sympathetic smile.

"Yeah, for now," Evan replied, rolling his eyes. "Let's just enjoy lunch while we can."

The group dug into their meals, the conversation flowing easily around the table. They talked about their weekend plans, the latest school gossip, and upcoming assignments. Evan found himself relaxing, enjoying the camaraderie and the delicious food.

"So, Evan," Jordan began, leaning in with a conspiratorial grin, "did you hear about the new event planning committee? They're looking for second-year students to join."

Evan raised an eyebrow. "No, I hadn't heard. What kind of event are they planning?"

"It's the annual school gala," Sarah explained. "It's a big deal, and they want students to help with the planning and execution."

"Sounds interesting," Evan said, taking a bite of his chicken. "I might consider it."

"Well, you should," Liam encouraged. "It'd look great on your college applications, and you'd get to show off your organizational skills."

Evan nodded thoughtfully, appreciating the support from his friends. As they continued to eat and chat, he couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of normalcy. It was nice to enjoy a meal without Kai's interference, and he hoped it would stay that way for the rest of the day.

Little did he know, though, that fate—or perhaps Kai's mischievous nature—would soon throw them back into each other's paths, making the peace short-lived. For now, Evan relished the rare calm, unaware of the twists and turns that awaited him in the days to come,or even in the next hour.