Shampoos and Blue dyes

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" Devon asked, giving his friend a questioning glance.

"Why can't I?" Kai replied nonchalantly.

"I think this prank is too much. We could get in trouble if it escalates."

"We won't. You're such a wimp, Devon," Kai said, rolling his eyes. "Just hold this." He handed Devon a bottle containing blue dye.

To be honest, Devon wasn't happy about his friend's nasty trick. It felt like this was going too far. He watched as Kai struggled to open Evan's locker, intent on swapping his shampoo with the dye.

"It's not like it'll harm him," Kai muttered, finally prying the locker open. "The school doesn't ban dyed hair, anyway. It'll just be a funny surprise."

Devon couldn't help but smirk at the thought of Evan's reaction when he discovered the dye. Despite his reservations, the anticipation of the prank's outcome was amusing.

"Hurry up," Max, one of Kai's friends, hissed from his lookout position near the locker room door. "Someone could come in any minute."

Kai nodded and quickly poured the blue dye into Evan's shampoo bottle, shaking it to ensure it was well-mixed. "There, all set," he said, closing the locker with a satisfied grin. "Let's get out of here."

Kai handed the empty dye bottle back to Devon, his nerves still on edge. "I hope this doesn't backfire."

Kai laughed, slapping Devon on the back. "Relax, it'll be fine. Now let's go before we get caught."

The three boys hurried out of the locker room, with Max keeping an eye out for any approaching teachers or students.

As they made their way down the hall, Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the thought of Evan's surprise.

Little did they know, this prank would set off a chain of events that would only deepen the relationship between Evan and Kai.


The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, except for those involved in extracurricular activities. Students burst out of the school doors, some eager for home-cooked meals, others excited about the games they were going to play at home. A few had no particular plans but simply wanted to be far from the school grounds.

Students like Kai and Evan, who were on the soccer team, headed towards the locker room to get changed into their sportswear and hit the field for training. They knew their coach had a strict policy against tardiness.

Evan walked into the locker room, heading straight for his locker. As he opened it, he noticed Kai giving him peculiar looks now and then, but he brushed it off, assuming Kai was just up to his usual antics. Evan grabbed his gear and changed into his soccer uniform, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that something was off.

Kai, meanwhile, was smirking to himself as he got ready, casting glances at Evan to see if he would notice the prank. Devon and Max exchanged nervous looks but said nothing, not wanting to give anything away.

Once dressed, the team headed out to the field. The coach greeted them with a stern look, reminding them of the importance of punctuality. They began their warm-up routine, which included stretches, jogging around the field, and various drills to improve their agility and endurance.

"Alright, team," the coach called out, "let's start with some sprint drills. I want to see you push your limits."

Evan focused on the drills, sprinting as fast as he could, feeling the burn in his muscles. Kai, ever the playful one, managed to keep up while occasionally nudging or teasing Evan.

"Keep up, Lockwood," Kai said with a grin, running past him during a sprint.

"Mind your own business, Wentworth," Evan shot back, determined not to let Kai's antics distract him.

Next, they moved on to ball control exercises, dribbling through cones and practicing quick passes. Evan found himself paired with Kai, much to his annoyance.

"Think you can keep up?" Kai taunted, effortlessly maneuvering the ball between the cones.

"Just watch me," Evan replied, matching Kai's skill with focused determination.

The training continued with shooting practice, where they took turns aiming for the goal. Evan felt a sense of satisfaction each time he scored, even more so when he outperformed Kai.

By the end of practice, the team was exhausted but in good spirits. The coach gathered them for a final talk, praising their efforts and reminding them of the upcoming match.

"Great work today, everyone," the coach said. "Keep this up, and we'll be unstoppable."

As they headed back to the locker room, Evan felt a mix of pride and relief. The training had gone well, and despite Kai's antics, he had managed to stay focused. Little did he know, the real surprise was waiting for him the next time he used his shampoo.

With a sigh, he slumped onto the bench, relaxing as his teammates poured in, their banter filling the room. As usual, Kai and his cronies were shoving each other around, trying to act normal.

"Not bad out there, Lockwood," Kai commented with a smirk, pulling off his shirt. "Too bad you can't keep up all the time."

Evan shot him a glare, watching as Kai stripped off his shirt, his toned muscles catching the light.

Kai noticed Evan staring and turned around, giving him a flirty wink. "Enjoying the view, Lockwood?" he teased before turning back around.

Evan rolled his eyes and began undressing, determined not to let Kai get under his skin. He gathered his things and headed to the showers, aware of Kai's eyes on him the whole time.

As Evan disappeared into the shower area, Kai and his friends exchanged knowing looks. "This is going to be good," Max whispered with a grin.

"Yeah, let's see how he likes our little surprise," Devon added, trying to hide his nervousness.

Moments later, a scream echoed from the shower cubicle. The locker room fell silent as everyone turned towards the sound, the anticipation thick in the air.