The Locker room incident.

Evan entered the cubicle, taking off his shorts and hanging them along with the white towel around his neck. After hanging them up, he turned on the cold shower, letting the water pour down on him for a moment to refresh himself. He reached for his shampoo, following his usual routine: shampoo for his hair first, then soap for his body.

He closed his eyes and opened the shampoo bottle, pouring it onto his hair. The cold liquid trickled down, and he rubbed his hands through his hair, ensuring it was evenly distributed. As he massaged the shampoo into his scalp, he noticed a strange scent—different from the usual fragrance. It felt slightly off, but he dismissed it, focusing on his task.

Evan continued to lather, eyes still closed, oblivious to the prank. The shampoo felt different too, a bit thicker, and it wasn't until he opened his eyes and saw his hands tinted blue that the realization struck him. His eyes widened in horror as he stared at the blue dye covering his hands and hair. Panic set in, followed quickly by a surge of anger.

A scream tore from his throat, echoing through the locker room and drawing the attention of everyone outside. His jaw tightened, and he clenched his fists, furious at what had been done to him. There was no doubt in his mind that this was Kai's doing. Those smug looks Kai had been giving him all day suddenly made sense.

"That jerk!" Evan muttered under his breath, scrubbing his hair vigorously in an attempt to wash out the dye. The water around his feet turned a murky blue, but despite his efforts, the dye clung stubbornly to his hair. The cold water did little to calm his rising anger. He rinsed his hands and face, the blue tint still evident as he glanced at his reflection in the metal panel of the shower wall.

His thoughts raced. He knew Kai enjoyed pulling pranks, but this had gone too far. It wasn't just a harmless joke; it was humiliating and infuriating. He should have known something was up when Kai kept giving him those trouble-making stares. Ignoring them had been a mistake.

Evan finally gave up on trying to wash the dye out, realizing it would take more than just water and soap to remove it. He turned off the shower, grabbed his towel, and wrapped it around his hair. The cool fabric did little to soothe his rage. He slipped into his shorts, the anger bubbling inside him, making him feel like he was going to explode.

With his towel still draped over his head, Evan stormed out of the shower area, his eyes scanning the room. All the students in the locker room were looking at him, their chatter falling silent as they took in his blue-tinted hair and furious expression. His gaze zeroed in on Kai, who was lounging casually against the lockers with a smug grin on his face, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

Evan's eyes narrowed as he marched up to Kai, his fists clenched at his sides. "What the hell is your problem, Kai?" he demanded, his voice shaking with rage.

Kai looked up, feigning innocence. "What are you talking about, Lockwood?"

"Don't play dumb," Evan snapped. "You know exactly what you did. This is your doing." He pointed to his hair, still dripping blue water.

Kai shrugged, his smirk never wavering. "It was just a little joke, Evan. No need to get so worked up."

"A little joke?" Evan echoed incredulously. "You dyed my hair blue! This is beyond a joke, Kai. This is—"

"Hey, chill out," Kai interrupted, holding up his hands defensively. "It's not permanent. Just wash it out a few times, and it'll be back to normal."

Evan's anger flared even hotter. "You think this is funny? You think it's okay to mess with people like this?"

Kai's smile faded slightly, but he remained defiant. "Maybe you should learn to take a joke, Lockwood. You're always so uptight."

"This isn't about taking a joke," Evan retorted. "It's about respect. Something you clearly don't understand."

The tension in the room was palpable as the other students watched the confrontation unfold. Devon and Max shifted uncomfortably, clearly regretting their involvement in Kai's prank.

Evan took a deep breath, trying to control his temper. "I've had enough of your games, Kai. This needs to stop."

Kai crossed his arms, meeting Evan's glare with one of his own. "Or what? You gonna run to the principal? Cry about it?"

Evan's eyes flashed with determination. "No. I'm going to show you that you can't keep treating people like this. One way or another, you're going to learn."

With that, Evan turned on his heel and marched out of the locker room taking his things with him, leaving Kai and his friends to exchange uncertain glances. The other students slowly resumed their activities, the buzz of conversation picking up again as Evan's departure left a charged silence in its wake.

As Evan walked away, he resolved to find a way to get back at Kai, but not through pranks or petty revenge. He would prove himself through hard work and integrity, showing Kai that respect and sportsmanship were far more important than childish antics.

"I think we might have gone too far with this one," Max said, ruffling his hair anxiously as he stood beside Kai. Kai was still in a daze, not having expected Evan to react with such intense anger.

"Yeah, did you see how mad he was? I almost shit my pants, dude," Devon added, his hand over his chest, clearly shaken by the confrontation.

Kai tried to brush off their concerns, though deep down, he was rattled too. "He can't do anything, even if he wants to," Kai said, attempting to reassure his friends. In reality, he was trying to convince himself, feeling a flicker of fear that Evan might indeed retaliate in some way.

Around them, the other students began whispering among themselves. The buzz of conversation hinted at a consensus that Kai had finally crossed a line. Snippets of their murmurs reached Kai's ears.

"Did you see Evan's face? Kai really pushed it this time."

"Yeah, dyeing someone's hair isn't just a prank. That's humiliation."

"He deserves whatever's coming to him after this."

Kai's stomach churned with regret. The usual thrill of his pranks was absent, replaced by an uncomfortable realization that he had gone too far. He forced a smile, trying to mask his unease.

"Come on, guys," Kai said, attempting to sound confident. "Let's hit the showers. Practice was tough today."

Max and Devon exchanged worried glances but followed Kai's lead. As they headed towards the showers, Kai couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that this time, he had really messed up. The weight of the students' disapproval and the memory of Evan's furious expression gnawed at him, making him regret his actions more than he cared to admit.