Chapter 1-The girl I like is my biogical sister?!

Part 1

My name is Yamazaki Megat. I am shy and timid, I always being quiet and always have few friends. Well not really, I just happened don't know how to communicate with others but thankfully they weren't hostiles to me.

There was a girl I like name Tsunomaki Watame. I can't really describe her despite her beauty (only my POV, she's not really popular amongst the boys).

Anyway back to the story.

I was talking with a guy named Haqimy. He's my friend that I talked a lot in this school. While I was busy talking, I accidently laid my eyes on Watame and by a coincidence she also laid her eyes on me. I was surprised by her long stare and blush slightly. She raises her eyebrows and look away as if she thinks I'm a weirdo.

---Megat Thoughts---

"Fuck I messed up... I should've learn how to control my emotion."

Watame still looking away from me as if she was disgusted. I feel like I want to rewind the time and try not to be awkward.

---Watame thought---

"Ah.. he's doing that expression again.. I can't seeing him blush, it just makes me flustered..!"

---back to the story---

At the end of the school day, the bell ringing and everyone started to pack their stuff and he notice Watame quickly leave the classroom as if she's busy but in my head thinking that she doesn't want to be closed with me.

---At night Chilling in the room---

"Megat! don't forget to do the laundry!"

Said his mother

"A-ah yeah! Alright!"

I sigh and lay on my bed that is really messy and full of unwashed clothe "I need to be more gentle tomorrow.."

I stood up and do the laundry. While I do the laundry my mom was happily talking someone in her phone, then she put down her phone and looked at me.

"Megat, do you remember the sister of yours that I told you before?"

Said his mother

"Oh yeah, she's living with Auntie right? Because she dislike you"

"Indeed dear, well about a week she came here when you hangout with friends and asking me to lives here by now"

Said his mother

"Is that so? Well that's really good since we can rebuild our family bond, right mom?"

"I agree with you dear, I still don't understand why she dislike me but it's fine since she wants to live here with us"

Said his mother

"Well anyway when will she came?"

"Oh! She will came here after you finished your school day tomorrow!"

Said his mother

I don't really know if I got excited or not but I hope she wasn't a spoiled brat like in the manga I've read before. It's so annoying.

"Ah I see.."

Part 2

Next day of school as usual I came to school while walking along with my friends. We entered our class and sees Tawame already in the class minding her own business and I still embarrassed about what happened yesterday but I'm sure she forget about it later or few week.. maybe..

The class start as usual and the day was normal and I made myself to not try laid my eyes on her just for one day because I did she will suspecting me that I'm just a weirdo that has a crush on her.

As the day passed, I went back to my house. I arrive after 10 minutes and saw 2 shoes that is not familiar

"Wait.. Is it Aunt and my sister? They arrive earlier than I thought.."

I enter my house, leaves my shoes there and went to living room. As I arrived I got surprised and shocked at the same time. It was my sister and no it's not that I was surprised, I was surprised that my sister was Tsunomaki Watame?! She's my biogical sister?!

Megat: eh..

Watame: eh..

Megat and Watame: Eh?!!