Chapter 2-New relationship

Part 1

Megat and Watame: Eh?!

"Oh! Dear! You arrive?"

Said his mother

"A-ah.. yeah.."

I look at her with surprised and shocked expression and she (Watame) also do the same

My mother chuckle slightly while covering her mouth and looked at Watame

"This is your Sister, Tsunomaki Watame. Well her original name was Yamazaki Watame before I and your father got divorced"

"Oh.. I see.."

"Take a sit dear don't just stand there like a statue"

Said his mother

I sat beside my mother which is across her and we both kept looking at each other with flush on cheeks and then look away acting like we don't know each other.

---Megat thought---

"Why was she so flustered? Isn't she dislike me because I was being a weirdo in the class yesterday??"

"Well anyway! Yuuka, could you help me with cooking for a bit and prepare the food for lunch time?"

Said his mother

"Ah sure sure, I had no problem with that. You guys can talk to each other okay?"

Said my Aunt(Yuuka) while she's going to kitchen

Then we both ended up in awkward situation and waiting who's going to talk first. This situation keeps going for about 10 minutes.

---Megat thought---

"So she just going to keep quiet eh? Well I'm shy and timid in class so I have no reason to start a conversation but still.. I want to try talk first!!"

---Watame thought---

"W-why is this even happening?! My Crush is also my biogical brother?! Is this for real??"

We both continue this for about another 20 minutes and then I decided to speak

"A-ah well.."

She startled a bit as I started spoke


She said with shy and yet soft tone

I blush as I heard her cute voice and try to control my emotion from being overwhelmed by her cuteness

"I uh.. did not expect that.. you're my biogical sister.."

"Uh.. uhm.. yeah.. me too.."

She said with shy and whispery tone

"W-well.. about the other day.. when.. we both looking at each other.."

She surprised

"A-ah! That day.. well.. i-im just.. don't know how to react.. when you.. suddenly blush..

This caught me surprised and didn't expect she would notice my blush (obviously she would notice because he stare at her for too long while making eye contact)

"I-i see.. s-sorry for staring at you..."

Pretending fixing hair and clears my throat

We began to talk slowly and start with interesting topic then eventually we start getting comfortable talking to each other. Our conversation kept going and it keep getting better and smoother. We both laughed that my mom and Aunt peeking at us quietly while hiding a small laugh under their breath.

About 45 minutes later, my mom and Aunt put the lunch on the table and ready to be eaten together. After that, this conversation between me and her keep going until our Aunt says final goodbye to Watame since Watame has been living with her for 9 years.

Watame tears falls down to her cheeks because Aunt has been raised her since 7 years old and both of them has deep love connection. She takes few deep breath and look at her real mom (which is technically Megat mom too) and she just smiles at her and hope to have a better life than before.

Part 2

At night when I was about to go to sleep, I went to the bathroom. When I arrived there I was about to grab the door knob and suddenly noticed someone opening the door from inside and it was her wearing bikinis


Watame expression slowly turns into blush and embarrassed


She shouts

Unfortunately this was not supposed to be happening as I made a worst scenario by looking at her body by accident.

I feels like I'm the main character in the shoujo manga... (He is)