Days on the cruise ship ( Part 8 )

Anka was very tired and had a very bad headache, but when she saw the stats and the special scroll (S) she thought it was worth it.

Now there were a few problems though...

For example, the fuse could not keep up with the development...

She was looking at some of the system messages since she had woken up and was now aware of the changes in her body. Now she had much more developed senses. 'Control' was defined by concentration in the beginning but now it is more like the body's receiver of information for the outside environment...

As for 'capacity'… it probably has to do with the amount of information the mind can process…

Anka thought it was time to test the skills today and know everyone's restrictions. Then eyes fell on that special scroll (S). If she wasn't so tired, she would have opened it directly, but it wasn't the right time.

It was still 30 minutes to 8 so she had picked up the spiral notebook again and continued writing recipes... Her mind though tired was still functioning well, even better than yesterday.

' This is due to 'control' and 'capacity'. It is much easier today the process ...'

When there were two minutes to 8 o'clock, she put the notebook in her backpack. She got up and stretched a little. She arranged the wrinkled clothes and then prepared to go out.

She was satisfied that only three more recipes needed to be written in that notebook and then she would be able to see what this disgraceful talent would bring next.

Walk out the door only to see Fahim sitting on the couch reading.

She looked around the apartment and everything was as she had left it yesterday. It was good, but thinking about the description of those ghosts of the special powers that Lan had, she couldn't help but have a headache.

That's why she felt yesterday that something was not right, the vessel was empty now. The only living things on the ship are the celebrities and people brought in by the system...

Lan's ability was a mental type - hypnosis...

He hypnotized the entire staff of mermaids and personal servants of the stars to attack them...

Although the ability wouldn't have worked if the servants or mermaids didn't want to do it, everything went well nonetheless because in this universe everyone have wish to destroy other species .

That's why every star was attacked by the mermaids on the ship and the servants of another celebrity . The bad part is that they are all dead and the ship is basically drifting off to who knows where.

Plus mermaids died on their own planet which will bring a lot of trouble…

Anka could only scold that Lan with a broken heart...

Didn't he know that mermaids could take revenge on earth? Doesn't he think humanity is already small enough?

Anka left these thoughts for the moment and bowed before the dragon. Then she began to wipe the dust and put things in order ....

While she was cleaning, she felt Fahim's gaze on her. This was due to the heightened senses...

She turned to see the man putting the book away.

-Come here .

Anka obeyed immediately. She also didn't know why she was listening to this man without even a hint of anger...

'He's 100% my type...'

She thought distractedly and sat right in front of him.

- Where did you go last night?

A bucket of cold water seemed to have been thrown over her wandering ore...

'Oh ... I forgot about that ...'

Anka now stood frozen in front of the man, not knowing what to do.

- You haven't read enough etiquette books.

The man looked disappointed, but he didn't seem...

Anka felt pain in her heart for no reason ...

- Since it is the first mistake, I forgive you, but next time I will punish you.

Anka slid to her knees and held her hand with a black glove and kissed it. This was the tag of the dragons when thanking ...

If she can be honest, Anka liked this gesture, but now she was a little worried. She didn't want Fahim to be angry with her for some reason. Then the episode passed and the two went to the restaurant.

The atmosphere was much different from yesterday.

'It seems that others have learned of the disappearance of everyone from the ship...'

With her now more developed abilities she could hear their conversation even though she was far away.

- Lan is dead.

'Oh. I forgot about it.'

Anka showed a slightly exaggerated surprise, but no one noticed. Anyway for Anka it was not something important so she continued with the preparation of breakfast for Fahim.

Now the ghosts that were being dragged after the players didn't affect her much anymore, but they were still annoying. It seems that her mind had gradually gotten used to receiving so much information but her appetite was still small.

Anka did not know how to speak to the ship's guests to remind them that there were no more mermaids on the ship. But she was not allowed to speak...

'But all the sirens are gone, should I still keep this stupid rule in mind?'

Then when she arranged some boiled eggs with crystals in front of the dragon the system made an announcement throughout the vessel.

[ To the attention of ship guests and people, the system has detected a major change in this scenario and the danger index is at SS threshold, we advise passengers and people to...bzz..bzz...before ...bzz ... Good luck!]

The guests on the boat stood up and looked curiously at the people. Although the system was among the most advanced species of the universe some species did not like the help offered by it, so those who usually wore systems were those of the middle and lower races.

Few of the higher species who accepted a system were the ones who rebelled or did dangerous jobs. So when a system notified even them , that there is danger it means that it is something that can affect them in very bad mode...

And the fact that the system message was intercepted halfway through was even more intriguing.

So the only possible source of information became the systems in people. Then the 'aliens' species watched as the humans all had expressions of horror. Almost everyone, Anka was still making fruit salad at the buffet.

Then at the angel's request, Alex told them what new mission they had received...

[ The script has been updated !]

[ The scenario has become one of survival !]

[ Main Quest Updated !]

[ Red Scenario - Escape the Mermaid Planet

Details: someone had evil thoughts and manipulated the mermaids and personal servants of the stars and now they have all been killed by them. One of the sea guardians saw the scene of the mermaids being killed and angrily reported this to the Mermaid King. Gron Hale who had somehow escaped from the ship came to the king to complain that guests on the ship wanted to steal the mermaids' treasure... The angry mermaid king declared that all the guests would be executed to avenge their mermaid brothers regardless of the consequences.

Mission: Escape the mermaid planet using a random teleportation circle on the ship.

Time: 2 hours

Reward: none

Punishment : none]

- Are there no other sirens on the ship?

- What do you mean a bad mind?

- What treasure?

A few celebrities were still confused, so Felix explained it to them why there is no more servants on this shep . When they heard the reason everyone seemed very angry. It seems that they never imagined such a situation ...

It was quite possible that none of them would survive...