

  Chapter 27: Fighting against the third-level monster.

  Kuang Tang was overjoyed, and his attitude became more respectful.

  Although there are dozens of fourth-grade pharmacists in the Jiama Empire, there are really only a few who can refine the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill.

  As a fourth-grade peak elixir, the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill is comparable to a fifth-grade elixir.

  To put it bluntly, a fourth-grade pharmacist who can refine the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill is not far from a fifth-grade pharmacist.

  Xiao Yan was able to refine it at the pharmacist conference, and luck played a big part in it. Otherwise, with his condition at the time, he would not have been able to refine it even with the help of the strange fire.

  Moreover, the refining of this pill is very demanding, requiring the mutual conversion of three kinds of flames, and must have extremely strong fire control ability.

  In the entire Jiama Empire, there are definitely no more than ten pharmacists who can refine the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill, including Gu He and Fa Ma.

  Kuang Tang has a new understanding of Su Yun's pharmacy skills.

  At Su Yun's current age, he can refine the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill. Ten years later, he may be able to break through to the fifth-grade pharmacist.

  Kuang Tang felt very fortunate for what he had done during this period of time.

  Although he did not succeed in pulling the trigger, one Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill was enough to make back the investment. More importantly, he had a relationship with this future fifth-grade pharmacist, which was the most important thing.

  Kuang Tang took the parchment scroll.

  "Thank you, Master Han."

  Su Yun nodded. It was convenient to talk to a smart person.

  After finishing his work, Su Yun did not stay in the Mitel Auction House for long and returned home.

  "Brother Su Yun."

  An ethereal and crisp voice echoed in the air.

  Little Medical Fairy was wearing a plain white dress, with a faint smile on her cheeks, joy in her watery eyes, and a fresh and ethereal temperament all over her body.

  Although he has always regarded Little Medical Fairy as his sister, her actual age is one year older than him.

  It's just that Su Yun is taller, so they have always called each other brother and sister.

  Little Medical Fairy stepped forward and hugged Su Yun.

  Su Yun touched Little Medical Fairy's little head, and a trace of unnaturalness flashed in his eyes.

  Even in the previous life, a twelve-year-old girl had already begun to develop. In this continent of fighting spirit, with the nourishment of fighting spirit, the time of development should be advanced.

  Now the little medical fairy has already shown her tip.

  In Su Yun's arms, the little medical fairy carefully felt the warm breath and didn't want to separate for a long time.

  Su Yun overlooked one point, that girls also mature psychologically earlier...

  Now the little medical fairy is in a state of beginning to fall in love.

  A trace of reluctance flashed in the eyes of the little medical fairy, but she still left Su Yun's arms.

  "It's noon, I'm going to cook first, brother Su Yun, wait a moment."

  With that, the little medical fairy turned and ran away.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian from behind, and his eyes could not help but move to Xiao Yixian's waist. The slender waist was tied with a green belt, which was not even enough to be held in one hand, making people unable to help but touch it and feel the slenderness and fragility.

  Su Yun shook his head violently. This was too much torture.

  Not long after, Xiao Yixian brought all the food up.

  Xiao Yixian first served a bowl to Su Yun, and then served herself.

  The two sat opposite each other like this. The food was not just home-cooked meals, but it made people feel inexplicably warm.

  Su Yun sighed a little. His life was getting better and better.

  In the evening, Su Yun was finishing his practice and was about to wash and rest, but suddenly his expression changed.

  Something was coming. He

  had been practicing the Soul Refining Technique for some time, so his spiritual power naturally increased, and his perception became much more sensitive.

  Su Yun told Xiao Yixian to hide and not come out, and he walked out of the door alone.

  His house was remote and close to the Monster Mountain Range, so it was inevitable that monsters would occasionally run out of the Monster Mountain Range to harass him.

  This had happened before, but they were all level one or two monsters. With Su Yun's strength, Xiao Yixian would naturally cook and eat them all.


  A tiger appeared in Su Yun's sight. It was a Fierce Wind Tiger.

  Judging from its physique, it should have reached adulthood and become a Tier 3 monster.

  Su Yun was a little surprised. Tier 3 monsters were very rare in the outer area of ​​the Monster Mountain Range. He had never encountered one during his time in the Monster Mountain Range.

  Not to mention running out of the Monster Mountain Range to look for food.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes, but it was just right, to practice.

  After breaking through to the Grand Fighter, he hadn't fought with anyone yet, so his hands were inevitably itchy.


  The Fierce Wind Tiger roared and rushed towards Su Yun.

  This kind of magic beast is known for its speed, which is faster than wind-attribute fighters. If ordinary fighters do not practice physical fighting skills, they will most likely just eat dust behind it.

  Su Yun is obviously not one of them. He consumed magic cores before and mastered hundreds of millions of fighting skills. Naturally, he has physical fighting skills.

  The distance between the man and the beast is getting closer and closer. The front paw of the Fierce Wind Tiger moves forward. Just when it is about to pounce on Su Yun, Su Yun's figure suddenly disappears.

  When Su Yun reappears, he is already fifty meters behind the Fierce Wind Tiger.

  "Xuanyingbu", this is a mysterious intermediate physical fighting skill.

  After practicing, it can significantly improve the speed of the practitioner, suitable for small-range dodging and moving. When it is practiced to perfection, it is silent when used, and the speed can be taken to a higher level.

  A long sword appeared in Su Yun's hand. This was the first-level magic core sword that Su Yun had used before.

  Of course, it was now a third-level magic core sword.

  Su Yun used the system's fusion function to fuse a third-level ice-attribute magic core and a long sword.

  He named it Hanyu.

  In his previous life, Su Yun also had a martial arts dream. With a long sword in hand, he could roam the world. How wonderful it was.

  Now that he had the conditions, of course he wanted to fulfill his dream.

  Ice-crushed jade!

  The moment the Hanyu sword appeared in Su Yun's hand, Su Yun immediately injected his fighting spirit into it and used fighting skills.

  Nine icy sword qi attacked the Fierce Wind Tiger from different angles, blocking all its retreat routes.

  The sword energy flashed with cold light, and white mist rose in the air.

  There is no doubt that once the icy sword energy hits the Fierce Wind Tiger, its proud speed will be greatly reduced.

  The speed of the sword energy is very fast, and it did not react until it entered three feet around the Fierce Wind Tiger.

  The Fierce Wind Tiger roared again and rushed in one direction based on instinct.

  Although the third-level monster is not very intelligent, its instinct as a monster is already very strong.

  This choice is perfect. The nine icy sword energies have completely blocked its retreat, and it will be hit no matter what.

  In this case, it is better to rush to one place, so that you can dodge a few sword energies, which is better than staying where you are and being hit by all of them.

  Sure enough, of the nine sword qi, only four hit it.

  The Fierce Wind Tiger howled. Su Yun had already mastered the Ice Shattering Jade to perfection. The power of each sword qi was extraordinary, and the parts that were hit left a three-foot deep wound.

  Before the Fierce Wind Tiger could catch its breath, Su Yun disappeared again and appeared beside the Fierce Wind Tiger.