

  Chapter 28 Two Kinds of Beast Fire

  "Eight Extremes Collapse!"

  Su Yun shouted angrily, and hit the waist of the Fierce Wind Tiger with his elbow. The eight layers of dark energy instantly penetrated into the Fierce Wind Tiger's body.


  The Fierce Wind Tiger howled, and its body flew back two meters.

  Just as the Fierce Wind Tiger fell to the ground, Su Yun detonated the dark energy in the Fierce Wind Tiger's body.


  There was a muffled sound from the Fierce Wind Tiger's body, and its limbs twitched, and then it fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

  Su Yun let out a long breath.

  It feels great!

  A trace of satisfaction flashed across Su Yun's face.

  Dacheng's "Eight Extremes Collapse" is indeed terrifying. The detonation of the eight layers of dark energy is comparable to the power of low-level earth-level fighting skills, and it directly ended the battle.

  Not to mention a monster like the Fierce Wind Tiger that is not known for its physical strength, even if it is a monster with a strong physique, if the eight layers of dark energy in its body are detonated, it will probably be seriously injured if not dead.

  Su Yun went up and put the body of the Fierce Wind Tiger into the system space, and added a meal tonight.

  At night, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian had a very enjoyable meal.

  After a meal, Su Yun finished his practice in the room, looking at Xiao Yixian lying on the bed with some helplessness.

  Now the season is hot, Xiao Yixian is only wearing an undergarment, and her willow-like waist is exposed to the air.

  Since that night, Xiao Yixian was afraid that the dark would break into his room, so they have been sleeping together.

  It's okay now, but in a few years, I don't know if there will be punishment.

  Su Yun lay on the bed, deliberately keeping some distance from Xiao Yixian.

  After all, they were eating Fierce Wind Tiger today...

  After a night of silence, when Su Yun woke up in the morning, the little doctor beside him was gone.

  Su Yun came to the kitchen.

  "Brother, you're up. It's time to eat."

  The little doctor said with a smile while wearing an apron.


  Su Yun nodded and then began to wash up.

  What Su Yun didn't notice was that the little doctor stood behind him with a flushed face.

  Brother Su Yun is so bad! All men are bad guys!


  The little doctor seemed to have no idea what she was thinking about, and a trace of shame flashed across her face.


  Two months later, Su Yun came to the Xiao family, handed the refined first-grade elixir to Xiao Zhan, and then went to visit Xiao Yan.

  After encouraging him again, he handed him the second-grade elixir he had refined for him and left the Xiao family.

  He intercepted his resources and asked him to risk his life for him in the future.

  And what he paid was just some insignificant elixirs.

  The so-called capitalists are no more than this.

  Su Yun sighed. After leaving the Xiao family, Su Yun came to the Mitel Auction House again.

  According to the time they agreed on, Kuang Tang should have prepared the medicinal materials and beast fire.

  Arriving at the Mitel Auction House, Su Yun and Kuang Tang sat in the VIP room.

  Sure enough, not long after they sat down, Kuang Tang took out a storage ring.

  "Master Han, the herbs and beast fire you want are all in it."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with joy, but there was no expression on his face. He accepted the ring.

  Kuang Tang Mittel asked carefully.

  "Master, I wonder when you can refine this three-patterned green spirit pill."

  Su Yun glanced at him.

  This guy is a little anxious.

  But he can understand that if he can break through the level of fighting spirit, his treatment in the Mittel family may be upgraded.

  Fighting spirits are already very good in this Jiazao Empire. After all, among the top ten strong men in Jiazao Empire, there are even some fighting kings on the list.   

  "Why are you in such a hurry? I'm in Wutan City. I won't run away."

  Hearing Su Yun say this, Mittel Kuang Tang also knew that he had lost his composure and apologized quickly.

  "Yes, yes, please forgive me, Master."

  Mittel Kuang Tang smiled bitterly.


  Seeing Kuang Tang so sensible, Su Yun nodded, and the necessary finalization was still necessary.

  "Don't worry, you can get it next month."

  Su Yun took a sip of tea and gave him a reassurance.

  Mittel Kuang Tang breathed a sigh of relief.

  In order to help Su Yun collect these medicinal herbs and beast fire, God knows how many favors he owed and how many connections he used in the past two months.

  The gold coins spent on collecting these medicinal herbs alone amounted to 300,000.

  If Su Yun ran away, he would have no place to cry. Now that

  the things were in hand, Su Yun had no interest in staying.

  After returning home, Su Yun did not start to refine the elixir immediately.

  Instead, he took out two portions of beast fire from the ring

  . They were both fourth-level beast fires extracted from fire-attributed monsters.

  Su Yun did not dislike it. With Kuang Tang's connections, he was already doing his best to get two portions of fourth-level beast fire.

  Su Yun made preparations, took the second-grade elixir, the Pulse Protection Pill and the Ice Heart Pill, and then began to refine the beast fire.

  With his great fighter's cultivation, there would naturally be no accidents in refining two portions of fourth-level beast fire.

  In less than half an hour, the refining was successful.

  Su Yun opened his eyes, stretched out his hands forward, palms facing up, and two kinds of flames, orange-red and pink, appeared in his hands respectively.

  Su Yun nodded with satisfaction. After all, it was a fourth-level beast fire. Refining two at a time did improve his cultivation a little.

  Not much, but it saved him seven days of hard practice.

  However, the "Burning Cold Art" did not evolve.

  Su Yun was not surprised. He did not expect to use two kinds of beast fire to evolve the "Burning Cold Art" into a ground-level technique.

  Su Yun pondered for a while and did not start refining pills immediately.

  Now it was just absorbing two kinds of beast fire, which was naturally easy for him, but it was hard to say about absorbing strange fire in the future.

  Maybe he could find a few body-building techniques to practice.

  This thought flashed through Su Yun's mind.

  He was deeply impressed by the description of Xiao Yan's absorption of the strange fire in the original novel. Each time he was in danger of death. Xiao Yan had the halo of the protagonist to protect him, so of course he could have absorbed it safely, but he was different.

  Reality is not a novel. The risk of refining strange fire is not at the same level as that of beast fire.

  Of course, the more you can be sure, the better. If you die, the whole show will be over.

  Su Yun made up his mind to pay more attention to physical training and fighting skills, after all, it was related to his life.

  With this thought in mind, Su Yun adjusted his breath for a while and prepared to start refining the pill.

  The first thing he wanted to refine was not the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill, but the Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill.

  This kind of pill, like the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill, is a top-level fourth-grade pill.

  It can increase the strength of a great fighter by one star, and can be taken twice.

  The Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill can increase the strength of three stars at one time.

  According to his idea, after taking two Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pills and one Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill.

  If everything goes well, his strength can be directly increased by five stars, directly reaching the level of a six-star great fighter!

  Su Yun asked Kuang Tang to prepare three portions of medicinal materials for the Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill. After all, he was not completely immune to refining failures.

  One more portion of medicinal material means one more margin of error.

  Fortunately, everything went well. After Su Yun refined two Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pills, there was still one portion of medicinal material left, which was not used.

  Su Yun smiled and planned to use up this portion of medicinal material as well.

  Even if he couldn't use it himself, he could sell it. As for gold coins, the more the better.