

  Chapter 29 Six-Star Fighter

  Put the three Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pills into the jade bottle and store them in the system space.

  The storage ring he is wearing now basically contains some unimportant things. He usually puts high-grade pills like this in the system space.

  After all, the system space is much safer than the storage ring.

  Su Yun did not refine the pills today. It took him a lot of time to refine three Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pills. It's not that he can't continue to refine, but he still needs to save some time for cultivation. There

  is no rush to refine the pills. The medicinal materials have been obtained and can be refined at any time.

  Su Yun basically used the rest of the time to cultivate. Because he didn't eat anything strange, Su Yun fell asleep directly in his arms at night.

  The next day, Su Yun continued to refine the Three-Pattern Green Spirit Pill.

  He asked Kuang Tang to prepare four sets of medicinal materials for the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill. After all, the difficulty of refining this thing is not low. Even with his current level, it is hard to say that there will be no mistakes.

  He only absorbed Yao Lao's experience in refining medicine, but he did not completely reach Yao Lao's level.

  The refining of the Three-Striped Green Spirit Pill requires three kinds of flames. He asked Kuang Tang to prepare two kinds of beast fire, and for the third one, he naturally planned to use the bone spirit cold fire.

  Everything that is stored in the system space is in a completely static state. It is naturally easy to separate a little bit of fire and use it to refine the pill.

  Su Yun struggled for a day and refined a total of three Three-Striped Green Spirit Pills. During one of the refining, there were some problems in the flame conversion process, which led to failure.

  Three out of four were successfully refined, and the success rate is already very high.

  You know, this kind of fourth-grade top-level elixir with extremely high difficulty and harsh refining conditions, if given to an ordinary alchemist, it may take ten times to succeed.

  Su Yun put the three-patterned Qingling Pill into the system space.


  Su Yun took a Qi-recovering Pill and began to regulate his breathing.

  After a long time, Su Yun opened his eyes, licked his dry lips, and a trace of heat flashed in his eyes. After

  a year of training in the Monster Mountain Range, he was basically either fighting or on the way to fight.

  In the process of fighting, the fighting spirit was constantly consumed and restored, which made his foundation relatively solid, and he could safely take pills to improve his strength.

  Even if there are some problems with the foundation, there is no need to worry. There are many ways to make up for the foundation.

  Not to mention the distant future, in one or two years, finding the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire, using the "Burning Cold Art" to absorb and refine it, and undergoing the body training of the strange fire can also temper his fighting spirit, let the fighting spirit condense, and make the foundation stable.

  With this thought, Su Yun took the lead in taking out a Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill.

  After a little preparation, Su Yun swallowed the Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill.

  The breakthrough process was like flowing clouds and water, without any accidents.

  Yao Lao has a lot of experience, naturally it is impossible that it is only about refining medicine.

  He can rely on Yao Lao's experience and easily become a pharmacist. Naturally, he can absorb Yao Lao's cultivation experience and reduce the obstacles to his practice.

  With these memories that were almost from his own experience as a foundation, he was like a strong man who was reborn and rebuilt his fighting spirit, and he had no obstacles along the way.

  Two-star master fighter!

  In a short while, Su Yun completely absorbed the medicinal power of the Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill and successfully broke through.

  A trace of satisfaction flashed through Su Yun's mind. The feeling of becoming stronger was really irresistible!

  A month passed quickly, and Su Yun successfully refined the Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pill and the Three-Pattern Green Spirit Pill.

  Six-star master fighter!

  This is Su Yun's current strength.

  In just one month, his strength has skyrocketed so much that Su Yun's fighting spirit is inevitably a little empty.

  But it's not a big problem. His foundation is still solid. In the future, he just needs to pay more attention, practice more fighting skills, consume his fighting spirit, and let it settle down.

  Su Yun went to Xiao's house first, handed the pill to Xiao Zhan, and then came to Mittel Auction House.


  Kuang Tang looked respectful, with a hint of heat in his eyes that was difficult to conceal.

  Su Yun's face was calm, he nodded, pretending to take out a jade bottle from his storage ring, but actually took out a jade bottle from the system space.


  Kuang Tang carefully took the jade bottle and poured out the pills

  inside. The pills were surrounded by three lines of white, green and pink.

  Kuang Tang put away the three-line Qingling Pill and bowed solemnly to Su Yun. Just when he wanted to say something, he was interrupted by Su Yun's wave of his hand.

  "Okay, you don't have to say anything. We each take what we need and the deal is over."

  Kuang Tang smiled bitterly and had to sit back in his seat. During this time, he also understood Su Yun's temperament and got used to it.

  "It is really Kuang Tang's luck to meet Master Han."

  Kuang Tang said politely.

  Su Yun nodded and admitted it directly.

  This made Kuang Tang a little embarrassed, at least he should say something to keep the situation.

  Su Yun didn't think it was a big deal. Why did he want to become stronger?

  It's just to do whatever he wants. Do

  you really think he likes to be an old dog coin? If one day he has the power to control everything, do you think he will be crazy?

  Su Yun didn't respond, Kuang Tang didn't dare to let the scene get cold.

  "Speaking of which, our Mitel family's internal assessment will be here in another year. I'm afraid I won't be in Wutan City in a year."

  Kuang Tang sighed.

  The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Su Yun's heart moved.

  Calculating the time, Ya Fei should also be in Wutan City.

  Su Yun thought in his heart. He wanted to see all the characters mentioned in the original book.

  First, it was his curiosity. After all, he had come to this fighting continent, and it was a great pleasure to see the people and things in the book with his own eyes.

  The second reason was about his system. His system was activated after he came into contact with Xiao Yan.

  He had been thinking for some time, if he had more contact with the characters in the original book, maybe he could open more functions?

  It is not impossible, and there is no such thing as a system elf. He can only explore it slowly by himself.

  "Master Han, with your ability, are you willing to stay in this Wutan City forever? In my opinion, you can go to a bigger stage, such as the imperial capital."

  Kuang Tang's words came into his ears, interrupting Su Yun's thoughts.

  Kuang Tang looked at Su Yun with expectation in his eyes.

  Su Yun was a little helpless. This Kuang Tang was good in every way, but he always wanted to pull him into the Mitel family.

  Su Yun waved his hand, signaling him to stop talking.

  "Okay, your words are making my ears want to be tangled."

  Kuang Tang was also a little helpless when he heard this. Although he said these words with some selfishness, they were also true.

  In his opinion, Su Yun became a fourth-grade pharmacist at the age of 30, and was able to refine the four-grade peak elixir, the Three-Pattern Green Spirit Pill. In this Jiama Empire, the imperial capital is indeed the most suitable place for him. In the

  imperial capital, there is a fifth-grade pharmacist, Fa Ma, if Su Yun enters the imperial capital. With his current status, if   he

  can get some guidance from this fifth-grade alchemist, maybe in a few years, the Jiama Empire will have another fifth-grade alchemist
