

  Chapter 33: Galbi's Plan

  Although he already knew the identities of the two men and guessed their purpose, Su Yun still bowed.

  "I wonder what brings you to see me, Han? If you have nothing to do, please make way. I have something else to do."

  Galbi and Obaton looked at each other with bitterness on their faces.

  Although they knew that it was this middle-aged man in front of them who put their family in a desperate situation.

  But they dared not put on airs in front of him. If they really offended a fourth-grade pharmacist, they would better take their respective families and escape from Wutan City.

  The two forced a self-righteous smile on their stiff faces and said to Su Yun.

  "My name is Galbi."

  "My name is Obaton."

  Su Yun nodded calmly.

  "So you are the patriarchs of the two major families in Wutan City. I am sorry for your disrespect."

  Su Yun's tone was very perfunctory.

  He was a coward, but there was no young man who was not arrogant. They were just two great fighters.

  He knew the details of these two people. With his current strength and power, he was not afraid that they would be desperate.

  In fact, he didn't even need to do it himself.

  There would be many forces in Wutan City who would be willing to deal with them and let Su Yun owe them a small favor, such as Yafei of Mittel Auction House and Luo Qianchen of the Alchemy Guild.

  It is no exaggeration to say that he is now the biggest local snake in Wutan City.


  Su Yun asked.

  The two men had obviously discussed it before coming. Galbi stepped forward and bowed.

  "Master Han, we have arranged a dinner in the inn. Why don't you move on? We

  can talk slowly after we get there?" Su Yun waved his hands. He didn't want to waste time on these two cannon fodders. He looked impatient.

  "Let's talk about it right now. I'm in a hurry."

  Seeing this, the two men's expressions became more bitter.

  The two looked at each other, and Obaton took a step forward with a serious expression.

  "In that case, let's say it straight.

  We want the master to refine some pills for our two families and sell them in the market. Whatever the Xiao family is willing to give to you, our two families can also give to you."

  In the past two years, their two families have been suppressed.

  Due to Su Yun's elixirs, the profits of their market fell sharply, and not many people were willing to come.

  At the beginning, they were able to hold on by lowering the prices of other things and attracting some people back.

  But as time went on, the Xiao family also began to lower prices during this period.

  They pulled people back again. They have been losing money for the past few months, and they really can't hold on any longer.

  So the two families came together and planned to start from the source, pooling the resources of the two families to see if they could bring this fourth-grade pharmacist to their family.

  Su Yun understood.

  The false news that he had sent out in the Xiao family before, that he had been saved by Xiao Lin, was kept by Xiao Zhan and others.

  This made the two of them think of attracting him.

  Su Yun shook his head and ignored the two people without answering them.

  The two looked at each other, not daring to ask further questions.

  "What should we do?"

  Obaton asked.

  "At this point, there is only one way."

  Galbi was furious.

  "Are you planning to..."

  Obaton's face flashed with shock and a trace of retreat.

  "Stupid! What are you afraid of? Do you think we still have a way out?"

  Galbi's face was full of resentment.

  "Things have come to this point. Either he dies or we die! If this continues, both of our families will surely die."

  Obaton's eyes flashed with a trace of struggle. After hesitating for a moment, he felt that Galbi was right. He took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

  "Okay, let's do it!"

  Galbi showed a trace of satisfaction on his face, with an expression that showed that the child was teachable.

  "Let's go, we've already paid for the inn, it would be a waste if we don't eat, let's talk while we eat."   

  Galbi took the initiative to put his hand on Obadun's shoulder, with an expression of a good brother.

  Obadun thought so too, nodded, and walked towards the inn with Galbi.

  But he didn't notice that Galbi's expression flashed with a hint of inexplicable and cruelty.

  At night, in a courtyard of the Galie family.

  "Patriarch, do we really have to join the Obadun family to kill a fourth-grade pharmacist?"

  In the courtyard, several elders of the Galie family and Galbi were discussing matters.

  One of the elders of the Galie family said.


  Galbi scolded the elder, just like during the day, with a face full of regret.


  The patriarch was stunned by Galbi's scolding, and didn't know what Galbi meant.

  "The status of a fourth-grade pharmacist is so transcendent.

  If we dare to move, Han Li doesn't even need to take action himself. All the big and small forces in Wutan City will join hands to tear us apart in order to please him."

  Galiebi held his forehead with both hands and sighed.

  You know, in the Douqi Continent, the rank of pharmacists is generally one level higher than that of fighters.

  A fourth-grade pharmacist can completely compete with a fighting king.

  This is not the fairy inequality in the previous life, where a female college degree is equal to a male first-class university, and an undergraduate degree is equal to a double-first-class university. It is

  a real influence and the value that can be created.

  For a family, the value of a fourth-grade pharmacist is even higher than that of a fighting king in some aspects.

  How could he really kill a fourth-grade pharmacist.

  This elder is just like that Obaton, a complete idiot.

  Galbi sneered at the elder.

  "Ambush a fourth-grade pharmacist? What do you have to do? What do you rely on?

  Just because you have a bigger brain, can it hold more water?"

  The elder was speechless after being rebuked by Galbi, and simply bowed his head and pretended to be dead.


  Seeing that the elder was pretending to be dead, Galbi snorted coldly.

  "Patriarch, why did you discuss the ambush with that Obaton today?"

  Another elder couldn't help asking.

  "Waste, all of you are a bunch of waste."

  Unexpectedly, Galbi not only did not answer, but continued to curse.

  The elders looked at each other, wondering what Galbi was crazy about.

  "Humph, what do you mean by killing Master Han together with the Oba family? It's obviously Obaton who has evil intentions and wants to murder Master Han, and even wants to drag us into the water!"

  Galbi scolded for a while, and then his anger subsided.

  Hearing Galbi say this, the elders' eyes lit up and nodded.

  Good plan, good plan!

  "Yes, yes, yes.

  The patriarch is right. This Obaton is ambitious and dares to harm Master Han, and he also intends to drag our Galie family into the water.

  How can our Galie family be willing to go along with him!"

  The elder who was speechless by Galbi just now immediately raised his head and said hurriedly.

  Galbi touched his beard and said, "The boy is teachable."

  "Not only do we not want to be in the same boat with the Oba family, we even want to report them!"

  "Yes, report them, uh... Speaking of which, how do we contact Master Han?"

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