

  Chapter 34 The thing on the face of the little doctor (second update!)

  "Are you stupid? If you don't know where Master Han lives, isn't it easy to find the Xiao family's residence?"

  "Yes, yes, let's go tell the Xiao family."

  "Not only will we tell the Xiao family, we will also work with the Xiao family to destroy the Oba family!"

  Just like that, the elders of the Jiale family, one after another, sold out the Oba family in a few words. The

  Jiale family did what they said. The next night, Jialebi went to the Xiao family alone in secret.

  "What! Obaton dared to attack Master Han?"

  In the Xiao family hall, Xiao Zhan was shocked when he heard the news from Jialebi.

  Now Su Yun is the great benefactor of their Xiao family.

  In the past two years, because of the medicine business, the income of the Xiao family has skyrocketed. It can be said that the Xiao family is what it is today, all thanks to Su Yun.

  Xiao Zhan naturally didn't want Su Yun to get into trouble.

  "Galebi, is this serious? Do you know the consequences of spreading false information?"

  Xiao Zhan said to Galeb in front of him seriously.

  "Of course, I can't fool you, I'm not stupid."

  Galeb looked earnest, complaining about how hard it was for him, how dare he make fun of a fourth-grade pharmacist, etc.

  Xiao Zhan narrowed his eyes, that's right, this matter is directly related to Master Han, and he wouldn't dare to offend a fourth-grade pharmacist even if he had ten guts.

  "When are they going to take action?"

  Xiao Zhan thought about it, trusted him once, and asked Jialebi.

  Seeing that Xiao Zhan believed him, Jialebi was delighted, so he said,

  "At the beginning of next month, the Oba family doesn't know where Master Han is.

  They plan to kill Master Han on the way back after he comes to the Xiao family to deliver the elixir at the beginning of next month."

  Hearing that there was still a month left, Xiao Zhan was sure that there was still time to prepare.

  Master Han has always helped their Xiao family. Now that Master Han has been calculated by the villain, their Xiao family must be of some use to show the ability of the Xiao family in front of him.

  So Xiao Zhan and Jialebi agreed on the details.

  The Jiale family will act as the internal response, and the Xiao family will surround the Oba family from the outside.

  Catch the Oba family in one fell swoop!

  After the discussion, Xiao Zhan sent Galbi out through the back door, looked at his back, and pondered Galbi's intention of informing on others.

  Xiao Zhan understood after a little thought that he was surrendering.

  He was a smart man, knowing that he had no chance of winning, he betrayed his teammates and surrendered.

  Xiao Zhan's eyes flashed with contempt again, and he shook his head and ignored Galbi. The most urgent thing was to arrange the matter with the three elders.

  On the other side, Galbi smiled sinisterly.

  Obaton had developed limbs but a simple mind, and Xiao Zhan was also a stupid conservative.

  These two fools, they couldn't figure out the truth of the matter no matter how hard they tried, and they were all played in my hands!


  Xiao Zhan called out the three elders, and at this time the four of them were in the Xiao family hall.

  The Great Elder frowned as he listened to Xiao Zhan's description.

  "How could this happen!"

  The other two elders were also furious.

  Although the three of them did not have a conflict with Xiao Zhan, they would definitely stand together when it came to the interests of the Xiao family, and they could tell right from wrong.

  Now it was not that Su Yun and the Xiao family would share the same fate, but that the Xiao family was completely dependent on Su Yun, a fourth-grade pharmacist.

  Now that their thighs were being targeted, how could they not be angry?

  "That's the thing, that Jialebi just left, the news should be true.

  This matter requires the mobilization of all the forces of the Xiao family, and I can't decide on my own, what do you think?"

  Xiao Zhan sat in the main seat, scanning the three elders.

  The three elders looked at each other and understood each other's intentions.


  The first elder took the lead and spoke.   

  "In that case, let's cooperate with the Jialie family and destroy the Oba family!"

  The other two elders also nodded in agreement.

  Xiao Zhan nodded, and the matter was settled. One month later, there were only two major families left in Wutan City!

  Su Yun, who was leisurely at home, had no idea that Wutan City was about to set off a huge storm because of him.

  At this time, he was eating the fruit brought by the little medical fairy.

  He had never eaten this thing in his previous life. It should be a unique variety of this fighting continent.

  It looks... a bit like the peach in the previous life.

  Su Yun took one from the table. This thing was very juicy. When he bit it, a lot of white pulp splashed out. The little medical fairy was right in front of Su Yun, and he was very close to him, so he splashed the little medical fairy's face.


  The little medical fairy shouted coquettishly, a little annoyed.

  Su Yun sneered, "Xian'er, I said I didn't mean it, do you believe me?"

  The little doctor fairy glared at Su Yun, wiped her face with her fingers, and put it in her mouth.

  It was quite sweet.

  Su Yun looked at the little doctor fairy's actions with a strange look in his eyes. This cherry mouth...

  The little doctor fairy took out a handkerchief and wiped it on her face. Although it was wiped clean, it still felt a little sticky on her face because of the fruit juice.

  "Brother, what are you looking at? Are you thinking about something rude?"

  The little doctor fairy looked at Su Yun with a hint of disgust, as if she was looking at a pervert who intended to molest a beautiful girl.

  "Ahem, Xian'er, how can you say that to your brother?"

  Su Yun coughed, trying to regain a bit of his dignity as a brother.


  Xiao Yixian

  's face was full of disgust, but there was a hint of secret joy in her heart. Brother is looking at my lips, do you want to taste Xian'er?

  Just when Xiao Yixian was daydreaming, Su Yun flicked Xiao Yixian's head.

  "Xian'er, were you thinking about something weird just now?"

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

  "Ah, stinky brother! Brother is bad!"

  Xiao Yixian's face flushed, and he broke his defense in an instant, pounced on Su Yun, and scratched him.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian fought for a while, until late at night, Xiao Yixian lay on Su Yun, obviously too tired to have any strength.

  Su Yun slapped Little Medical Fairy on the buttocks, feeling guilty, "Are you convinced?"

  "I am convinced! Xian'er is convinced, brother will spare Xian'er."

  Little Medical Fairy rolled her eyes cutely, a blush flashed across her face, she wrapped her arms around Su Yun's waist, begging for mercy.

  So shy. Humph, brother is bad, he just likes to bully Xian'er.

  Su Yun felt a little pleasure in his heart, he helped Little Medical Fairy up and held her in his arms. He

  walked towards the bed, holding Little Medical Fairy like a warm and soft jade, and fell asleep. When

  Su Yun woke up in the morning, he opened his eyes, and Little Medical Fairy in his arms was gone.

  Suddenly, he felt his buttocks being slapped.

  "Brother is such a lazy guy. He hasn't even gotten up yet, even though the sun is shining on his butt."

  Su Yun turned around. Xiao Yixian, wearing a home apron, looked at Su Yun with a smile, and a look of revenge flashed across her face.

  Su Yun stood up and tapped Xiao Yixian's head, "You~"

  Xiao Yixian's smile became even sweeter.