

  Chapter 35 Phantom Showdown (3rd update!)

  On the other side, in the city of Utan, the Galeb family.

  Obaton was discussing the details of the ambush with Galeb.

  Suddenly, Obaton asked Galeb.

  "Galeb, what did you do at the Xiao family last night?"

  Galeb was shocked. There was a spy!

  Last night, he took a small path to the Xiao family and left through the back door for concealment, but he was still discovered. Although

  Galeb was a little surprised, he remained calm on the surface. In a moment of urgency, he immediately thought of a way to speak.

  Galeb snorted coldly and turned the tables, "What do you think I was doing?"

  Obaton frowned, not knowing what Galeb meant.

  Seeing Obadun's attitude, Galeb knew what was going on, and he became more confident and sneered.

  "Do you think I'm as stupid as you? Since we are going to ambush Han Li

  , we must guard against the counterattack of the Xiao family. I have arranged an undercover in the Xiao family. When we take action, he will delay for us for a certain period of time."

  Obadun suddenly realized that Galeb was right.

  Galeb observed Obadun's expression with his spare eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief, but a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

  Idiot, you deserve to die.

  Thinking of this, Galeb felt a little uneasy again, hoping that everything would go smoothly.

  Their Galeb family really couldn't hold on any longer, and the only way to go was to surrender, and the Obad family was his token of surrender!


  In the blink of an eye, a month had passed, and Su Yun was on the way to the Xiao family.

  Su Yun frowned, feeling something unusual.

  His soul was naturally very powerful, and he also practiced the Soul Spell, so his perception had long surpassed that of a great fighter by who knows how many times.

  Along the way, there were many eyes staring at him, both openly and secretly!

  Su Yun sneered, walked to an empty corner, his figure gradually disappeared, and his breath also disappeared.

  "Phantom Spell" is a Xuan-level intermediate fighting skill, which is an auxiliary fighting skill.

  It has two functions.

  First, to assimilate the body with the surrounding light and shadow to achieve the purpose of invisibility, and

  second, to hide one's own breath.

  It is worth mentioning that this second function can be used to hide one's own fighting spirit fluctuations and achieve the purpose of disguise.

  He has always used this fighting skill to hide his fighting spirit cultivation as a one-star fighter in front of Luo Qianchen.

  Others, like Xiao Zhan and Kuang Tang, have no idea what realm his cultivation is at.

  In their perception, Su Yun's aura is as calm as a lake, and it is difficult to tell the truth from the false.

  The level of this fighting skill is not high, but it is very practical.

  He still remembers the description in the original book. In the three-year agreement, Nalan Yanran only relied on a treasure to isolate others from her detection.

  Only when she took the thing off, her cultivation as a two-star great fighter was revealed in front of the fighting emperors.

  His fighting skill can also achieve such an effect, but he cannot do it in front of others. When fighting, the fluctuations of fighting spirit cannot be concealed at all, and it is easy to be exposed.

  It was also because of his fighting skills that he dared to appear in the Xiao family and jump in front of Ling Ying.

  Although the fighting emperor is very powerful, he is not necessarily that powerful in the field of detection.

  This is also explained in the original book.

  What is the most powerful detection method on the fighting continent?

  It is soul power. Although the soul of the fighting emperor is stronger than that of an ordinary fighter, it does not have a very powerful detection ability.   

  Wearing the human skin mask provided by Ya Fei, Xiao Yan was able to have a face-to-face conversation with Jia Xingtian, a nine-star fighting emperor.

  That is, as a fifth-grade alchemist, Fa Ma relied on his powerful soul power to discover some details.

  Therefore, it is normal for him to use this mask and "Illusion Jue" to hide his chicken feet in front of Ling Ying.

  After all, in terms of cultivation, Ling Ying is only an eight-star fighting emperor. As for soul power, although Ling Ying comes from the ancient clan, he is not a direct disciple of the ancient clan. He has a low status and is not qualified to practice the soul jue.

  After all, the soul jue is precious even for the eight ancient clans.

  Su Yun concealed his figure, walked out from the corner, and approached those who were spying on him in his perception.

  Su Yun used the scanning function of the system to see their identities at a glance. They

  were all from the Oba family and the Gale family.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows, and a chill flashed through his heart.

  If you can't stop them, you plan to fight?

  Ha, Su Yun sneered, there's no point in making trouble.

  Su Yun appeared again, already in an alley not far from the Xiao family.

  His strength is indeed strong, and it is not difficult for him to break out of the siege under the siege of these people, but there is no way to catch them all in one fell swoop.

  Since you dare to ambush him, you will naturally pay the price!

  Su Yun came to the door of the Xiao family, and was welcomed into the Xiao family hall by Xiao Zhan and the three elders of the Xiao family who had been waiting here early.

  Before Su Yun could speak, the eldest elder of the Xiao family spoke first.

  "Master Han, something bad has happened. Our Xiao family has heard that the Oba family is planning to harm you!"

  Su Yun was a little surprised. The Xiao family actually got the news in advance?

  Xiao Zhan was a little angry and glared at the elder. The old man rushed to the front and asked Master Han for credit. The

  elder was very proud and was not afraid of Xiao Zhan.

  He was very experienced and, like Xiao Zhan, was a great fighter. Naturally, he was not afraid of him.

  He also had his own thoughts in this behavior.

  His eldest granddaughter Xiao Yu had just broken through to the eighth level of fighting spirit. He wanted to follow Xiao Zhan's previous practice and ask for a Qi Gathering Powder for Xiao Yu!

  The Great Elder was a wise man. He knew very well that Su Yun had refined the Qi Gathering Powder for Xiao Yan because Xiao Yan was the grandson of the son of Master Xiao Lin.

  He and Su Yun didn't have much friendship, so he wanted to take this opportunity to build a good relationship with Su Yun so that he could make plans for the future.

  Xiao Yu had just broken through the eighth level of fighting spirit, so there was no need to be too anxious.

  "Oh, I didn't expect that the Xiao family also got the news."

  Su Yun looked surprised, but he frowned again. This information was not equal. What about the Jialie family?

  Just when Su Yun was confused, Xiao Zhan and the Great Elder took turns to tell all the news they got in order to take credit.

  After a while, Su Yun understood. He didn't expect that Jialebi was so aware of the current affairs.

  This saved him some effort.

  He originally planned to unite with the Xiao family, Mitel Auction House and the Alchemist Guild to wipe them out.

  Now there is only one Oba family, and the Xiao family and the Jiale family are enough, so there is no need to make a fuss.

  Su Yun nodded. Since the Xiao family and the Jiale family are willing, then this matter will be handed over to them, giving them a chance to show their ability.

  As for the reward, it is just a matter of a few pills. He just happens to have the remaining three-pattern Qingling Pills and Purple Heart Breaking Barrier Pills.

  Su Yun cupped his hands and said, "In that case, I'll leave it to you."