


  Chapter 41: Retaliation (Third update!)

  Xiao Zhan is entertaining Su Yun in the Xiao family hall.

  Xiao Zhan was a little surprised. Master Han rarely came to his Xiao family outside of the first month of the month.

  "Clan Chief Xiao, please call the three elders of your family and Galebibi, and tell me that Han Li needs their help for something."

  Su Yun said calmly to Xiao Zhan.

  Xiao Zhan was delighted when he heard this and quickly sent someone to inform him.

  Master Han is generous and asks the Xiao family to do anything. This is a good thing.

  Previously, they teamed up with the Jialie family to destroy the Oba family.

  But he was given a fourth-grade peak elixir.

  After a while, the three elders of the Xiao family came to the hall. After the three of them took their seats, their eyes were shining.

  Obviously they have the same thoughts as Xiao Zhan. In this incident, they must suppress the Jialie family.

  This is to let Master Han know that the Xiao family is much more capable than the Jialie family, so that if anything happens in the future, he will be more biased towards the Xiao family.

  The thoughts in the mind of the eldest elder of the Xiao family are even more active. If he can make the first contribution in this incident, wouldn't Yu'er's Qi Gathering Powder be found?

  The First Elder tightened his hands. He was already old. Among the four people in the Xiao family, he was the oldest. He no longer had any hope of reaching a higher realm.

  He has set his sights on his descendants, seeking resources for them.

  The Jialie family's residence was some distance away from the Xiao family, and it took a while for Jialiebi to arrive.

  "I'm sorry, Master Han, for delaying some time and keeping you waiting."

  Gallebi apologized quickly.

  Su Yun waved his hands and didn't care about these things.

  "I've called you all here this time because I have something to ask of you."

  "Master Han, no matter what you ask, our Xiao family will do our best to handle it."

  Xiao Zhan solemnly promised.

  "Our Jialie family is also like this, Master Han, just say it!"

  Jialie Biye said quickly.

  Su Yun nodded.

  He also had his own considerations when he came to the Xiao family and the Jialie family.

  These two families are local family forces in Wutan City. They have many contacts with nearby mercenaries, so they should have more information in this regard.

  The Miter Auction House and the Alchemy Guild are different.

  The people in charge of these two places, Yafei and Luo Qianchen, did not limit their sights to this three-acre area of ​​Wutan City.

  It is more suitable to connect with the affairs of the Gama Empire.

  "I want you two to find someone.

  This person has one eye, a strong build, and is particularly good at archery. He also has a high level of fighting spirit. He is very likely to be a fighting master.

  As for his identity, you can check around Wutan City. A mercenary."

  Su Yun told all the information about the man.

  After listening to it, the five people present were already slightly interested.

  This feature is quite obvious and it is not difficult to find it.

  Galibi thought for a while and asked.

  "I wonder what the master is looking for this person for? Can you tell me so that we can consider whether we should let this person see you vertically or horizontally."

  Su Yun was happy when he heard this. Gallebi was quite humorous, and he went on to say .

  "Just let his head come to me."

  The five people looked at each other and already knew what was going on.

  He actually offended Master Han. This man already had a plan to die.

  "Then I'll leave it to you all."

  Su Yun said politely and then said.

  "This time, whichever family, the Xiao family or the Jialie family, brings this person's head to me.

  I will refine a fourth-grade elixir for that family. Of course, you will bring your own medicinal materials."

  The five people present heard this. , a trace of passion flashed in his eyes.

  Su Yun took their reactions into his eyes and nodded with satisfaction. Only in this way can he be motivated.

  "In seven days, I will come to Xiao's house again. That's it for today. Han will leave first."   

  Su Yun stood up and said to them.

  The five people present looked stunned.

  Seven days!

  Although Su Yun didn't say it clearly, they were not fools and naturally understood what Su Yun meant.

  Within seven days, Master Han will kill him!

  The five people stood up quickly and sent Su Yun out of Xiao's house.

  After Su Yun left, the atmosphere between the four Xiao family members and Galebbi became depressed.

  After a while, Xiao Zhan spoke first.

  "Everyone depends on his ability?"

  "Everyone depends on his ability!"

  Galibi responded.

  Su Yun's attitude was clear enough. He only had one pill, so he obviously wanted them to compete.

  And this incident is probably a test for both of them.

  If the Jialie family discovers that person first and plucks off his head, maybe the elixir that was originally given to the Xiao family will be sold by the Jialie family?

  Thinking of this possibility, Gallebi's heart felt hot.

  In the past month, because of his surrender, the Xiao family has raised the prices of items in their market except elixirs.

  Due to the price relationship, some people flowed to the market of their Jialie family, which allowed their Jialie family to breathe a sigh of relief.

  But income has never returned to previous normal levels.

  Although the market controlled by the Oba family is equally divided between the two families, the market controlled by the Gallie family has also expanded a lot.

  But the elixir thing is too buggy, and it pulls too many customers.

  He was very greedy for the Xiao family's elixir business...

  Gallebi left the Xiao family with such thoughts.

  Xiao Zhan and the three elders of the Xiao family are not worried that their elixir business will be taken away.

  But they also have the intention of suppressing the Jialie family, and there is only one pill. The Xiao family must take the upper hand this time.

  After Su Yun returned home, he stopped worrying about this matter.

  Not everyone is the protagonist, he is just a mercenary who has the training to support the Death Fighter. Facing the encirclement and suppression by the two major families, it is unlikely to survive.

  Although the Xiao family and the Jialie family were just side characters in the original work, they were real giants in Wutan City!

  That night, Su Yun fell asleep holding the warm fragrant jade, but Xiao Zhan and the three elders were still in the hall, discussing how to find the person.

  Xiao Zhan frowned and said.

  "It's not difficult to get information about that person.

  He has remarkable physical characteristics, is a fighting master, and has superb archery skills. He should have a good reputation in the mercenary circle.

  As long as you send someone to contact those mercenaries, after inquiring, If you give me another hush money, you can naturally get information about him."

  The three elders nodded, it was not difficult to think of this.

  They also knew Xiao Zhan's concerns.

  Information such as name and general cultivation level can be easily obtained.

  But some secret information is more difficult.

  For example, residence.

  Mercenaries are a group of people who make a living with their heads hanging on their belts.

  They are very cautious, and information such as their residence and activity range will not be easily exposed.

  I'm afraid I can't find out at all. After all, if someone hits me with a basketball while I'm sleeping, I'll be dead.

  This is also the reason why Su Yun always comes to Xiao's house by himself.

  He was just afraid of exposing his residence and being attacked by others, and he would be extremely careful when he went back.

  After all, there is a little medical fairy at home. If something happens to him, he will regret it to death.