

  Chapter 42 Xiao Xun'er's considerations (fourth update!)

  The three elders couldn't think of any good solutions.

  Generally speaking, mercenaries are active in the area of ​​the Monster Mountain Range.

  But the Monster Mountain Range is so big. If there is enough time, it would be easy to find, but there are only seven days.

  It is simply impossible to find that person by searching the Monster Mountain Range.

  Moreover, the terrain of the Monster Mountain Range is complicated. Even if they are lucky enough to find him, that person will escape to the depths of the Monster Mountain Range and find a hidden cave. They can't find him at all.

  Even if he dies in there, it is useless. They can't take credit in front of Master Han.

  Not to mention that he is an archer with the strength of a fighter.

  Most of the people from the Xiao family hang around in Wutan City, doing some escort work. They are definitely not as familiar with the Monster Mountains as the mercenaries.

  It is not a wise choice to fight for a long time with an archer hiding in the dark in a terrain that the opponent is more familiar with.

  That's right. The way of fighting between people with lower strength in the Douqi Continent is still more focused on terrain and attack methods.

  Those exaggerated confrontations basically won't appear in Wutan City.

  "Just kill all the one-eyed mercenaries inside and outside Wutan City!"

  The second elder's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness.

  "Stupid! If it were so simple, Master Han would just post a bounty in Wutan City. What would the Xiao family have to do? What

  if the mercenary got wind of it and ran to another city? That would be the end of it."

  The first elder scolded the second elder.

  The second elder also responded with a wry smile.

  Xiao Zhan was also somewhat helpless. The second elder had a bad temper. It was okay to let him charge into the formation, but if he came up with an idea, it would be difficult for him.

  The four people discussed to no avail, so they could only send someone to contact the mercenary first, trying to get some useful information.

  Two days later, at night, it was still the Xiao family lobby.

  "Zhang Kaitao, an eight-star fighter, is suspected to have mastered a mysterious archery-related fighting skill.

  He boasts of his great strength and never teams up with other mercenaries. He always goes to the Monster Mountain Range to hunt alone.

  He once faced a siege by three second-level monsters, but with his superb archery and the terrain of the Monster Mountain Range, he killed them all.

  It was in that battle that Zhang Kaitao lost an eye."

  Xiao Zhan slowly read the intelligence that had just been transmitted.

  "Just as expected, there is only some basic intelligence, and there is no key information such as the range of activities and residence."

  Xiao Zhan felt a headache. This fourth-grade elixir is really hard to get.

  The four discussed for another night, but still couldn't figure it out.

  Xiao Zhan left the hall, looking a little tired. Today he planned to go see Xiao Yan.

  The kid hasn't smiled since his fighting spirit disappeared.


  Thinking of this, Xiao Zhan smiled bitterly. This strange disease really hurts people. Xiao

  Zhan knocked on Xiao Yan's door.

  "Father, why are you here?"

  Xiao Yan pushed open the door, looking a little depressed, but seeing that it was Xiao Zhan, he still cheered up a little.

  "Nothing, just came to see you."

  Xiao Zhan forced a smile on his tired face and patted Xiao Yan on the shoulder.

  "Yan'er, don't worry too much. Maybe one day your talent will come back."

  Xiao Yan smiled bitterly when he heard this. He knew that Xiao Zhan was comforting him and cheering him up.

  Xiao Yan's heart was touched. During the time when he became a waste, only a few people such as Xiao Zhan, Master Han, and Xun'er would cheer him up.

  A few days ago, he received letters from his two brothers. Apparently, Xiao Zhan sent them news.

  "Father, has anything happened in the family recently?"

  Xiao Yan began to change the subject. He also noticed that the family seemed to have a lot of manpower deployment in the past two days.

  Xiao Zhan was a little tired and sat on the chair.

  Although this matter had to be carried out in secret, the family members who participated in this matter also knew that Yan'er had been staying in the family, so it would not hurt to talk to him.   

  Xiao Yan poured a cup of tea for Xiao Zhan. He could see that Xiao Zhan was tired.

  Xiao Zhan took it, drank it all, and put the cup down.

  "Two days ago, Master Han gave our Xiao family and Jialie family a task."

  Xiao Zhan said slowly.

  Xiao Yan nodded.

  Although he had been staying in the clan, he still knew some of the major events that happened outside.

  He knew about the Oba family being wiped out, the Jialie family turning against them and surrendering to Master Han.

  "Master Han wants us to kill someone, but we have no idea these two days."

  Xiao Zhan told Xiao Yan about the difficulties they encountered.

  Xiao Yan heard this, and a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

  This matter is indeed difficult to handle. Although the intelligence provided by Master Han is detailed and the information of Zhang Kaitao has been investigated clearly,

  it is indeed difficult to find his specific location.

  Not only that, even if he is found, he will probably have to be dealt a thundering blow. If he is not killed in one blow, it will be difficult to deal with him if he escapes to other places.

  Seven days is not enough time to hunt him down.

  This matter was entrusted by Master Han, so Xiao Yan naturally took it seriously. Master Han's kindness to him is not small.

  On the other side, in Xiao Xun'er's yard.

  "Master Ling, have you found out?"

  Xiao Xun'er sat on a chair, her small jade hand supporting her little head, with a sad look on her face, and asked Ling Ying who was standing aside.

  "Miss, I have found out that two days ago, the fourth-grade alchemist asked the Xiao family and the Jialie family to kill a person."


  Xiao Xun'er became interested.

  "Tell me in detail."

  Ling Ying nodded and continued.

  "This person's name is Zhang Kaitao, and it seems that he offended Han Li. He used the fourth-grade elixir as a reward and asked the Xiao family and the Jialie family to take his life.

  As for how he offended Han Li, I haven't found out."

  Xiao Xun'er's eyebrows flashed with thought.

  "Miss, do you want to help the Xiao family?"

  "No, our identities should not be exposed. Han Li is not simple.

  He can refine the three-pattern green elixir, which obviously means he is not far from the realm of a fifth-grade pharmacist.

  We don't know whether he lacks inheritance, experience in refining medicine, or spiritual power.

  If he already has the spiritual power of a fifth-grade pharmacist, even if you do it yourself, Han Li may find out the details."

  Xiao Xun'er shook her head and didn't intend to get involved.

  With Ling Ying's strength and the special nature of the dark attribute, a fifth-grade pharmacist would not be able to detect anything unusual if he didn't take action.

  But if he took action, there would inevitably be fluctuations in fighting spirit, and with the spiritual power of a fifth-grade pharmacist, he would probably find something wrong.

  In Xiao Xun'er's opinion, since Han Li asked the Xiao family and the Jialie family to find Zhang Kaitao,

  there is no guarantee that he will not go looking for him himself.

  If Ling Lao finds the person and takes action, Han Li can rely on his intelligence and go nearby, and it is very likely that he will detect the fluctuations in Ling Lao's fighting spirit.

  Although the possibility is extremely small, Xiao Xun'er does not intend to take the risk.

  She came to the Xiao family, but she had very important things to do...

  so it is not worth it to expose her whereabouts.

  As for why Xiao Xun'er did not consider these when Xiao Yan went to Yunlan Sect in the original book,

  it was of course because Xiao Yan was more important to her than that incident.