


  Chapter 43 Yangguan Road (Fifth Update!)

  On the other side, in the Mitel Auction House, Ya Fei was holding the intelligence she had just obtained.

  In the past two days, the Xiao family and the Jialie family have made significant moves.

  Even Ya Fei had to admit that the two families had considerable influence in Wutan City, so she naturally paid more attention to them.


  Ya Fei looked at the information in front of her and thought for a moment.

  Why did these two families contact mercenaries almost at the same time?

  "Any other information?"

  Ya Fei put down the parchment scroll in her hand and asked.

  A subordinate stood in front of Ya Fei, and the subordinate answered.

  "These two families seem to be asking the mercenaries in Wutan City for some information? It seems to be related to a person named Zhang Kaitao.

  However, the two families did not reveal the reason for looking for him."

  Ya Fei nodded when she heard it.

  Mercenaries are not opposed to buying and selling intelligence.

  As long as there are enough gold coins, even if they received hush money before, they still found out about it.

  Ya Fei lay lazily on the sofa, rubbing her brows, and had a headache.

  However, since these two families did not reveal the reason for the inquiry to the mercenaries, there was nothing they could do.

  Ya Fei narrowed her eyes. Should she enter the venue? There

  are few reasons that could make these two families go out at the same time.

  In Ya Fei's opinion, it is very likely that Zhang Kaitao has something in his hand, a heart-warming treasure, and the two families have learned about it.

  Ya Fei can become the Queen of Gold in the future, so her mind is naturally online, and her guess is already very close.

  After all, Zhang Kaitao is now equivalent to a mobile fourth-grade elixir, isn't it a big treasure?

  After thinking for a while, Ya Fei came up with an idea, took out a bag full of gold coins from the ring, and threw it to the subordinate in front of her.

  "No family can be a monolithic entity. There will always be people who eat inside and outside. You know what to do.

  Go down. In one day, I want to know the motives of the Xiao family and the Jialie family."

  The subordinate took the bag, and said quickly with joy in his heart.


  The subordinate walked out of the room, weighed the bag, and was even more happy.

  These gold coins were obviously used to bribe the two families, and if there were any left, they would naturally belong to him.

  He walked out of the Mitel auction house, full of motivation in his heart.

  Ya Fei walked to the window, opened it, and looked up at the moon.

  How could she not know what this subordinate was thinking?

  This is the effect she wants. If she doesn't give some benefits, how can the people below help you wholeheartedly?

  Fighting for two thousand yuan? Are you kidding me!

  What do you mean you don't have enough experience and don't deserve such a high salary? In the current market situation, it's good enough that the company gives you a job opportunity. Do you still want a high salary?

  Just quit as if you have a serious illness!


  Xiao family.

  Xiao Yan's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of a good idea.

  "Father, I have an idea, maybe it can help?"

  Xiao Zhan raised his head slightly, a little surprised. He and the three elders had discussed for so long, but they couldn't come up with a solution. Yan'er came up with a solution so quickly?

  Xiao Zhan said to Xiao Yan with the mentality of trying everything possible.

  "Tell me about it."

  "Since Zhang Kaitao is a mercenary, he must be resupplying supplies.

  And in Wutan City, if he wants to buy supplies, he must go to the market."

  Xiao Yan said his thoughts.

  Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up. Yes, the market!

  Now the market is controlled by their Xiao family and Jialie family. As long as they send more people to the market in the next few days, they will not worry about not finding Zhang Kaitao's trace.   

  This is much easier than the two days when they sent people to the Monster Mountain Range to search aimlessly.

  But then, Xiao Zhan frowned again.

  This method is indeed good. There are still five days left. As long as Zhang Kaitao appears in the market, they will definitely catch him.

  But there is a problem. Even if they can find Zhang Kaitao in the market, they cannot be sure which market he appears in.

  What if he ran to the market of the Jialie family?

  The fourth-grade elixir will be gone.

  Xiao Zhan frowned and told Xiao Yan about his concerns.


  Xiao Yan just smiled slightly and said two words when he heard Xiao Zhan's question.

  Xiao Zhan's eyes shone brightly.

  Yes, elixir.

  Their Xiao family's market has Master Han's first-grade healing medicine.

  As a powerful fighting master, Zhang Kaitao will definitely not be stingy with this little money to buy those inferior herbs prepared by pharmacists. He

  will definitely come to buy the first-grade healing medicine unique to their Xiao family market!

  "Great!" Xiao

  Zhan clapped his hands in applause. Even if my son's fighting spirit dissipated, he was not an ordinary person!

  Seeing this, Xiao Yan also smiled.

  Being able to help, he was also filled with a sense of satisfaction, which prevented him from thinking that he was just a useless person who ate for free, a parasite.

  "Father, not only that.

  During this period of time, we can also sell the elixirs in one market, so that more people can gather and it will be easier to catch him."

  Xiao Zhan touched his beard and nodded.

  Yan'er was right.

  Their Xiao family only needs to announce to the outside world that there is a shortage of elixirs recently.

  Take back the elixirs from other markets and sell them in one market, then Zhang Kaitao will be trapped.

  After taking over the market of the Oba family, their Xiao family has more than ten markets.

  These more than ten markets are far away. If people are sent to each place, it will inevitably lead to insufficient manpower.

  Even if the trace is found, it is possible for him to escape.

  But it's different if there's only one market. Not to mention the others, if he adds the three elders of the Xiao family, Zhang Kaitao will be in trouble!

  "Yan'er, you really helped a lot this time!"

  Xiao Zhan laughed and said to Xiao Yan happily.

  "It's good to be able to help my father."

  Xiao Zhan got a solution from Xiao Yan and didn't stay any longer. He quickly called out the three elders and discussed matters in the hall again.

  On the other side, in the Jialie family, Jialiebi and a bald middle-aged man sat opposite each other in the hall.

  This man's name is Chen Tuqiang, who is the weapons tycoon of Wutan City and accounts for the largest share of weapons sales in Wutan City.

  "Haha, Mr. Chen, long time no see."

  Jialiebi said with a smile.

  Chen Tuqiang frowned. He didn't come to the temple for no reason. What was Jialiebi's intention to find him today?

  Chen Tuqiang was a little confused and didn't understand what Jialiebi meant.

  Although he was still a figure in Wutan City, he was still far from the power of the Jialie family.

  The most obvious difference is strength. The strongest of his group is only an eight-star fighter.

  Although he didn't know what Jialebi was up to, Chen Tuqiang still smiled.

  Being servile is a necessary skill for adults, especially in front of people who are stronger than you...

  "Yes, I didn't expect to have the honor of coming to Jiale's house as a guest today. It's all thanks to you."

  (End of this chapter)