

  Chapter 45 Attack and Murder (First Update!)

  "About healing medicine?"

  Zhang Kaitao's brows furrowed even more tightly.

  The healing medicine of the Xiao family is a real first-class elixir.

  It is not comparable to those inferior hemostatic herbs .

  Is the supply of the healing medicine of the Xiao family cut off? "Well, the supply of healing medicine of the Xiao family is short recently. Now only the one in the northeast corner, near the market of the Xiao family, is sold."

  The passerby said.

  Hearing this, Zhang Kaitao breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay if there is some. At worst, he can squeeze in, or snatch it from the hands of the person who bought it.

  A hint of sinister smile flashed in Zhang Kaitao's eyes.

  "Okay, you can go."

  The passerby hurriedly left.

  Zhang Kaitao looked at the passerby in front of him, sneered, took the bow behind him, and pulled out an arrow from his waist.

  Aim and shoot.

  Hit the passerby's thigh, and a scream was heard.

  Zhang Kaitao snorted coldly, put the bow back on his back, and walked towards the weapon shop.

  The brave man is angry and draws his sword against the stronger one; the cowardly man is angry but draws his sword against the weaker one.

  That's it.

  Zhang Kaitao suddenly realized that it was no wonder that there were not many people on this street.

  This street leads to a market of the Xiao family, which used to have a lot of traffic.

  Now there are no pills for sale, so it is normal that there are fewer people.

  Those roadside stalls should also be placed in the northeast corner mentioned by the passerby.

  After figuring this out, Zhang Kaitao relaxed.

  As for the fight between the two big families, it has nothing to do with him. He has nothing to do with those two families.   As long as he does

  n't get involved, unless a master fighter attacks him, he can get away with it.

  Fight, the more brutal the better, hehe...

  Zhang Kaitao walked for a while and came to the door of the weapon shop. There are people, a lot of people.   Zhang Kaitao frowned again, thought for a moment, and relaxed again.   Yes, because of the Xiao family and the Galie family's affairs recently, the situation in Wutan City is tense. It is normal for the owner of this weapon shop to arrange more people to protect his shop.   After all, no one wants to be implicated.   Zhang Kaitao thought so, and felt that he was too nervous recently. He   shook his head. It's better to be cautious.   But he didn't see that in an inconspicuous dark place, Galeb grinned. The prey is coming! Galeb   made a gesture to let the ambushes around get ready.   He had negotiated with Bald Qiang these days. The two of them would cooperate and arrange people to ambush here. After the task was completed, the fourth-grade elixir would belong to him, Galeb.   And he needed to introduce Bald Qiang to Master Han.   Walking into the weapon shop, Zhang Kaitao shouted.   "Shopkeeper."   "Oh, you're here."   Chen Tuqiang smiled at Zhang Kaitao, but there was a barely perceptible heat in his eyes.   "You are here to get the arrows, right? Sit here for a while, I will have someone bring them to you."   Chen Tuqiang was very enthusiastic, waved his hand, and exchanged glances with a servant who seemed to be doing odd jobs.   "Go ahead."   The servant smiled knowingly, "Yes."   After the servant walked out of the door, Chen Tuqiang asked Zhang Kaitao to sit down.   "Sit down."   After Zhang Kaitao sat down, Chen Tuqiang took out a teapot and poured tea for him personally.   Zhang Kaitao felt a little strange at this time, why is this bald guy so enthusiastic today.   Then he began to associate again.   He wants to pull me!   Zhang Kaitao nodded secretly, the more he thought about it, the more he liked it.   

  That's right, he is an eight-star fighter. In Wutan City, the only people with higher cultivation than him are the senior leaders of the major forces and a few nine-star fighters.

  In such a situation, the bald man must want to pull him in.

  Zhang Kaitao laughed at himself again. He was indeed a little suspicious during this period.


  Just as Zhang Kaitao was thinking, Chen Tuqiang handed him the teacup with a smile.

  Zhang Kaitao took the teacup, but just put it down lightly without drinking it.

  "Why not try it? This is imported from the Izumo Empire. It's the best tea."

  Seeing this, Chen Tuqiang said with a smile, a harmless look.

  "No, I don't like tea."

  "Oh, why don't you try something new?"

  Chen Tuqiang's smile remained.

  "No, thank you for your kindness, shopkeeper."

  Zhang Kaitao refused again.

  Chen Tuqiang did not force it.

  Three times the limit is enough.

  It's a pity that the tea imported from the Izumo Empire is so precious. Even if a third-level monster drinks it, it will be poisoned and die immediately...

  But it doesn't matter, they still have a backup plan.

  Zhang Kaitao was stunned.

  In the past, he had a girl he loved, but one day, a young master came from the imperial capital.

  He took a fancy to the girl and knocked her out with a drug.

  The drug was in the form of tea, and the girl drank it.

  Needless to say, what happened later.

  The girl came to him crying, and he took the girl to settle the score with the young master.

  But there was a great fighter hiding beside the young master.

  And then...

  right in front of Zhang Kaitao, the girl was raped

  and then she committed suicide.

  He also became an even weaker person who only vented his anger on the weak.

  From then on, he never drank tea handed to him by others.

  Zhang Kaitao came back to his senses and frowned.

  "Shopkeeper, why hasn't the boy come back yet?"

  Something was wrong at this time. Those were just some arrows, not something heavy.

  Chen Tuqiang took a sip of tea. He had taken the antidote in advance and would not be poisoned.

  He smiled apologetically.

  "Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with this boy. He's so slow today. Please wait for me for a while, I'll go and take a look myself."

  After saying that, Chen Tuqiang immediately stood up, as if he really intended to teach his subordinates who were slacking off a lesson.

  Zhang Kaitao didn't say anything either. The attitude of this shopkeeper was already good.

  When he came just now, he vaguely sensed that there were many people. There were also strong fighters in this weapon shop.

  It was not that the passers-by on the street who had no background and were weak could be manipulated at will, so he couldn't get angry.

  Chen Tuqiang's pace was neither hurried nor slow. He walked behind Zhang Kaitao, but suddenly turned around and attacked immediately!

  Collapse of the Mountain Palm!

  Chen Tuqiang was the owner of this weapon shop. He usually lived a life of luxury and had a group of guards to protect him.

  But he was in control of a faction anyway, and had enough money to buy resources for his training.

  Therefore, he also had the cultivation of a two-star fighter.

  Zhang Kaitao's heart sank, and his hair stood on end. He felt the sound of breaking wind coming from behind him. Relying on the combat experience honed in the Monster Mountain Range, he subconsciously dodged to the side.

  Zhang Kaitao fell to the ground, and stood up with one hand. His upper body clothes had been torn, and a bloody smell filled the room.

  Although he dodged in time, he was still hit, but fortunately, it was only a scratch on the skin, which did not affect his combat effectiveness.

  Zhang Kaitao's eyes were gloomy, and he pointed his finger at Chen Tuqiang and shouted angrily: "What do you mean!"

  Just as Zhang Kaitao finished speaking, another palm wind came from the side.

  Wind-Shaped Palm!