


  Chapter 46 Zhang Kaitao's Madness (Second Update!)

  Veins popped up on Zhang Kaitao's face, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

  Master fighter!

  He is definitely a master fighter!

  How could such a strong man lurk in this ghost place and attack me!

  Zhang Kaitao didn't have time to think about it, and tried his best to dodge the palm.

  But Jialie is not stronger than Chen Tu. As a master fighter and a wind-attribute fighter, the speed of the two is not at the same level at all.

  Even if Zhang Kaitao had tightened his relaxed nerves again after the attack of Chen Tuqiang, he could only avoid the vital points and could not dodge completely.

  Zhang Kaitao gritted his teeth and madly circulated the

  fighting spirit in his body, and the fighting spirit turned into gauze! Black armor! A fighting spirit gauze appeared on Zhang Kaitao's body, and another wave of fighting spirit condensed into something like armor, covering his upper body.


  With a loud bang, Zhang Kaitao was knocked out by Galeb, and after smashing a hole in the wall, he fell to the ground.

  Zhang Kaitao struggled to get up from the ground, and the armor and fighting spirit gauze on his body completely disappeared.

  Zhang Kaitao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at the person in front of him.


  Zhang Kaitao is a well-known figure in Wutan City. He once met Galbi when he was participating in an auction at Miter Auction House.

  Damn, why is this idiot here? Isn't he busy inciting the mercenary corps to fight with the Xiao family? !

  A gloomy look flashed across Zhang Kaitao's eyes.

  If it weren't for the protection of the fighting gauze and Huangjie's advanced fighting skill "Xuanjia", even if he survived, he would have lost his ability to fight.

  Zhang Kaitao forced an ugly smile and bowed to Galbi.

  "Chief Galie, I wonder if there is any misunderstanding here?"

  Galbi smiled grimly.

  "Misunderstanding? There is no misunderstanding. I came here today just for you."

  Zhang Kaitao's heart skipped a beat. The hands he sensed before now came out from the dark and surrounded him, blocking all his escape routes!

  Damn it! The servant didn't go to get any arrows at all. He went to inform the others and asked them to surround him.

  The bald shopkeeper was so polite, but he was stalling for time to block all his escape routes.

  He is now trapped in a jar!

  Zhang Kaitao subconsciously touched the quiver on his waist.

  No, at this distance, I'm afraid that as soon as he draws the bow, Galbi will rush to him.

  At this moment, Zhang Kaitao felt a sense of powerlessness. He took a deep breath, took out a pill from a small secret compartment in the quiver, and held it in his hand.

  "What does Patriarch Jialie want?

  I can give you everything I know, including my low-level Xuan-level fighting skills, "Xuanmu Arrow".

  Let me go, and I can die for the Jialie family!

  The value of a living person is definitely greater than that of a dead person!"

  Zhang Kaitao said in a loud voice, trying to persuade Jialiebi to let him go.


  Jialiebi smiled grimly.

  No, you are more valuable to me if you die!

  Jialiebi looked at Zhang Kaitao with fiery eyes, like a gangster looking at a naked beauty.

  A fourth-grade pill, what is a fighter?

  Jialiebi has already tasted the sweetness.

  He had already taken the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill that Master Han had given him.

  Now he was a six-star great fighter.

  He had already found out during this period that he could take two Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pills.

  If he could take down Zhang Kaitao, he would

  only need to gather herbs. He could ask Master Han to refine another Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill for him.


  Galiebi seemed to have thought of something.

  Three-line Green Spirit Pill!

  He wanted a Three-line Green Spirit Pill, a pill that could break through to three-star strength. Even if there was a possibility of backlash, it didn't matter.

  Fortune and wealth are sought in danger.   

  If he succeeds in breaking through, he can become a nine-star master fighter! If

  he can endure for a few more years, or find a way to get Master Han to refine some more pills for him, he can become a powerful fighter!

  Galeb was immersed in his fantasy for a while, and then he came back to his senses.

  "I don't need you to die for the Galeb family. You just need to give me one thing, and I will leave here and let you go."

  Galeb felt that he had already won, and he had the mentality of a cat playing with a mouse.

  "What is it?"

  Zhang Kaitao asked cautiously.

  "Your head!"

  Galeb laughed and circulated the fighting spirit in his body at the same time.

  A fighting spirit surrounded Galeb, gradually condensed and formed, and the fighting spirit turned into Kai!

  Step by step, he walked towards Zhang Kaitao.

  Zhang Kaitao almost bit his teeth to pieces. Damn this old man! !

  Zhang Kaitao felt the injuries in his body. Looking at the approaching Jialebi, he became ruthless and a crazy look flashed in his eyes.

  He swallowed the pill in his hand, and a violent aura immediately emerged from his body.

  This wave of fighting spirit!

  Jialebi had a flash of worry in his mind, and his expression was solemn. He didn't dare to waste it anymore.

  With a swish, he rushed towards Zhang Kaitao.

  Wind Shape Palm!

  Zhang Kaitao showed a crazy smile on his face.

  The pill he just swallowed was a third-grade pill, Explosive Flame Pill.

  This is a kind of elixir that can be used to fight to the death. It can improve one's strength in a short period of time, allowing a fighter to raise his cultivation to that of a great fighter in a short period of time!

  However, this thing has side effects. Once the effect of the medicine wears off, his cultivation will not only drop back to that of a fighter.

  His foundation will also be damaged, and he will never be able to break through to that of a great fighter in his lifetime!

  If he had not encountered a life-and-death crisis, he would not have swallowed this thing at all.

  Zhang Kaitao looked at Jialebi who was coming to kill him, and did not choose to fight head-on. Jialebi

  was a long-established great fighter, but he only relied on the power of the elixir to stay in this realm for a short time. Even if it was one-on-one, he would not have the slightest chance of winning.

  Not to mention, there were so many people watching him covetously nearby.

  Zhang Kaitao's eyes quickly turned around, found the weakest link, and went to kill there.

  A fighting spirit emerged from Zhang Kaitao's body, and the fighting spirit turned into Kai!

  With the help of the elixir, he could also use the fighting spirit to turn into Kai for a short time, but the fighting spirit on his body was weak, and the fighting spirit armor appeared and disappeared, which was obviously not stable, and there was a clear difference from Galbi.

  Zhang Kaitao killed the crowd. A great fighter is still a great fighter after all. Even if he is very weak, he is not something that ants at the level of fighters and fighters can resist.

  Zhang Kaitao was like entering a no-man's land. In a few seconds, he killed three people. The rest of the people were still resisting stubbornly, not letting him escape.

  Galeb was furious. He immediately adjusted his direction and rushed towards Zhang Kaitao again.

  Zhang Kaitao glanced at Galeb and snorted coldly.

  Wind-Shaped Palm!

  Galeb only used this one move over and over again. There was nothing he could do about it. In a small place like Wutan City, there were not so many advanced fighting skills for him to learn.

  Zhang Kaitao pulled a person behind him with both hands.

  Galeb's eyes widened. This was an elder of their Galeb clan who was a fighter.

  Galeb had no time to retract his fighting spirit and could only slap the elder with one palm.

  The elder died on the spot.