

  Three days later, Su Yun used the Purple Cloud Wings and Phantom Technique to fly in the sky.

  Now that he has successfully broken through the Fighting Spirit, the fighting spirit in his body has skyrocketed, and the burden of using the Purple Cloud Wings and Phantom Technique at the same time is much less.

  He is a person who is afraid of trouble. If he uses the Purple Cloud Wings to fly in the Jiama Empire, he may be targeted by someone

  with ulterior motives. Although the possibility is not high, he will try to avoid it if possible. His time is precious, and he is unwilling to get too entangled with some people with ulterior motives.

  After flying for a long time, he arrived at Black Rock City.

  This city is located to the east of the Jiama Empire. It is one of the top cities in the Jiama Empire. Although Wutan City is also a big city, it ranks last and cannot be compared with Black Rock City.

  The streets were bustling with people and very prosperous.

  Su Yun was wearing a pharmacist's robe and a mask on his face. He didn't plan to use any identity. There was nothing special about this place, and there were no people worth contacting too much, so there was no need to spend too much time.

  He chose this place only because it was more developed and it was more convenient to purchase medicinal materials and magic cores.

  As for going to the Tagore Desert to purchase more, he had never thought about it.

  That place is located on the border of the Jiama Empire. There are many strong people, but it is not so prosperous and stable, and it may not be as convenient as here.

  Su Yun came to the pharmacist's guild here.

  The pharmacist's guild's residence here is very unique. It looks like a medicine cauldron, and it is obviously specially customized.

  Much more advanced than Luo Qianchen's place.

  When he arrived at the door, there was no guard blocking his way. After all, he was wearing a pharmacist's robe, and the four silver stripes on his chest were very conspicuous.

  He had consumed a lot of medicinal materials during this period, and it was time to buy some. Of course, the pharmacist guild would also exchange magic cores, pill formulas and other items, and there would be pharmacists setting up stalls here.

  Su Yun entered the hall, asked the staff inside to buy some medicinal materials, and then came to the stalls here to take a look.

  There were quite a few pharmacists setting up stalls here, mainly first- and second-grade pharmacists, third-grade pharmacists were rare, and there was no fourth-grade pharmacist at all.

  The only fourth-grade alchemists in Black Rock City should be the president of the Alchemy Guild, Frankland, and the vice president, Otto.

  Su Yun walked around, and from time to time he used the system's scanning function to scan the things on the stalls to see if he could pick up any bargains.

  But unfortunately, he didn't seem to have that luck.

  He was very jealous of Xiao Yan's good luck in the imperial capital, picking up the first transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire by just picking up something.

  It's a pity that no matter how jealous he is, this good luck will never come to him.

  But Su Yun has already thought about it.

  When the time comes, how can I get this thing from Xiao Yan, hehe.

  By that time, this leek should be ripe.

  Su Yun grinned.

  Su Yun only found two fourth-grade magic cores in this stall and bought them at a high price.

  He is not short of gold coins. Even among the group of pharmacists, Su Yun is considered wealthy. It is

  already amazing for an ordinary pharmacist to have a 40% success rate in refining pills, but he has 90%. The gap is self-evident.

  Su Yun left these stalls and saw four people coming towards him.

  Su Yun used the scanning function of the system and knew the identities of these four people.

  Franklan and Otto, and their disciples, Xue Mei and Lin Fei.

  Su Yun was a little surprised, but then he was relieved.

  A strange fourth-grade pharmacist appeared in his territory, so it was normal for him to come and take a look.

  Su Yun's expression changed. Maybe he could ask the two of them for help.

  He only bought two fourth-level magic cores this time, which really couldn't satisfy his appetite.

  If he went there himself, it would be troublesome and inefficient.

  But the two of them were different. As the local leaders of Black Rock City, they were very familiar with the power in the city, and they would be much faster than him.   

  Su Yun had a plan in mind, but his face showed no expression. In fact, it didn't matter if he had one, after all, he was wearing a mask.

  "Hello, I'm Franklan, the president of the Alchemist Guild in Black Rock City."

  "I'm Otto, the vice president of the Alchemist Guild."

  The two people who walked in front of Su Yun took the initiative to greet him.

  Su Yun nodded.

  "So it's the president and vice president in person. I, Gu Feiyang, are right."

  Su Yun used a random name and said to the two people.

  Anyway, Su Yun's name and true appearance could not be exposed casually.

  Now, the only one who knows is Xiao Yixian.

  "So it's Master Gu Feiyang, nice to meet you."

  The two people said politely.

  When Su Yun just entered the Alchemy Guild, someone came to report to them that a strange fourth-grade alchemist had come to the guild.

  They were naturally curious, so they decided to go out and see him.

  The two of them waved their hands, motioning Xue Mei and Lin Fei to step forward.

  They wanted them to make themselves familiar to Su Yun.

  The master-disciple relationship in the Douqi Continent is quite solid, and the two of them also love their respective disciples very much.

  Thinking of accumulating some connections for the two of them, they brought them along.

  "Hello, Master. I'm Xue Mei (Lin Fei), and I've met you."

  Su Yun nodded, and understood their plan. For alchemists, connections are usually transferred from master to disciple.

  "Master Gu Feiyang, why don't we exchange experiences? There are not many fourth-grade pharmacists in the empire, as you probably know."

  At this time, Frankland invited Su Yun.

  This was also their real purpose.

  The two of them were promoted to fourth-grade pharmacists a few years ago. Now that they met a fellow practitioner, they naturally couldn't help but want to exchange a few things and improve their own pharmacy skills.

  Su Yun nodded, which was exactly what he wanted.

  "Okay, I haven't seen a friend who is also a fourth-grade pharmacist for a long time. It's a good opportunity to exchange experiences."

  After hearing this, the two looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

  A group of five people came to a quiet room, with Xue Mei and Lin Fei serving on the side.

  The five people sat down, and Frankland spoke first.

  After all, as the host, they couldn't let Su Yun speak first.

  As for why Otto didn't come first, it has to do with the school staff's ranking, with the principal first, the vice-principal second, the dean of studies third, and then the teachers.

  Frankland talked about his understanding of the fourth-grade alchemist, and he talked a lot for about half an hour.

  Otto was basically the same.

  Su Yun was not interested in the so-called experiences they talked about, and even wanted to laugh.

  If he remembered correctly, these two seemed to be fourth-grade alchemists who had listened to Fa Ma's lectures before and were promoted.

  Calculating the time, they have only been promoted for one or two years?

  The messy things they talked about were not only very superficial, but also had a lot of mistakes.
