

  Chapter 65 Cold Tea (Second update!)

  Su Yun held it in very hard, but he didn't laugh out loud.

  He is professionally trained not to laugh no matter how funny it is unless he can't help it.

  Su Yun wrote down the mistakes they made one by one, and when it was his turn, he pointed them out in a subtle way.

  In this way, when they are asked to do something, they will do their best.

  Su Yun was a little bored and glanced at Xue Mei and Lin Fei unconsciously.

  Xuemei has a slender figure, her eyebrows are as plain and cold as ice-cold springs, her face is quite delicate, her skin is white, and she has silver hair that hangs down her waist.

  Lin Fei was different. She was slightly smaller in purple clothes, but her figure was unexpectedly tangible. She was very plump and charming, and her face was quite attractive.

  Two beauties with completely different styles are pleasing to the eye.

  These two guys are not very good at refining medicine, but they are surprisingly good at choosing apprentices.

  An evil thought flashed through Su Yun's heart, ahem, I understand.

  After some time, Otto also finished speaking.

  "Ahem, that's all I have insights. Next, let's invite Master Gu Feiyang."

  Otto coughed, obviously a little dry. Linfei on the side quickly poured a cup of tea from the teapot and handed it to herself. teacher.

  Seeing this scene, Su Yun smacked his mouth.

  Damn it, I will do the same when I accept a disciple in the future. No matter how talented or powerful I am, I must be pretty enough, have a hot figure, and serve me best.

  Su Yun coughed dryly, put away the worry in his heart, and began to explain his understanding.

  Unlike Frank and Otto who only talked for half an hour, Su Yun talked for a full two and a half hours.

  Converted to the previous world, it was five hours.

  It went straight to dark.

  It was not unreasonable for Su Yun to talk for so long. Not only did he talk about some insights about the fourth-grade alchemist, he also pointed out some of the problems that Frank and Otto had before.

  The two of them were sweating profusely and intoxicated.

  This was really hard on the two little girls, Xuemei and Linfei.

  Their teacher was happy to hear it, but they couldn't understand anything. It was like taking a high-level mathematics class in college, their heads were spinning, and it was like listening to a book from heaven.

  And because Su Yun, the alchemy master, was here, they could only sit there.

  Both of them had just broken through to the level of a fighter. They had just started learning alchemy skills from their respective teachers not long ago. They had no experience of sitting motionless for seven hours.

  Su Yun coughed and talked about one Kun hour at a time. He was also a little thirsty.

  Seeing Su Yun stop, both Frank and Otto were a little unsatisfied.

  When Frankland heard Su Yun's cough, he quickly asked Xuemei to pass a cup of tea to Su Yun.

  At this time, the gap between the president and the vice president became apparent.

  Otto was still thinking about Su Yun's insights into refining medicine, and Frankland turned his attention to Su Yun himself.

  Hearing this, Xuemei quickly put her hands on the ground, moved her legs, and was about to stand up, when she let out an exclamation.

  Xuemei's expression froze and her legs became numb...

  Seeing this, Frankland was a little dumbfounded, this girl.

  Otto also reacted and looked at his apprentice Linfei. When he turned back, he met Linfei's eyes.

  Those eyes seemed to say, Teacher, don't count on me, my legs are numb too.

  Su Yun snorted coldly, feeling a little unhappy.

  At this time, he began to miss the little medical fairy again. If the girl were here, let alone tea, I'm afraid she would already be rubbing his back and legs, asking for help.

  Hearing this voice, Ford and Otto stood up quickly, poured a cup of tea for Su Yun and handed it to Su Yun.

  Unexpectedly, Su Yun had no intention of taking it. He didn't move his hand and just said coldly.

  "You two should drink it by yourselves."

  Otto was a little confused, but Frankland saw the tea in his hands, smiled bitterly, and understood.

  These two girls had not changed the tea at all during the time the master was explaining. The tea had been cold for who knows how long.   

  "Master Gu Feiyang, please forgive me for being ignorant. I will make you a pot of hot tea right now."

  Hearing this, Otto also understood, laughed, drank all the tea in his hand, and did not dare to say a word . .

  This hot tea tastes really bad when it's cold.

  Xuemei and Linfei also knew that they had made a mistake and buried their heads in their chests, not daring to take a breath.

  As time passed, the atmosphere cooled down.

  Frankland was making tea, while Su Yun had a cold face and said nothing.

  Otto was not tactful enough and did not know how to ease the atmosphere. He could only wait for his old buddy to come to the rescue.

  Not to mention Xuemei and Linfei, they were still sitting cross-legged with their heads lowered like ostriches.

  After a long time, Frankland finally made the tea, poured a cup and handed it to Su Yun.

  "Master Gu Feiyang, this is my treasured Qingling tea. It can make people clear their minds. Drinking it for a long time can also enhance a little bit of soul power."

  Su Yun took it and took a sip.

  There are still things for them to do, and they need to be given a step down.

  Seeing Su Yun take the tea cup in his hand, Frankland breathed a sigh of relief. They are all smart people, so he would understand.

  This matter is in the past.

  Su Yun drank tea slowly, and the four of them stood by him.

  After drinking all the tea in his hand, Su Yun put down the tea cup.

  Nodding, "It's indeed good tea. The president spent a lot of money."

  Seeing this, Frankland smiled.

  "It's fine, Master, if you like it."

  With that, Frankland took out a pound of tea leaves from the Najie and handed it to Su Yun.

  "Please accept it as an apology."

  Su Yun took it directly without any courtesy. This was what he deserved.

  Looking at Su Yun's actions, Frankland felt his heart bleed. This pound of tea was all he had in stock, and now he handed it over in one breath...

  But it was all worth it.

  Thinking of the insights Su Yun had said before, Frankland's heart was filled with excitement. The person in front of him was fundamentally different from people like them who had just entered the fourth level.

  Not only did he analyze some of the insights of the fourth-grade alchemist from the shallower to the deeper level, but he also corrected their mistakes sharply.

  It has obviously been many years since he entered the fourth level. He may have half a foot in the fifth level, maybe.

  Su Yun put the Qingling tea into Najie and spoke again.

  "President Frankland, I have one more thing to ask of you."

  Hearing this, Frankland was overjoyed and looked at Otto.

  This is a good thing. If it is done beautifully, maybe the master can give them some pointers.

  "Master, please tell me, I, Frankland, will do my best to help."

  Otto on the side also quickly agreed.

  "Me too."

  Su Yun nodded and said.

  "I need some fourth-grade magic cores, the more the better, and some medicinal materials."

  Su Yun read out the names of the medicinal materials one by one.

  Frankland and Otto clicked one by one.

  After Su Yun read the names of the medicinal materials, he stood up and planned to leave.
