

  Chapter 79 Questioning (First update!)

  The auras of the two people burst out at the same time, pressing towards each other, raising waves of sand.

  A group of people from the Motie Mercenary Corps who were not far away were crushed to the ground by the aftermath.

  A trace of fear flashed across Xiao Ding's eyes, and at the same time he also knew the identity of the strong man of the snake people.

  Queen Medusa!

  A charming snake woman who can fight against the guardians of the Jiama Empire.

  Who else could it be but Queen Medusa.

  At the same time, Xiao Ding was even more worried about Su Yun's situation.

  Medusa and Jia Xingtian confronted each other for a long time, and finally the two of them put away their auras.

  "Queen Medusa, you have crossed the line."

  A trace of gloom flashed across Jia Xingtian's calm face.

  When he sensed the presence of Queen Medusa at the border, he immediately rushed over.

  "Hmph, old man, you want to be beaten, right?"

  Queen Medusa let out a sneer on her charming face.

  Jia Xingtian's face changed, but his fighting spirit began to rise.

  As both of them were top-level fighters, even if his strength was not as good as Queen Medusa's, he would definitely be able to escape unscathed.

  Queen Medusa snorted again.

  "Okay, don't be like a frightened kitten, getting mad at just one sentence."

  Jia Xingtian's face was ugly. Looking around the entire Gama Empire, the only person who dared to compare him, Jia Xingtian, to a kitten

  was Medusa in front of him.

  But he didn't say anything, and his fighting spirit returned to calm, but the vigilance in his eyes did not disappear.

  From this sentence, he also understood Queen Medusa's attitude. She had no intention of starting a war.

  "In this case, Queen Medusa had better return to the heart of the Tagore Desert as soon as possible. The border of the Gama Empire is not a place for hostility."

  Jia Xingtian looked calm, and did not take Medusa's insulting words to heart.

  As an old monster who was almost a hundred years old, he had a good way of nourishing his energy and would not be angered by these one or two words.

  Queen Medusa looked indifferent, and the queen's majesty emanated at this moment.

  "If you want me to go back, hand over those humans to me."

  Queen Medusa pointed to the Desert Iron Mercenary Corps not far away.

  Hearing this, Xiao Ding, Xiao Li and others changed their expressions, and they showed fear that could not be concealed.

  Jia Xingtian frowned.


  Usually, there are many conflicts between the Snake People and the Gama Empire. The Snake People slaughter passing caravans, and it is not uncommon for humans to buy and sell Snake People.

  He usually does not have so much energy to take care of these trivial matters.

  But asking for people in front of him is impossible.

  He and Queen Medusa represent the Gama Empire and the Snake People respectively, and the nature is completely different from those small conflicts.

  One step back, step back.

  Today, cede five cities, tomorrow cede ten cities, and then you can sleep well for one night. Get up and look around, and the Qin soldiers are here again!

  Today Medusa wants a fighter and a fighter in front of him, will she ask for a great fighter and a fighting spirit tomorrow? !

  For the sake of the Gama Empire, he can lose face, but he cannot give in!

  Queen Medusa frowned, and understood what her request meant, and gave in slightly.

  "You don't have to give me the person, but I have a few questions now."

  Jia Xingtian wanted to refuse.

  At this time, the cold voice of Queen Medusa sounded.

  "Old man, don't be shameless!"

  Hearing this, Jia Xingtian pondered for a while and seemed to have made a decision. He

  waved his right hand slightly, and the fighting spirit in his body surged.

  The huge fighting spirit condensed under the feet of Xiao Ding, Xiao Li and others, and the original fine sand turned into hard lumps of soil.   

  With the help of Jia Xingtian's fighting spirit, they flew towards him.

  Xiao Ding, Xiao Li and others had a flash of shock in their eyes.

  The powerful Douhuang was so terrifying!

  Putting them beside him, Jia Xingtian's voice was gentle but with a hint of majesty of a high position.

  "Don't be afraid, just answer a few questions and you can go."

  Xiao Ding swallowed his saliva, and as the leader of the Motie Mercenary Corps, he took a step forward.

  "Yes, thank you, sir."

  Jia Xingtian nodded.

  Xiao Ding looked in the direction of Queen Medusa, but he didn't dare to look her in the eye, and just looked at the yellow sand all over the sky.

  Queen Medusa glanced at Jia Xingtian, and a cold voice rang out.

  "Why were you gathered around the entrance of this cave just now?"

  Thoughts raced through Xiao Ding's mind.

  In terms of strength, he was not as good as his second brother, and in terms of talent, he was not as good as Xiao Yan, but he was definitely the smartest one. He was the think tank of the entire Motie Mercenary Corps.

  She did not get what she wanted.

  Through this simple question, Xiao Ding got this information.

  If Queen Medusa had already got the things, let alone asking questions, she would probably have flown away.

  Did she meet Brother Zhang?


  At this time, Queen Medusa saw that Xiao Ding had not spoken for a long time, and her aura pressed towards him, her voice cold.

  Jia Xingtian frowned and waved his hand to disperse Queen Medusa's aura.

  Xiao Ding came back to his senses and prepared a perfect answer.

  "Someone from our Motie Mercenary Corps discovered that the entrance of this cave had collapsed a bit, so they thought there was some treasure. I gathered the brothers and dug it up, but before we could get in, you came."

  Xiao Ding said to Queen Medusa with a panicked look.

  Now it is not certain whether Brother Zhang has met Queen Medusa.

  We cannot reveal that we have a relationship with her.

  If we do not meet, but the relationship is exposed, Queen Medusa will know of Brother Zhang's existence, and will go down to look for him regardless of Xingtian's presence, and Brother Zhang will be in danger.

  And if we meet and the relationship is exposed, Queen Medusa may suspect us and hide the treasure, and we will be in danger.

  In either case, he just needs to pretend that he knows nothing.

  "Why did you take so long to answer?

  Are you trying to trick me? Speak!"

  Queen Medusa's voice was cold, and her eyes were fixed on Xiao Ding.

  Xiao Ding suddenly had an idea and smiled bitterly.

  "Haha, Your Majesty, you are joking.

  I am just an ant with the cultivation of a fighter. My legs are trembling in front of you.

  How can I speak right away?"

  Queen Medusa narrowed her charming eyes and did not doubt Xiao Ding's words.

  Not to mention humans, even ordinary members of their snake tribe were too nervous to speak in front of her.

  Queen Medusa asked a few more questions, but Xiao Ding was very careful with his words and did not reveal any information.

  Seeing that nothing useful could be learned from her, Queen Medusa snorted coldly, spread her wings of fighting spirit behind her, and flew to the depths of the Tagore Desert.

  Seeing Queen Medusa leave, Xiao Ding breathed a sigh of relief. With his mind relaxed, he was about to fall backwards. Fortunately, Xiao Li supported him from behind, so he did not fall to the ground.

  Under the gaze and pressure of a fighting emperor, it was difficult for him to hide the information without being discovered. Jia

  Xingtian, who was standing aside, looked at the cave in front of him, pondered for a while, and asked the two people.

  "Have you really never been down there?

  Queen Medusa has already left, you don't have to worry, just tell the truth."

  (End of this chapter)