

  Chapter 80 Five Star Fighting Spirit, Evolution of Kung Fu (Second update!)

  Xiao Ding smiled bitterly and said sincerely.

  "Jia Lao, I didn't lie just now, we really never went down there."

  Xiao Li, who was supporting Xiao Ding, also nodded.

  They did not lie. It was Brother Zhang who went in, not them.

  Jia Xingtian nodded, but he just asked casually.

  What is Queen Medusa looking for?

  Jia Xingtian turned his gaze to the cave entrance in front of him.

  With a decision in mind, he jumped down in a flash.

  Xiao Ding and Xiao Li looked at each other. Xiao Li was about to say something, but was stopped by Xiao Ding's eyes.

  Xiao Li was shocked and reacted.

  After years of baptism of fighting spirit, Dou Huang's eyesight and hearing are extremely powerful.

  If you say something you shouldn't say now, if Jia Xingtian isn't far away, you might be heard.

  On the other side, Jia Xingtian passed through the bottom passage, spread out his fighting spirit wings and flew over the magma.

  Frowning, there was nothing but endless magma.

  Feeling the heat here, Jia Xingtian gave up his plan to continue exploring.

  Even Queen Medusa returned in vain, so he didn't have to waste time.

  Shaking his head, he returned to the ground, ignored the Motie mercenary group, and flew directly back to the Jiajia Empire.

  The royal family of the Jiajia Empire is in decline, there is not even a fighting king, and the old man is also seriously injured.

  If nothing major happened, he would usually stay in the imperial capital.

  After being out for a long time now, he must rush back to the imperial capital to take charge.

  This is also the reason for giving up exploring magma.

  After Xiao Ding saw Jia Xingtian leaving, he finally felt relieved.


  At this time, in the system space, Su Yun was watching Jia Xingtian's actions.

  With a raised brow, Jiaxing Tiandu came over, and Queen Medusa must have left.

  Su Yun did not go out rashly, but still stayed in the system space.

  After three days and three nights of treatment, Su Yun's injuries recovered and his aura became stronger.

  Although it is extremely painful to refine the Qinglian Earth Core Fire, there are also many benefits.

  After forging his body with alien fire, his qualifications have further improved. At the same time, the capacity of Dou Qi in his body has increased a lot, and his body and meridians have become stronger after being destroyed and reshaped.

  Su Yun put his mind on his Dantian, guided Qinglian's inner fire, ran the "Fenhan Jue", and began to evolve the technique!

  In an instant, Su Yun's whole body was filled with green fire.

  After another half-day of suffering, "Fenhan Jue" finally succeeded in swallowing Qinglian's inner fire.

  After re-operating the technique, "Fen Han Jue" has a few more meridians for its operation.

  The earth-level low-level skill "Fenhan Jue"!

  At the same time, a huge amount of energy surged through the meridians!

  Su Yun ran "Fen Han Jue" and began to refine it.

  Another two hours passed.

  The aura on Su Yun's body surged!

  Five-star fighting spirit!

  Devouring this huge energy, his strength increased to four stars in one breath!

  Feeling the fighting spirit filling his body, a look of satisfaction flashed across Su Yun's face.

  He didn't go out immediately, and the situation outside was still unclear.


  In this way, Su Yun practiced in the system space for two months.

  No one has entered the hole above the magma in the past two months, so it should be safe...

  Su Yun unfolded the Purple Cloud Wings in the system space, and activated the Phantom Art and Flame Condensation Art, and then quietly appeared in the outside world. .

  Arriving above the magma, a hot breath hit my face.

  Su Yun unfolded his soul perception.


  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and cautiously approached the passage, showing Lao Goubi's demeanor to the fullest.

  After a while, Su Yun flew to the outside world.

  Nothing happened.

  Su Yun felt comfortable in his heart, and did not feel that his actions just now were in vain.

  In this world of cannibalism, one cannot be too vigilant.   

  Su Yun rushed to the Motie Mercenary Group.

  After all, they are famous and sexy supporting characters, and they are Xiao Yan's two elder brothers.

  Not long after Medusa left, Jiaxingtian appeared, and it was not certain that the two of them were saved.

  When Su Yun came to the Motie Mercenary Group, after searching, he found Xiao Ding and Xiao Li sparring in a courtyard.

  Remove the Phantom Art and reveal your body.

  "Two captains."

  Hearing this, the two Xiao brothers looked over and were overjoyed.

  "Brother Zhang!"

  The three of them went to a hidden room.

  Xiao Ding and Xiao Li explained what happened on the ground after Su Yun entered.

  Su Yun also protected himself with his master's secret treasure and was not discovered by the two fighting emperors. After that, he searched for the treasure underground for two months and then came up with a reason

  to stay underground for a long time.

  After some conversation, Su Yun took out two parchment scrolls.

  One Xuan-level intermediate skill, and one Xuan-level low-level fighting skill.

  He didn't like these two things, but as a reward for the two Xiao brothers, it was more than enough.

  After being polite for a while, Su Yun left.

  After Su Yun left, Xiao Li held the scroll in his hand and couldn't put it down.

  This is a Xuan-level intermediate skill with thunder attributes, which is just right for him.

  "Okay, look at you like that, why don't you put it away quickly."

  Xiao Ding scolded with a smile.


  Hearing this, Xiao Ding chuckled and changed the topic.

  "Brother, you said that the treasure that Brother Zhang is looking for is so powerful that he even provoked Queen Medusa."

  Xiao Ding shook his head and said to Xiao Li.

  "How could I, a little fighting master, know that? Since Brother Zhang is unwilling to tell us, it's better for us not to know. Knowing too much can easily lead to death."


  Su Yun followed the instructions given by Hai Bodong. Desert Map came to the hinterland of the desert and stayed there for seven days before finally finding the sand mandala he wanted.

  Su Yun used Ziyun Wing to start his return journey, planning to go directly to Stone Desert City.

  In fact, he still felt a little regretful.

  Qing Lin, the owner of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils, he still hasn't met yet.

  Before, he also asked the two brothers of the Xiao family to help him pay more attention. When he went to find the Motie Mercenary Group, he also asked, but there was no news at all.

  Su Yun shook his head, what a pity.

  After a while, Su Yun flew near Stone Desert City, folded his Ziyun Wings, revealed his body, and entered the city.

  After entering the city, Su Yun walked directly to Haibodong's map shop.

  On the way, suddenly, the sound of system machinery suddenly sounded.

  "Ding, it has been detected that the host has come into contact with enough people of great luck. The system meets the upgrade conditions and is being upgraded for one day.

  During this period, all functions of the system are shut down.

  Please forgive me, host.

  Stay tuned, system version 2.0!"

  in my mind The sound that appeared in the video shocked Su Yun.

  There was a hint of strangeness in his expression.

  In the first aspect, he had already prepared for the system upgrade and had guessed it before.

  As for the second aspect...

  Su Yun looked around.

  In his opinion, the system should be upgraded immediately when he comes into contact with enough so-called lucky people.

  Just like the previous contact with Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er, it will be activated immediately after contact, without any delay.

  So, here comes the question, who will be the lucky person appearing nearby?