


  Chapter 81 Qing Lin (The third update!)

  There were not many people on the road. The most conspicuous thing was the human traffickers who were engaged in human trafficking in the corner not far away.

  Su Yun walked forward and looked at the children in the cage and the sharp-tongued human trafficker.

  A trace of disgust flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and he put himself in his shoes.

  If his birthplace was not in Wutan City, but here.

  Maybe he would not even wait for him to grow up, and would be kidnapped and tortured by such human traffickers in front of him.

  The border is very chaotic.

  The human trafficker saw Su Yun and walked over.

  "Sir, would you like to take a look at the goods?"

  Su Yun frowned, but did not do anything heroic to rescue these children.

  The world is turbid and he is powerless to change it. Now that he has rescued them all, what next?

  Will he be caught by another human trafficker?

  Red ideas are not suitable for this world.

  The great man in the previous life was indeed amazing.

  Su Yun walked to the cages, squatted down, and looked at them one by one.

  Now the system is being upgraded and the scanning function cannot be used. He can only rely on his own eyesight.

  There is only one important supporting role left who will appear in this area.

  Su Yun looked at them one by one, and finally found a shivering little girl in the corner.

  Su Yun carefully observed her arm.

  Sure enough, there were some snake scales on the wrist.

  Su Yun waved his hand and called the human trafficker over.

  "That's her."

  "Sir, I'll give you a hundred gold coins."

  Su Yun took out a money bag from his ring and handed it to the vendor.

  This price is too much for an ordinary little girl, but for the owner of the Green Snake Tricolor Pupil, this price is a great bargain.

  The vendor weighed the money bag in his hand and showed joy on his face.

  A big fat sheep.

  "Sir, why don't you take a look? I'll give you a 10% discount on the second one."

  "No need."

  Su Yun said, and asked the vendor to open the cage and hold the little girl in his arms.

  Walking to the street, now that he met Qing Lin, he was not in a hurry to find Hai Bodong.

  Feeling Qing Lin trembling in his arms, Su Yun sighed in his heart.

  Another poor child.

  Being a mixed race of human and snake people, he will not get any benefits no matter where he goes.

  Su Yun came to an inn and rented an upper room.

  He put Qinglin in his arms on the bed.

  The little girl was a little shy, curled up into a ball, and looked at Su Yun timidly.

  "Hello, hello, I... I will serve you well in the future..."

  Su Yun sat on the bed, gently stroking the little girl's soft back, his voice gentle.

  "What's your name?"

  "I, I don't have a name..."

  It seemed that Su Yun's gentle attitude dissipated the fear in the little girl's heart. Finally, she exposed her little head buried in her legs and looked at Su Yun.

  The little girl was wearing a patched cloth, and her whole body was relatively clean.

  Buying and selling slaves also depends on the appearance.

  It is impossible for the human traffickers to feed and clothe these children, but when they are taken out to be sold, they are still asked to wipe their bodies clean and change into simple but clean clothes.

  In this way, the price can be higher.

  Su Yun's voice is still gentle, and he touches her little head with his big hand, with a very friendly smile on his face.

  "Then I will give you a name, okay?"

  "I will listen to my master."

  As time passed, the little girl gradually relaxed, although her face was still timid, like a frightened little white rabbit.

  But at least she no longer stuttered.

  "Then you will be called Qinglin from now on."

  Su Yun gently stroked the blue scales on Qinglin's snow-white arms.   

  Feeling Su Yun's movements, Qinglin's face, which was already pale to begin with, turned even paler.

  Because of these scales, she was often ostracized and looked down upon.

  After her mother died of overwork, she was caught by traffickers.

  Just because of these scales, no one was willing to buy her...

  She was so scared that this very gentle owner would abandon her because of these scales on her hands.

  She didn't like these scales, she hated them. She hated these scales, she hated the snake man who raped her mother!

  Even in the dead of night, she would be cruel and tear off these scales one by one, making her entire snow-white and soft arm bloody.

  But it was useless, no matter how many times she tore them off, these scales would grow back.

  As if knowing what she was thinking, Su Yun's gentle voice reached her ears.

  "It looks very beautiful. The scales on your arms are as cute as you. I like them very much."

  Su Yun's hands moved very gently, as if he was caressing a beloved piece of soft jade and couldn't let it go. A look

  of surprise flashed across Qinglin's cute face, and she looked at her gentle master.

  Her young heart skipped a beat.

  Su Yun didn't know what the little girl was thinking, but comforted her very gently.

  Who knew that Qinglin's eyes immediately turned red, tears filled her eye sockets, and flowed down her soft face.

  They dripped onto the bed sheets, soaking them.

  Am I dreaming... someone would actually like my scales, someone... would actually like me?

  Qinglin's head sank, and she fainted in Su Yun's arms.

  Su Yun felt a flash of headache.

  This girl, how could she faint while crying.

  Su Yun asked someone to prepare hot water in the room, took off the clothes on the little girl, and planned to wash her body.

  He held Qinglin in his arms.

  Well, petite, soft body, easy to push over.

  Putting the little girl in the bathtub, Su Yun began to wipe her body.

  The little girl is just a little girl, and she has been malnourished for a long time, so she is just a laundry scrubber.

  Su Yun didn't hide anything.

  He also took a bath with Xiao Yixian.

  When the process was halfway through, Qinglin's ignorant eyes opened, and the little girl woke up.

  Where am I, so gentle.

  It was as gentle and comfortable as when she was a child and took a bath with her mother when she was still alive.

  "Wake up."

  At this time, Su Yun's gentle voice sounded.

  The little girl reacted, looked at the gentle Su Yun in front of her, and then looked at her own situation. Her

  small oval face was instantly flushed, like a ripe apple.

  In this situation, Qinglin was dizzy and was tossed around by Su Yun.

  After being washed fragrantly, she changed into clean clothes, sat at the table, and had dinner with Su Yun.

  The clothes were given to the store owner with a bag of gold coins.

  Qinglin looked at the table full of dishes and the neat and beautiful clothes on her body, and her eyes became red again.

  Seeing Qinglin about to cry again, Su Yun felt a splitting headache.

  This girl, why is she so fond of crying?

  "Why...why are you so nice to me?"

  At this time, Qinglin's soft voice came. Su Yun

  stood up and held Qinglin in his arms.

  "Do you need a reason?"

  Qinglin was stunned, staring at Su Yun with wide eyes, not knowing what he meant.

  Qinglin's body was delicate, and holding her in his arms was like a warm pillow.

  "You don't need a reason to like someone."

  Qinglin's head was steaming, her eyes rolled up, and she fainted again.

  Su Yun: "..."

  This girl is really funny.